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[順藤摸瓜] shùnténgmōguā lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon
to track sth following clues

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Word Compounds

        shùnlì, [順利], smoothly/without a hitch
便         shùnbiàn, [順便], conveniently/in passing/without much extra effort
        shùn, [順], to obey/to follow/to arrange/to make reasonable/along/favorable
        shùnxù, [順序], sequence/order
        shùnzhe, [順著], to follow/following/along
        yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
        shùnlù, [順路], by the way/while out doing sth else/conveniently
        shùndào, [順道], on the way
        shùnfēng, [順風], lit. tail wind/Bon voyage!
        shùncóng, [順從], obedient/to comply/to submit/to defer
        shùndài, [順帶], (do sth) in passing/incidentally (while doing sth else)
        shùnyǎn, [順眼], pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
        wēnshùn, [溫順], docile/meek
        shùnshǒu, [順手], easily/without trouble/while one is at it/in passing/handy
        yīfānfēngshùn, [一帆風順], propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have...
        shùnchàng, [順暢], smooth and unhindered/fluent
        shùnxīn, [順心], happy/satisfactory
        xiàoshùn, [孝順], filial/dutiful/devoted to one's parents (and grandparents etc)/to show filial pi...
        shùnshǒuqiānyáng, [順手牽羊], lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emer...
        róushùn, [柔順], gentle and agreeable/supple/yielding
        shùnshì, [順勢], to take advantage/to seize an opportunity/in passing/without taking extra troubl...
        shùnlǐchéngzhāng, [順理成章], logical/only to be expected/rational and clearly structured (of text)
        shùnténgmōguā, [順藤摸瓜], lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/to track sth following clues
        lǐshùn, [理順], to straighten out/to sort out/to organize
        shùnzi, [順子], a straight (poker, mahjong)
        kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
        shùnkǒu, [順口], to read smoothly (of text)/to blurt out (without thinking)/to suit one's taste (...
        nìláishùnshòu, [逆來順受], to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it/to submit meekly to ...
        shùněr, [順耳], pleasing to the ear
        míngzhèngyánshùn, [名正言順], in a way that justifies the use of the term/genuine/proper/in a way that conform...
        shùnyìng, [順應], to comply/to conform to/in tune with/adapting to/to adjust to
        shùnshuǐtuīzhōu, [順水推舟], lit. to push the boat with the current/fig. to take advantage of the situation f...
        bǎiyībǎishùn, [百依百順], docile and obedient/all obedience
        Shùnyì, [順義], Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county
        Héshùn/héshùn, [和順], Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jìn zhōng], Shanxi, sweet-tempered/acquiescent
        guīshùn, [歸順], to surrender and pay allegiance to
        shùnfēngěr, [順風耳], sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/fig. a well-informed person
        shùnjìng, [順境], favorable circumstances
        shùnyán, [順延], to postpone/to procrastinate
        gōngshùn, [恭順], deferential/respectful
        shùnfú, [順服], to submit to
        tōngshùn, [通順], smooth/clear and coherent
        shùnkǒuliū, [順口溜], popular piece of doggerel/common phrase repeated as a jingle
        Yǒngshùn, [永順], Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiāng...
        chàngshùn, [暢順], smooth/unimpeded
        Píngshùn/píngshùn, [平順], Pingshun, county in Shanxi, smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing
        shùnsuì, [順遂], everything is going smoothly/just as one wishes
        shùnchǎn, [順產], to give birth without complications/easy childbirth/safe delivery/natural birth ...
        fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
        Shùnhuà, [順化], Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province
        Lǚshùn, [旅順], Lüshun/Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/called Port Arthur du...
        Tiānshùn, [天順], Tianshun Emperor, reign name of eighth Ming Emperor 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhū Qí zhèn] (1427-1...
        shùnmín, [順民], docile subject (of new dynasty)/toady
        shùnhé, [順和], gentle/affable
        shùnchā, [順差], (trade or budget) surplus
        Shùndé, [順德], Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市[Fó shān shì], Guangdong
        shùndang, [順當], smoothly

        téng, [籐], variant of 藤[téng], rattan/cane/vine
        chángchūnténg, ivy
        Téngtián, Fujita (Japanese surname)
        Gōngténg, Kudō (Japanese surname)
        zǐténg, wisteria
        Jiāténg, Katō (Japanese surname)
        Zuǒténg, Satō (Japanese surname)
        chángqīngténg, ivy
        shùnténgmōguā, [順藤摸瓜], lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/to track sth following clues
        téngtiáo, [藤條], rattan
        Hòuténg, [後藤], Gotō (Japanese surname)
        Ānténg, Andō (Japanese surname)
        Yīténg, Itō or Itoh, Japanese surname/Ito-Yokado (supermarket) (abbr. for 伊藤洋華堂|伊藤洋华堂)
        Zhāiténg, [齋藤], Saitō (Japanese surname)
        Téngyuán, Fujiwara (Japanese surname)
        téngmàn, vine/also pr. [téng wàn]
        pútaoténg, grape vine
        téngqiú, sepak takraw (sport)
        Téngběn, Fujimoto (Japanese surname)
        Yuǎnténg, [遠藤], Endō (Japanese surname)
        téngyǐ, rattan chair
        Téngjǐng, Fujii (Japanese surname)
        Téngzé, [藤澤], Fujisawa (Japanese surname and place name)
        Téngsēn, Fujimori (Japanese surname)/Alberto Ken'ya Fujimori (1938-), president of Peru 1...

        mō/mó, to feel with the hand/to touch/to stroke/to grope/to steal/to abstract, variant ...
        chùmō, [觸摸], to touch
        fǔmō, [撫摸], to gently caress and stroke/to pet/to fondle
        tōutōumōmō, surreptitious/sneaky
        zhuōmō, to fathom/to make sense of/to grasp
        mōsuo, to feel about/to grope about/to fumble/to do things slowly
        shùnténgmōguā, [順藤摸瓜], lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/to track sth following clues
        mōqīng, to suss out/to figure out/to ascertain
        mōhēi, to grope about in the dark
        gūmo, to reckon/to guess
        húnshuǐmōyú, [渾水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
        chùmōpíng, [觸摸屏], touchscreen
        mōpágǔndǎ, [摸爬滾打], to go through challenging experiences/to become seasoned (in one's profession et...
        húnshuǐmōyú, [混水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
        mōdǐ, to have a clear view (of a situation)/to fish for information/fact-finding
        qǐzǎomōhēi, see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑[qǐ zǎo tān hēi]
        yuēmo, [約摸], about/around/approximately/also written 約莫|约莫

        shǎguā, idiot/fool
        guā, melon/gourd/squash
        nánguā, pumpkin
        guāgé, connection/association/involvement
西         xīguā, watermelon/CL:顆|颗[kē],粒[lì],個|个[ge]
        huángguā, [黃瓜], cucumber/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        Níjiālāguā, Nicaragua
        nǎoguā, [腦瓜], skull/brain/head/mind/mentality/ideas
        shùnténgmōguā, [順藤摸瓜], lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon/to track sth following clues
        mùguā, papaya (Carica papaya)/genus Chaenomeles of shrubs in the family Rosaceae/Chines...
        tiánguā, muskmelon
        hāmìguā, Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe
        dōngguā, wax gourd (Cucurbitaceae, Benincasa hispida)/white gourd/white hairy melon/Chine...
        kǔguā, bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pear, balsam apple, leprosy gourd, bitter cuc...
        guāfēn, to partition/to divide up
        Èguāduōěr, [厄瓜多爾], Ecuador
        guāzǐ, melon seed/seeds of pumpkin, watermelon or sunflower etc, roasted and flavored, ...
        sīguā, [絲瓜], luffa (loofah)
        xiāngguā, cantaloupe melon
        fānmùguā, papaya
        dìguā, sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)/yam (family Dioscoreaceae)
        guāguǒ, fruit (plural sense)/melons and fruit
        Guādéluópǔ, [瓜德羅普], Guadeloupe
        shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
        Guādálāhālā, [瓜達拉哈拉], Guadalajara
        nǎoguāzi, [腦瓜子], see 腦瓜|脑瓜[nǎo guā]
        guāshúdìluò, when the melon is ripe, it falls (idiom); problems sort themselves out in the fu...
        Mǎnàguā, [馬那瓜], Managua, capital of Nicaragua
        hāmìguā, Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe/also written 哈密瓜
        húguā, cucumber
        báilánguā, [白蘭瓜], honeydew melon
        tángguā, malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen god Zaoshen 灶神
        jiàngguā, [醬瓜], pickled cucumber
        wōguā, (dialect) pumpkin

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