预 ⇒
预约 yùyuē, [預約], booking/reservation/to book/to make an appointment
预言 yùyán, [預言], to predict/prophecy
预测 yùcè, [預測], to forecast/to predict
预感 yùgǎn, [預感], to have a premonition/premonition
预算 yùsuàn, [預算], budget
预备 yùbèi, [預備], to prepare/to make ready/preparation/preparatory
预料 yùliào, [預料], to forecast/to anticipate/expectation
预定 yùdìng, [預定], to schedule in advance
预见 yùjiàn, [預見], to foresee/to predict/to forecast/to envision/foresight/intuition/vision
预 yù, [預], to advance/in advance/beforehand/to prepare
预计 yùjì, [預計], to forecast/to predict/to estimate
预期 yùqī, [預期], to expect/to anticipate
预告 yùgào, [預告], to forecast/to predict/advance notice
预订 yùdìng, [預訂], to place an order/to book ahead
预防 yùfáng, [預防], to prevent/to take precautions against/to protect/to guard against/precautionary...
预先 yùxiān, [預先], beforehand/in advance
预谋 yùmóu, [預謀], premeditated/to plan sth in advance (esp. a crime)
预报 yùbào, [預報], forecast
预想 yùxiǎng, [預想], to anticipate/to expect
干预 gānyù, [干預], to meddle/to intervene/intervention
预兆 yùzhào, [預兆], omen/sign (of sth yet to occur)/prior indication/to foreshadow
预警 yùjǐng, [預警], warning/early warning
预科 yùkē, [預科], preparatory course (in college)
预示 yùshì, [預示], to indicate/to foretell/to forebode/to betoken
预付 yùfù, [預付], to pay in advance/prepaid
预言家 yùyánjiā, [預言家], prophet
预演 yùyǎn, [預演], dummy run/to run through sth/to rehearse
预产期 yùchǎnqī, [預產期], expected date of childbirth/estimated due date (EDD)
预备役 预支 yùzhī, [預支], to pay in advance/to get payment in advance
预备队 预留 yùliú, [預留], to set aside/to reserve
预选 yùxuǎn, [預選], preselection/short-listing/primary election
预防针 yùfángzhēn, [預防針], immunization injection/fig. forewarning/heads-up/preventive measure
预案 yùàn, [預案], contingency plan
预估 yùgū, [預估], to estimate/to forecast/prediction/projection
预赛 yùsài, [預賽], preliminary competition/to hold preliminary heats
预祝 yùzhù, [預祝], to congratulate beforehand/to offer best wishes for
预报员 预付款 预热 yùrè, [預熱], to preheat/warm-up
预审 yùshěn, [預審], preliminary hearing/interrogation (of a suspect)/preliminary examination (of a p...
预见性 预展 预习 yùxí, [預習], to prepare a lesson
预后 yùhòu, [預後], prognosis
出乎预料 chūhūyùliào, [出乎預料], beyond expectation (idiom); unexpected
预售 yùshòu, [預售], advance sale/to sell in advance/to book
预算案 超预算 预算内 总预算 预装 yùzhuāng, [預裝], prefabricated/preinstalled/bundled (software)
预购 yùgòu, [預購], advance purchase
预警机 yùjǐngjī, [預警機], early warning aircraft system, e.g. US AWACS
预备生 预处理 预制 yùzhì, [預製], prefabricated/precut/to prefabricate
参预 cānyù, [參預], variant of 參與|参与[cān yù]
售 ⇒
销售 xiāoshòu, [銷售], to sell/to market/sales (representative, agreement etc)
出售 chūshòu, to sell/to offer for sale/to put on the market
售 shòu, to sell/to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)
销售员 兜售 dōushòu, to hawk/to peddle
零售 língshòu, to retail/to sell individually or in small quantities
售货机 售货员 shòuhuòyuán, [售貨員], salesperson/CL:個|个[gè]
发售 fāshòu, [發售], to sell
销售额 xiāoshòué, [銷售額], sales figure/total income from sales/turnover
售出 零售商 língshòushāng, retailer/shopkeeper/retail merchant
售票处 shòupiàochù, [售票處], ticket office
抛售 pāoshòu, [拋售], to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)
售票 销售商 销售量 售卖 shòumài, [售賣], to sell
零售业 售票员 shòupiàoyuán, [售票員], ticket seller
零售价 售完 shòuwán, to sell out
售价 shòujià, [售價], selling price
售货 shòuhuò, [售貨], to sell goods
零售店 língshòudiàn, shop/retail store
销售一空 售书 寄售 jìshòu, sale on consignment
销售点 xiāoshòudiǎn, [銷售點], point of sale (POS)/checkout/retail outlet
售房 代售 售票机 预售 yùshòu, [預售], advance sale/to sell in advance/to book
售票点 售后服务 shòuhòufúwù, [售後服務], after-sales service
销售网 售票口 shòupiàokǒu, ticket window
销售税 零售点 经售 售货亭