页 ⇒
页 xié/yè, [頁], head, page/leaf
网页 wǎngyè, [網頁], web page
主页 zhǔyè, [主頁], home page
页面 yèmiàn, [頁面], page/web page
书页 shūyè, [書頁], page of a book
插页 页码 yèmǎ, [頁碼], page number
折页 活页夹 活页 一页页 扉页 fēiyè, [扉頁], title page/flyleaf/end paper
版权页 页岩 yèyán, [頁岩], shale
码 ⇒
号码 hàomǎ, [號碼], number/CL:堆[duī],個|个[gè]
密码 mìmǎ, [密碼], secret code/ciphertext/password/PIN
码 mǎ, [碼], weight/number/code/to pile/to stack/classifier for length or distance (yard), ha...
起码 qǐmǎ, [起碼], at the minimum/at the very least
码头 mǎtóu, [碼頭], dock/pier/wharf/CL:個|个[gè]
代码 dàimǎ, [代碼], code
筹码 chóumǎ, [籌碼], bargaining chip/gaming chip/casino token
数码 shùmǎ, [數碼], number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code
编码 biānmǎ, [編碼], to code/to encode/code
尺码 chǐmǎ, [尺碼], size/fitting (of apparel)
两码事 liǎngmǎshì, [兩碼事], two quite different things/another kettle of fish
价码 jiàmǎ, [價碼], price tag
解码 jiěmǎ, [解碼], to decode/to decipher
解码器 jiěmǎqì, [解碼器], decoder
戏码 xìmǎ, [戲碼], item (on a program)
电码 码子 mǎzi, [碼子], number (e.g. page or house number)/numeral (e.g. Arabic or Chinese numeral)/code...
条形码 tiáoxíngmǎ, [條形碼], barcode
识别码 shíbiémǎ, [識別碼], identifier
砝码 fǎmǎ, [砝碼], standard weight (used on a balance scale)
译码 页码 yèmǎ, [頁碼], page number
编码器 biānmǎqì, [編碼器], encoder
邮政编码 yóuzhèngbiānmǎ, [郵政編碼], postal code/zip code
源代码 yuándàimǎ, [源代碼], source code (computing)
暗码 明码 míngmǎ, [明碼], non-secret code (such as Morse code, Chinese telegraph code, ASCII etc)/plaintex...
加码 jiāmǎ, [加碼], to ratchet up/to raise (expectations etc)/to increase (a quota, a position in th...
错误码 条码 tiáomǎ, [條碼], barcode
密码箱 译码器 yìmǎqì, [譯碼器], decoder
地址码 密码信