All Possible Words
麦 Mài/mài, [麥], surname Mai, wheat/barley/oats
麦可 Màikě, [麥可], Mike (name)
可 kě/kè, can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used for emphasis) certai...
欧 Ōu/ōu, [歐], Europe/abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ōu zhōu]/surname Ou, (used for transliteration)/old varia...
戴 Dài/dài, surname Dai, to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)/to respect/to bear/to ...
戴尔 Dàiěr, [戴爾], Dell
尔 ěr, [尒]/[爾], variant of 爾|尔[ěr], thus/so/like that/you/thou
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