顺 ⇒
顺利 shùnlì, [順利], smoothly/without a hitch
顺便 shùnbiàn, [順便], conveniently/in passing/without much extra effort
顺 shùn, [順], to obey/to follow/to arrange/to make reasonable/along/favorable
顺序 shùnxù, [順序], sequence/order
顺着 shùnzhe, [順著], to follow/following/along
一路顺风 yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
顺路 shùnlù, [順路], by the way/while out doing sth else/conveniently
顺道 shùndào, [順道], on the way
顺风 shùnfēng, [順風], lit. tail wind/Bon voyage!
顺从 shùncóng, [順從], obedient/to comply/to submit/to defer
顺带 shùndài, [順帶], (do sth) in passing/incidentally (while doing sth else)
顺眼 shùnyǎn, [順眼], pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
温顺 wēnshùn, [溫順], docile/meek
顺手 shùnshǒu, [順手], easily/without trouble/while one is at it/in passing/handy
一帆风顺 yīfānfēngshùn, [一帆風順], propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have...
顺畅 shùnchàng, [順暢], smooth and unhindered/fluent
顺心 shùnxīn, [順心], happy/satisfactory
顺姬 孝顺 xiàoshùn, [孝順], filial/dutiful/devoted to one's parents (and grandparents etc)/to show filial pi...
顺手牵羊 shùnshǒuqiānyáng, [順手牽羊], lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emer...
柔顺 róushùn, [柔順], gentle and agreeable/supple/yielding
顺势 shùnshì, [順勢], to take advantage/to seize an opportunity/in passing/without taking extra troubl...
顺理成章 shùnlǐchéngzhāng, [順理成章], logical/only to be expected/rational and clearly structured (of text)
顺藤摸瓜 shùnténgmōguā, [順藤摸瓜], lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/to track sth following clues
理顺 lǐshùn, [理順], to straighten out/to sort out/to organize
顺子 shùnzi, [順子], a straight (poker, mahjong)
看不顺眼 kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
顺口 shùnkǒu, [順口], to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt out (without thinking)/to suit one's taste (...
逆来顺受 nìláishùnshòu, [逆來順受], to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it/to submit meekly to ...
顺耳 shùněr, [順耳], pleasing to the ear
名正言顺 míngzhèngyánshùn, [名正言順], in a way that justifies the use of the term/genuine/proper/in a way that conform...
洁顺 顺应 shùnyìng, [順應], to comply/to conform to/in tune with/adapting to/to adjust to
顺水推舟 shùnshuǐtuīzhōu, [順水推舟], lit. to push the boat with the current/fig. to take advantage of the situation f...
顺文 顺扬 花顺 百依百顺 bǎiyībǎishùn, [百依百順], docile and obedient/all obedience
南顺 顺义 Shùnyì, [順義], Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county
和顺 Héshùn/héshùn, [和順], Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jìn zhōng], Shanxi, sweet-tempered/acquiescent
顺流而下 朴顺玉 郑顺贞 李顺 归顺 guīshùn, [歸順], to surrender and pay allegiance to
顺风耳 shùnfēngěr, [順風耳], sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/fig. a well-informed person
顺境 shùnjìng, [順境], favorable circumstances
顺慧 顺延 shùnyán, [順延], to postpone/to procrastinate
恭顺 gōngshùn, [恭順], deferential/respectful
金顺义 张洁顺 顺顺 顺服 shùnfú, [順服], to submit to
李顺慧 朴一顺 朴顺文 英顺 通顺 tōngshùn, [通順], smooth/clear and coherent
顺英 吴顺慧 顺口溜 shùnkǒuliū, [順口溜], popular piece of doggerel/common phrase repeated as a jingle
奉顺 金洪顺 顺贞 顺顺当当 车顺姬 金明顺 冬顺 永顺 Yǒngshùn, [永順], Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiāng...
畅顺 chàngshùn, [暢順], smooth/unimpeded
光顺 喜顺 金英顺 白顺然 李顺扬 平顺 Píngshùn/píngshùn, [平順], Pingshun, county in Shanxi, smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing
北野顺 顺遂 shùnsuì, [順遂], everything is going smoothly/just as one wishes
顺产 shùnchǎn, [順產], to give birth without complications/easy childbirth/safe delivery/natural birth ...
顺珠 顺美 景顺 风调雨顺 fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
顺化 Shùnhuà, [順化], Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province
旅顺 Lǚshùn, [旅順], Lüshun/Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/called Port Arthur du...
朴成顺 顺永 倚顺 水野顺 康顺云 百顺 琪顺 河赫顺 金顺雅 于是顺 洪顺义 洪顺 金顺珠 金顺熙 宛顺 李顺臣 朴玉顺 陈顺 东顺水 李顺珠 李顺烈 河顺流 忠顺 韩顺工 金红顺 天顺 Tiānshùn, [天順], Tianshun Emperor, reign name of eighth Ming Emperor 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhū Qí zhèn] (1427-1...
爱顺 马顺 金顺宰 顺力 金智顺 顺民 shùnmín, [順民], docile subject (of new dynasty)/toady
顺流 顺代 喜顺真 顺和 shùnhé, [順和], gentle/affable
顺宗 顺差 shùnchā, [順差], (trade or budget) surplus
潘喜顺 顺德 Shùndé, [順德], Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fó shān shì], Guangdong
顺当 shùndang, [順當], smoothly
畅 ⇒
流畅 liúchàng, [流暢], flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy
畅销 chàngxiāo, [暢銷], to sell well/best seller/chart-topping
畅销书 chàngxiāoshū, [暢銷書], best-seller/best-selling book/blockbuster
顺畅 shùnchàng, [順暢], smooth and unhindered/fluent
畅饮 chàngyǐn, [暢飲], to have a few drinks/to drink to one's heart's content
畅通 chàngtōng, [暢通], unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/unclogged/move without obstruction
畅所欲言 chàngsuǒyùyán, [暢所欲言], lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite t...
畅 chàng, [暢], free/unimpeded/smooth/at ease/free from worry/fluent
通畅 tōngchàng, [通暢], unobstructed/clear
舒畅 shūchàng, [舒暢], happy/entirely free from worry
畅通无阻 畅游 畅快 chàngkuài, [暢快], carefree
畅谈 chàngtán, [暢談], to talk freely/to discuss without inhibition
酣畅淋漓 hānchànglínlí, [酣暢淋漓], to one's heart's content (idiom)
畅行无阻 畅想 chàngxiǎng, [暢想], to think freely/unfettered imagination
畅顺 chàngshùn, [暢順], smooth/unimpeded
欢畅 huānchàng, [歡暢], happy/cheerful/jubilant
宽畅 kuānchàng, [寬暢], with no worries/cheerful/spacious
酣畅 hānchàng, [酣暢], unrestrained/cheerful lack of inhibition, esp. for drinking or sleeping/to drink...