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[國家計劃委員會] GuójiāJìhuàWěiyuánhuì PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會
>国家发展计划委员会[Guó jiā Fā zhǎn Jì huà Wěi yuán huì] then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會
>国家发展和改革委员会[Guó jiā Fā zhǎn hé Gǎi gé Wěi yuán huì]

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        Měiguó, [美國], United States/USA/US
        guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
        Yīngguó, [英國], United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lián hé wáng guó]/United Kingdom of Great Britain and N...
        Fǎguó, [法國], France/French
        Zhōngguó, [中國], China
        guówáng, [國王], king/CL:個|个[gè]
        Déguó, [德國], Germany/German
        quánguó, [全國], whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national
        guójì, [國際], international
        Guó/guó, [國], surname Guo, country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[gè]
        Éguó, [俄國], Russia
        Hánguó, [韓國], South Korea (Republic of Korea)/Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring...
        dìguó, [帝國], empire/imperial
        Guóhuì, [國會], Parliament (UK)/Congress (US)/Diet (Japan)/Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)
        guótǔ, [國土], country's territory/national land
        wángguó, [王國], kingdom/realm
        wàiguó, [外國], foreign (country)/CL:個|个[gè]
        guónèi, [國內], domestic/internal (to a country)/civil
        Liánhéguó, [聯合國], United Nations
        zǔguó, [祖國], motherland
        guówài, [國外], abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign
        Guófángbù, [國防部], Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense
        Tàiguó, [泰國], Thailand/Thai
        guómín, [國民], nationals/citizens/people of a nation
        gònghéguó, [共和國], republic
        guódù, [國度], country/nation
        chūguó, [出國], to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration
        wǒguó, [我國], our country/China
        wàiguórén, [外國人], foreigner
        pànguó, [叛國], treason
        àiguó, [愛國], to love one's country/patriotic
        guóqí, [國旗], flag (of a country)/CL:面[miàn]
        Àiguózhě/àiguózhě, [愛國者], MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile, patriot
        guófáng, [國防], national defense
        hézhòngguó, [合眾國], federated nation/the United States
        Guówùyuàn, [國務院], State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)
        tiānguó, [天國], Kingdom of Heaven
        pànguózuì, [叛國罪], the crime of treason
        huíguó, [回國], to return to one's home country
        Měiguórén, [美國人], American/American person/American people/CL:個|个[gè]
        guóbiāowǔ, [國標舞], international standard ballroom dancing
        guówùqīng, [國務卿], Secretary of State
        guógē, [國歌], national anthem
        guófángbùzhǎng, [國防部長], Defense secretary/Defense Minister
        gèguó, [各國], each country/every country/various countries
        yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
        běnguó, [本國], one's own country
        quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
        guójiè, [國界], national boundary/border between countries
        guójí, [國籍], nationality
        guólì, [國立], national/state-run/public
        Guóqìng, [國慶], National Day
        guójìxiàngqí, [國際象棋], chess/CL:副[fù]
        guìguó, [貴國], your distinguished country
        guóxǐ, [國璽], seal of state
        LuómǎDìguó, [羅馬帝國], Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
        Guóqìngjié, [國慶節], PRC National Day (October 1st)
        dìguózhǔyì, [帝國主義], imperialism
        kuàguó, [跨國], transnational/multinational
        guókù, [國庫], public purse/state treasury/national exchequer
        guójìng, [國境], national border/frontier
        Mínguó, [民國], Republic of China (1912-1949)/used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e....
        àiguózhǔyì, [愛國主義], patriotism
        méngguó, [盟國], allies/united countries
        guóbǎo, [國寶], national treasure
        kuàguógōngsī, [跨國公司], transnational corporation/multinational corporation
        Yīngguórén, [英國人], British person/British people
        guójìxìng, [國際性], international/internationalism
        guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
        guórén, [國人], compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen
        jiànguó, [建國], to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949
        guóyǒu, [國有], nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned
        díguó, [敵國], enemy country
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        dàguó, [大國], a power (i.e. a dominant country)
        dǎoguó, [島國], island nation (sometimes refers specifically to Japan)
        guóbiāo, [國標], Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码
        màiguózéi, [賣國賊], traitor
        guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
        Qiángguó/qiángguó, [強國], (ironically) mainland China (Taiwan & Hong Kong usage), powerful country/great p...
        kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
        guótàimínān, [國泰民安], the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
        guóbīn, [國賓], state visitor/visiting head of state
        guófù, [國父], father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)
        chāojídàguó, [超級大國], superpower
        Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
        DuōmǐníjiāGònghéguó, [多米尼加共和國], Dominican Republic
        línguó, [鄰國], bordering country/neighbor country/neighboring countries/surrounding countries
        guóchǎn, [國產], domestically produced
        guójìfǎ, [國際法], international law
        guójìhuà, [國際化], to internationalize/internationalization
        tóngméngguó, [同盟國], allied nation/ally/confederation
        guódào, [國道], national highway
        tāguó, [他國], another country
        Fēiguódà, [非國大], African National Congress, ANC/abbr. for 非洲人國民大會|非洲人国民大会[Fēi zhōu rén guó mín dà...
        yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
        guīguó, [歸國], to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad
        lìguó, [立國], to found a country
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        Déguórén, [德國人], German person or people
        jǔguóshàngxià, [舉國上下], the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
        Fǎguórén, [法國人], Frenchman/French person
        guóshì, [國事], affairs of the nation/politics
        guójūn, [國君], monarch
        guóyàn, [國宴], state banquet
        Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
        màiguó, [賣國], to betray one's country
        guóqíng, [國情], the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country/current state of a...
        guójiào, [國教], state religion
        Lǐxiǎngguó/lǐxiǎngguó, [理想國], Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC), ideal state/utopia
        guónèiwài, [國內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
        Wūsūnguó, [烏孫國], Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)
        zhìguó, [治國], to rule a country
        Zhōngguóshì, [中國式], Chinese style/à la chinoise
        guówù, [國務], affairs of state
        guójìjí, [國際級], (at an) international level
        gōngguó, [公國], duchy/dukedom/principality
        bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
        lièguó, [列國], various countries
        JiékèGònghéguó, [捷克共和國], Czech Republic
        ÀiěrlánGònghéguó, [愛爾蘭共和國], Republic of Ireland
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
        guólì, [國力], a nation's power
        guófǎ, [國法], national law
        Zhóuxīnguó, [軸心國], Axis powers (World War II)
        Mèngjiālāguó, [孟加拉國], Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
        GuójìHuòbìJījīnZǔzhī, [國際貨幣基金組織], International Monetary Fund (IMF)
        gùguó, [故國], country with an ancient history
        Liánhéwángguó, [聯合王國], United Kingdom
        Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
        bàoguó, [報國], to dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
        Guóyǔ, [國語], Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primar...
        guózéi, [國賊], traitor to the nation
        běiguó, [北國], the northern part of the country/the North
        Guómíndǎng, [國民黨], Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party
        Guótài, [國泰], Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)
        wángguó, [亡國], (of a nation) to be destroyed/subjugation/vanquished nation
        qióngguó, [窮國], poor country
        guóshì, [國勢], national strength/situation in a state
        GuóLián, [國聯], abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guó jì Lián méng], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in G...
        guóyùn, [國運], fate of the nation
        zìyóuwángguó, [自由王國], realm of freedom (philosophy)
        zhōnglìguó, [中立國], neutral country
        guóshū, [國書], credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dyna...
        guózhài, [國債], national debt/government debt
        huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
        Hánguórén, [韓國人], Korean (person)
        shǔguó, [屬國], vassal state
        huángqīnguóqī, [皇親國戚], the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections
        jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
        Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
        guóyíng, [國營], state-run (company etc)/nationalized
        guózàng, [國葬], state funeral
        wànguó, [萬國], all nations
        Guójìgē, [國際歌], The Internationale
        guóqǐ, [國企], state enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management...
        guómíng, [國名], name of country
        GuóDà, [國大], abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during v...
        Sānguó, [三國], Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms period...
        bǎohùguó, [保護國], protectorate
        wàiguóyǔ, [外國語], foreign language
        yīguóliǎngzhì, [一國兩制], one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
        BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
        ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        sàngquánrǔguó, [喪權辱國], to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory ...
        Ānguó, [安國], Anguo county level city in Baoding 保定[Bǎo dìng], Hebei
        fānguó, [藩國], feudatory/vassal state
        xiéyuēguó, [協約國], Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW)
        guóbīnguǎn, [國賓館], state guesthouse
        guóyǒuhuà, [國有化], nationalization
        guójìzhǔyì, [國際主義], internationalism
        Mǎnzhōuguó, [滿洲國], Manchukuo
        fǎnguó, [返國], to return to one's country
        MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
访         guóshìfǎngwèn, [國事訪問], state visit
        SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
        guócè, [國策], a national policy
        guóhuò, [國貨], domestically produced goods
        guósètiānxiāng, [國色天香], national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
        ÀosīmànDìguó, [奧斯曼帝國], the Ottoman Empire
        bìguānsuǒguó, [閉關鎖國], to close the passes and seal off the country/to close a country to exclude forei...
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        guóhào, [國號], official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Hàn], 唐[Táng] e...
        guóxué, [國學], Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial Co...
        guóshù, [國術], martial arts
        guócuì, [國粹], national essence/quintessence of national culture
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        fùguó, [富國], rich country/make the country wealthy (political slogan)
线         guójièxiàn, [國界線], border between countries/line forming the border
        xùnguó, [殉國], to die for one's country
        guókùquàn, [國庫券], treasury bond

        jiā, [傢], see 傢伙|家伙[jiā huo], home/family/(polite) my (sister, uncle etc)/classifier for f...
        dàjiā, everyone/influential family/great expert
        jiāhuo, [傢伙], variant of 家伙[jiā huo], household dish, implement or furniture/domestic animal/(...
        huíjiā, to return home
        guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiātíng, family/household/CL:戶|户[hù],個|个[gè]
        jiālǐ, [家裡], home
        jiārén, household/(one's) family
        jiāzú, family/clan
        zhuānjiā, [專家], expert/specialist/CL:個|个[gè]
        rénjiā/rénjia, household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house of woman's hu...
        zuòjiā, author/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        yìshùjiā, [藝術家], artist/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        kēxuéjiā, [科學家], scientist/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiāzhǎng, [家長], head of a household/family head/patriarch/parent or guardian of a child
        yījiā, the whole family/the same family/the family ... (when preceded by a family name)...
        bānjiā, to move house/removal
        jiāxiāng, [家鄉], hometown/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
        quánjiā, whole family
        jiājù, furniture/CL:件[jiàn],套[tào]
        lǎojiāhuo, [老傢伙], variant of 老家伙[lǎo jiā huo], (coll.) old fellow/old codger
        huángjiā, royal/imperial household
        wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
        sījiā, private/privately owned or managed
        mǎijiā, [買家], buyer/client
        jiāyuán, [家園], home/homeland
        guǎnjiā, housekeeper/butler/manage one's household
        huàjiā, [畫家], painter/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǎojiā, native place/place of origin/home state or region
        jiāshǔ, [家屬], family member/(family) dependent
        jiāmén, [家門], house door/family clan
        dújiā, [獨家], exclusive
        yīnyuèjiā, [音樂家], musician
        hǎojiāhuo, my God!/oh boy!/man!
        jiāwù, [家務], household duties/housework
        zhèngzhìjiā, statesman/politician/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        lǎorénjiā, polite term for old woman or man
        zìjiā, oneself/one's own family
        jiājiào, family education/upbringing/to bring sb up/private tutor
        hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
        wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
        yǎngjiā, [養家], to support a family/to raise a family
        yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
        zuòqǔjiā, composer/songwriter
        shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
        Xiǎoshuōjiā/xiǎoshuōjiā, [小說家], School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū zǐ bǎ...
        zhéxuéjiā, [哲學家], philosopher
        yījiāzi, the whole family
        pínglùnjiā, [評論家], critic/reviewer
        císhànjiā, philanthropist/humanitarian/charity donor
        shùxuéjiā, [數學家], mathematician
        fāmíngjiā, [發明家], inventor
        jùzuòjiā, [劇作家], playwright
        kǎogǔxuéjiā, [考古學家], archaeologist
        zhuāngjiā, [莊家], farmhouse/banker (gambling)
        yùyánjiā, [預言家], prophet
        jiāzhǎnghuì, [家長會], parent-teacher conference/parents' association
        jiāzhèng, housekeeping
        línjiā, [鄰家], next-door neighbor/neighboring household/adjacent country (short for 鄰接的國家|邻接的国家...
        dàojiā, perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree
        chéngjiā, to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized expert
        jiāshì, family matters/domestic affairs/housework
        màijiā, [賣家], seller
        jiādàng, [家當], familial property/belongings
        wǔdǎojiā, dancer
        jiāyòng, home-use/domestic/family expenses/housekeeping money
        niángjia, married woman's parents' home
便         jiāchángbiànfàn, [家常便飯], simple home-style meal/common occurrence/nothing out of the ordinary
        jiājū, home/residence/to stay at home (unemployed)
        pīpíngjiā, [批評家], critic
        guòjiājiā, [過家家], to play house
        qǐyèjiā, [企業家], entrepreneur
        báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
        chóujiā, enemy/foe
        shìjiā, family influential for generations/aristocratic family
        tànxiǎnjiā, [探險家], explorer
        shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
        gāngqínjiā, [鋼琴家], pianist
        mànhuàjiā, [漫畫家], cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka)
        quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
        āijiāāihù, [挨家挨戶], to go from house to house
        huàxuéjiā, [化學家], chemist
        màoxiǎnjiā, [冒險家], adventurer
        yuānjia, enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or destined love
        qīngjiādàngchǎn, [傾家蕩產], to lose a family fortune (idiom)
        jūjiā, to live at home/to stay at home/home (schooling etc)/in-home (care etc)/househol...
        ānjiā, to settle down/to set up a home
        yīnmóujiā, [陰謀家], schemer/conspirator
        jiāchǎn, [家產], family property
        jiāqín, poultry/domestic fowl
        tiānwénxuéjiā, [天文學家], astronomer
        zīběnjiā, [資本家], capitalist
        jiāfù, (polite) my father
        jiāyùhùxiǎo, [家喻戶曉], understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
        chuánjiābǎo, [傳家寶], family heirloom
        dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
        jiāshì, wife/family/(literary) residence
        qǐjiā, to start out by/to grow an enterprise beginning with/to begin one's career by
        chǎngjiā, [廠家], factory/factory owners
        jiāchù, domestic animal/livestock/cattle
        dāngjiā, [當家], to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to call the shots/...
        sīxiǎngjiā, thinker
        fēnxījiā, (political) analyst
        jiācháng, the daily life of a family
        kānjiā, to look after the house/(of skill, ability) special/outstanding
        fājiā, [發家], to lay down a family fortune/to get rich/to become prosperous
        gēchàngjiā, singer
        yījiārén, household/the whole family
        qìngjia, [親家], parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law/relatives by marriage
        dōngjiā, [東家], master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss
        jiāchángcài, home cooking
        huílǎojiā, to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ...
        guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
        zhùjiā, residence/household/to reside
        Nóngjiā/nóngjiā, [農家], School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 B...
        jiāpǔ, [家譜], genealogy/family tree
        fēnjiā, to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups
        jiāyè, [家業], family property
        kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
        měishíjiā, gourmet
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        jiājìng, family financial situation/family circumstances
        zhǐhuījiā, [指揮家], conductor (music)
        shāngjiā, merchant/business/enterprise
        jiādiàn, [家電], household electric appliance/abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
        guānchájiā, [觀察家], observer/The Observer (UK newspaper)
        guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
        diāokèjiā, sculptor
        Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
        shèyǐngjiā, [攝影家], photographer
        lǐlùnjiā, [理論家], theorist/theoretician
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
        gōngjiā, the public/the state/society/the public purse
        Míngjiā/míngjiā, School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the S...
        jiāchǒu, [家醜], family scandal/skeleton in the closet
        pójia, husband's family
        wénxuéjiā, [文學家], writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
        shíyèjiā, [實業家], industrialist
        gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
        jīnróngjiā, financier/banker
        huódòngjiā, [活動家], activist
        jiāpòrénwáng, family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned/destitute and h...
        shígànjiā, [實幹家], sb who gets things done/doer
        bàijiāzǐ, [敗家子], spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal
        jiāmǔ, (polite) my mother
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        jǔjiā, [舉家], the whole family
        wàijiāojiā, diplomat
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        nǚrénjia, women (in general)
        chūjiā, to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)
        fǎnjiā, to return home
        héjiā, whole family/entire household
        běnjiā, a member of the same clan/a distant relative with the same family name
        chéngjiālìyè, [成家立業], to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself
        jiàoyùjiā, educationalist
        yuānjiāduìtóu, [冤家對頭], enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy
        diànjiā, proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/shop
        jiāchén, counselor of king or feudal warlord/henchman
        shàngjiā, preceding player (in a game)
        jiànshǎngjiā, [鑒賞家], connoisseur/appreciative person/fan
        guǎnjiāpó, housewife (jocularly)/female housekeeper of a higher rank (old)/busybody
        Dàojiā, Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings ...
        sàngjiāzhīquǎn, [喪家之犬], stray dog (idiom)
        xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
        jiǔjiā, restaurant/bartender/(old) wineshop/tavern
        jiāxìn, letter (to or from) home
        jiāshi, utensils/furniture
        bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
        liànjiā, [戀家], home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from...
        jiājiāhùhù, [家家戶戶], each and every family (idiom)/every household
        jiāyòngdiànqì, [家用電器], domestic electric appliance
        tóuzījiā, [投資家], investor
        qīnrúyījiā, [親如一家], family-like close relationship (idiom)
        jiājuàn, one's wife and children
        qiānjiāwànhù, [千家萬戶], every family (idiom)
        jiādào, family financial circumstances
        jiādǐ, family property/patrimony
        gémìngjiā, a revolutionary
        xiàjiā, player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home
        dāngjiāzuòzhǔ, [當家作主], to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs
        héjiāhuān, [合家歡], group photo of whole family
        jiāsī, family property/family wealth
        jiāshì, family background
        hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
        jiātúsìbì, lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom)/fig. very poor/wretched
        jiāfǎ, the rules and discipline that apply within a family/stick used for punishing chi...
        ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
        hánghǎijiā, mariner/seafarer
        rúshǔjiāzhēn, [如數家珍], lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom)/fig. to be very familiar w...
        bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
        shénxuéjiā, [神學家], theologian
        jiāzhèngxué, [家政學], family and consumer science
        wànjiādēnghuǒ, [萬家燈火], (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
        fǎxuéjiā, [法學家], jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school
        jiāzhái, home/residence/house
        jiāxiōng, (polite) my elder brother
        jiājì, [家計], family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property
        Bīngjiā/bīngjiā, the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū ...
        lājiācháng, to talk or chat about ordinary daily life
        chíjiā, to housekeep/housekeeping
        shūfǎjiā, [書法家], calligrapher
        wànguànjiācái, [萬貫家財], vast wealth
        chāojiā, to search a house and confiscate possessions
        shēngtàixuéjiā, [生態學家], ecologist
        Fójiā, Buddhism/Buddhist
        gǎigéjiā, reformer
        Jíyějiā, Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)
        jiālǎo, (old) a senior in one's household
        jiāyíng, [家蠅], house fly
        jiāzhǎngzhì, [家長制], patriarchal system
        shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
        Bǎijiāxìng, The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surn...
        jiānú, domestic slave/slave servant
        Jiālèfú, [家樂福], Carrefour, French supermarket chain
        Miáojiā, see 苗族[Miáo zú]
        jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
        qínjiǎnchíjiā, [勤儉持家], hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
        nǚjiā, bride's family (in marriage)
        tànjiā, to make a trip home
        liángjiā, good family/innocent people
        xìjùjiā, [戲劇家], dramatist/playwright
        jiādīng, (old) servant hired to keep guard, run errands etc
        biānjíjiā, [編輯家], editor/compiler

        huǒji, [伙計], partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/shop assistant
        jìhuà, [計劃], plan/project/program/to plan/to map out/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        shèjì, [設計], plan/design/to design/to plan/CL:個|个[gè]
        gūjì, [估計], to estimate/to reckon/CL:個|个[gè]/(coll.) to suppose
        shèjìshī, [設計師], designer/architect
        Jì/jì, [計], surname Ji, to calculate/to compute/to count/to regard as important/to plan/ruse...
        jìsuàn, [計算], to count/to calculate/to compute/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìsuànjī, [計算機], computer/(Tw) calculator/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jìshí, [計時], to measure time/to time/to reckon by time
        kuàijì, [會計], accountant/accountancy/accounting
        tǒngjì, [統計], statistics/to count/to add up
        guǐjì, [詭計], trick/ruse/crafty scheme
        yùjì, [預計], to forecast/to predict/to estimate
        jìchéngchē, [計程車], (Tw) taxi/cab
        kuàijìshī, [會計師], accountant
        suànji, [算計], to reckon/to calculate/to plan/to expect/to scheme
        jìjiào, [計較], to bother about/to haggle/to bicker/to argue/plan/stratagem
        shēngjì, [生計], livelihood
        shùyǐqiānjì, [數以千計], thousands (of sth)
        jìshíqì, [計時器], timer/chronograph/timepiece/clock/timekeeping device (sundial, water clock)
        jìshù, [計數], to count/reckoning
        tǒngjìxué, [統計學], statistics
        wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
        shěnjì, [審計], to audit/to examine finances
        jìmóu, [計謀], stratagem/scheme
        jìsuànqì, [計算器], calculator/calculating machine
        miàojì, [妙計], excellent plan/brilliant scheme
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        shùyǐbǎijì, [數以百計], hundreds of
        guǐjìduōduān, [詭計多端], deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous/full of craft and cunning
        wēndùjì, [溫度計], thermometer/thermograph
        shèjìzhě, [設計者], designer/architect (of a project)
        qiānfāngbǎijì, [千方百計], lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
        dàjì, [大計], large scale program of lasting importance/project of paramount importance/to thi...
        jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
        jìpiào, [計票], count of votes
        jìcè, [計策], stratagem
        zhòngjì, [中計], to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off
        jìshùqì, [計數器], counter/register
        jīnjīnjìjiào, [斤斤計較], to haggle over every ounce/(fig.) to fuss over minor matters/to split hairs
        xīnjì, [心計], scheming/shrewdness
        héjì, [合計], to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider
        quányízhījì, [權宜之計], plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step
        huójì, [活計], handicraft/needlework/work
        jìliàng, [計量], measurement/to calculate
        jìfēn, [計分], to calculate the score
        shùyǐwànjì, [數以萬計], tens of thousands/numerous
        shěnjìyuán, [審計員], accountant/auditor
        zǒngjì, [總計], (grand) total
        lěijì, [累計], to accumulate/cumulative
        měirénjì, [美人計], honey trap/sexual entrapment/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        cóngchángjìyì, [從長計議], to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to consider at length
        gòngjì, [共計], to sum up to/to total
        tǐwēnjì, [體溫計], clinical thermometer
        qìyājì, [氣壓計], barometer
        shěnjìzhǎng, [審計長], auditor
        kǔròujì, [苦肉計], the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        wǔniánjìhuà, [五年計劃], Five-Year Plan
        kuàijìxué, [會計學], accounting/accountancy
        xuèyājì, [血壓計], blood pressure meter/sphygmomanometer
        yālìjì, [壓力計], pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer
        jiānjì, [奸計], evil plan/evil schemes
亿         shùyǐyìjì, [數以億計], countless/innumerable
        jìsuànchǐ, [計算尺], slide rule
        tǒngjìbiǎo, [統計表], statistical table/chart
        mùmǎjì, [木馬計], wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)
        qiǎojì, [巧計], maneuver/scheme
        jìjiàqì, [計價器], fare meter/taximeter
        jìjià, [計價], to valuate/valuation
        jìbùqì, [計步器], pedometer
        sùdùjì, [速度計], speedometer
        tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
        jiājì, [家計], family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property
        kōngchéngjì, [空城計], the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed w...
        xiànjì, [獻計], to offer advice/to make a suggestion
        fúshèjì, [輻射計], radiometer
        jìyì, [計議], to deliberate/to talk over/to plan
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        fǎnjiànjì, [反間計], stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条[tiáo]

        jìhuà, [計劃], plan/project/program/to plan/to map out/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        huá/huà, [劃], to row/to paddle/profitable/worth (the effort)/it pays (to do sth), to cut/to sl...
        cèhuà, [策劃], to plot/to scheme/to bring about/to engineer/planning/producer/planner
        guīhuà, [規劃], to plan (how to do sth)/planning/plan/program
        huáchuán, to row a boat/rowing boat/rowing (sport)
        chóuhuà, [籌劃], to plan and prepare
        huáhén, [劃痕], a scratch
        huásuàn, to calculate/to weigh (pros and cons)/to view as profitable/worthwhile/value for...
        huáshāng, [劃傷], to damage by scratching/to gash/to lacerate
        móuhuà, [謀劃], to scheme/to plot/conspiracy
        huàfēn, [劃分], to divide up/to partition/to differentiate
        huápò, [劃破], to cut open/to rip/to streak across (lightning, meteor etc)/to pierce (scream, s...
        huàqīng, [劃清], clear dividing line/to distinguish clearly
        cèhuàrén, [策劃人], sponsor/plotter/schemer
        bǐhua, [比劃], to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating th...
        jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
        huájiǎng, [划槳], to paddle
        huátǐng, rowing boat/racing row-boat
        chūmóuhuàcè, [出謀劃策], to put forward plans and ideas (also derogatory)/to give advice (idiom)
        píhuátǐng, [皮劃艇], canoe/kayak
        huàdìng, [劃定], to demarcate/to delimit
线         xiàhuàxiàn, [下劃線], underscore _/underline
        huàshídài, [劃時代], epoch-marking
线         huàxiàn, [劃線], to delineate/to draw a line/to underline
        zhěngqíhuàyī, [整齊劃一], to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
        wǔniánjìhuà, [五年計劃], Five-Year Plan
        huàyī, [劃一], uniform/to standardize
        huàguī, [劃歸], to incorporate/to put under (external administration)
        huábulái, [划不來], not worth it
        huádelái, [划得來], worth it/it pays to
        huáquán, finger-guessing game
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        bǐhuà, [筆劃], variant of 筆畫|笔画[bǐ huà]
        qūhuà, [區劃], subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)

        píngwěi, [評委], evaluation committee/judging panel/judging panel member/adjudicator/abbr. for 評選...
        wěiyuánhuì, [委員會], committee
        wěituō, [委託], to entrust/to trust/to commission
        wěituōrén, (law) client/trustor
        Wěinèiruìlā, [委內瑞拉], Venezuela
        wěiyuán, [委員], committee member/committee/council/CL:個|个[gè]
        wěiwǎn, tactful/euphemistic/(of voice etc) suave/soft
        wěiqu, to feel wronged/to cause sb to feel wronged/grievance
        Wěi/wēi/wěi, surname Wei, same as 逶 in 逶迤 winding, curved, to entrust/to cast aside/to shift ...
        wěipài, to appoint
        wěirèn, to appoint
        wěiqūqiúquán, to accept a compromise
        yuánwěi, the whole story
        zhèngwěi, political commissar (within the army)
        wěiyuánzhǎng, [委員長], head of a committee
        wěituōshū, [委託書], commission/proxy/power of attorney/authorization/warrant
        guǎnwěihuì, [管委會], administrative committee/management committee/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guǎn lǐ wěi ...
        jūwěihuì, [居委會], neighbourhood committee
        cūnwěihuì, [村委會], village committee
        Àowěihuì, [奧委會], Olympic committee
        lìfǎwěiyuán, [立法委員], member of the Legislative Yuan (Tw)
        zhíwěihuì, [執委會], executive committee
        wěishí, [委實], indeed/really (very much so)
        shìwěi, municipal committee
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        zhèngzhìwěiyuán, [政治委員], political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        wěirènshū, [委任書], letter of appointment

        yuán, [員], person/employee/member
        yǎnyuán, [演員], actor or actress/performer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        rényuán, [人員], staff/crew/personnel/CL:個|个[gè]
        chéngyuán, [成員], member
        duìyuán, [隊員], team member
        wěiyuánhuì, [委員會], committee
        yìyuán, [議員], member (of a legislative body)/representative
        yuángōng, [員工], staff/personnel/employee
        cānyìyuán, [參議員], senator
        yùndòngyuán, [運動員], athlete/CL:名[míng],個|个[gè]
        fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
        qiúyuán, [球員], sports club member/footballer, golfer etc
        guānyuán, [官員], official (in an organization or government)/administrator
        fúwùyuán, [服務員], waiter/waitress/attendant/customer service personnel/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        gùyuán, [雇員], employee
        huìyuán, [會員], member
        chuányuán, [船員], sailor/crew member
        guǎnlǐyuán, [管理員], manager/administrator
        zhíyuán, [職員], office worker/staff member/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        péishěnyuán, [陪審員], juror
        yǔhángyuán, [宇航員], astronaut
        tuīxiāoyuán, [推銷員], sales representative/salesperson
        xuéyuán, [學員], student/member of an institution of learning/officer cadet
        jiàshǐyuán, [駕駛員], pilot/driver
        jiùshēngyuán, [救生員], lifeguard
        diànyuán, [店員], shop assistant/salesclerk/salesperson
        yóudìyuán, [郵遞員], mailman
        jiēdàiyuán, [接待員], receptionist
        gōngwùyuán, [公務員], functionary/office-bearer
        wěiyuán, [委員], committee member/committee/council/CL:個|个[gè]
        shāngyuán, [傷員], wounded person
线         jiēxiànyuán, [接線員], switchboard operator
        qiánshuǐyuán, [潛水員], diver/frogman
        cáiyuán, [裁員], to cut staff/to lay off employees
        fǔdǎoyuán, [輔導員], coach (teacher or trainer)
        jiǎncháyuán, [檢查員], inspector
        zhuānyuán, [專員], assistant director/commissioner
        bōyīnyuán, [播音員], announcer/broadcaster
        chéngwùyuán, [乘務員], attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc
        fēnxīyuán, [分析員], analyst (e.g. of news)
        dòngyuán, [動員], to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
        jìshùyuán, [技術員], technician/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhòngyìyuán, [眾議員], member of the US House of Representatives
        shǒuményuán, [守門員], goalkeeper
        shòuhuòyuán, [售貨員], salesperson/CL:個|个[gè]
        yánjiūyuán, [研究員], researcher
        dǎngyuán, [黨員], party member/CL:名[míng],位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        mǎnyuán, [滿員], full complement/at full strength/no vacancies
        zǒngdòngyuán, [總動員], general mobilization (for war etc)
        jiàoyuán, [教員], teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎiyuán, [海員], sailor/mariner
        guāncháyuán, [觀察員], observer
        tèpàiyuán, [特派員], special correspondent/sb dispatched on a mission/special commissioner
        cāozuòyuán, [操作員], operator
        lǐnghángyuán, [領航員], navigator
        quányuán, [全員], complete personnel/fully manned
        chéngxùyuán, [程序員], programmer
        chūnàyuán, [出納員], cashier/teller/treasurer
        cáipànyuán, [裁判員], referee
        tuányuán, [團員], member/group member
        tōngxùnyuán, [通訊員], correspondent/reporter/messenger boy
        zhǐdǎoyuán, [指導員], instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)
        Gòngchǎndǎngyuán, [共產黨員], Communist Party member
        dǎzìyuán, [打字員], typist
        fùyuán, [復員], to demobilize/demobilization
        jiāoyìyuán, [交易員], dealer/trader
        bǎoguǎnyuán, [保管員], custodian/storeroom clerk
        lièchēyuán, [列車員], train attendant
        shěnjìyuán, [審計員], accountant/auditor
        xiétiáoyuán, [協調員], coordinator
        zhāodàiyuán, [招待員], usher/greeter
        yìyuán, [譯員], interpreter/translator (esp. oral)
        shòupiàoyuán, [售票員], ticket seller
        sìyǎngyuán, [飼養員], zookeeper/stockman/breeder (of livestock, dogs or poultry etc)
        jiěshuōyuán, [解說員], commentator
        yèwùyuán, [業務員], salesperson
        sùjìyuán, [速記員], stenographer
        jìlùyuán, [記錄員], recorder
        yàoyuán, [要員], key participant/VIP
        hángtiānyuán, [航天員], astronaut
        suíyuán, [隨員], attendant
        wěiyuánzhǎng, [委員長], head of a committee
        cǎigòuyuán, [採購員], buyer/purchasing agent
        jiàozhíyuán, [教職員], teaching and administrative staff
        yíngyèyuán, [營業員], clerk/shop assistant/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhēncháyuán, [偵察員], detective/investigator/scout/spy
        jiǎngjiěyuán, [講解員], guide
        shèyuán, [社員], commune member (PRC, 1958-1985)/member of a society (or other organization)
        shěnpànyuán, [審判員], judge (in court)
广         guǎngbōyuán, [廣播員], (radio) broadcaster
        jiàozhíyuángōng, [教職員工], teaching and administrative staff
        tóudìyuán, [投遞員], courier/mailman
        jiàoliànyuán, [教練員], sports coach/training personnel
        chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
        bīngyuán, [兵員], soldiers/troops
        sīlìngyuán, [司令員], commander
        rǒngyuán, [冗員], excess personnel/superfluous staff
        shìfēiyuán, [試飛員], test pilot
        bìngyuán, [病員], sick personnel/person on the sick list/patient
        shāngbìngyuán, [傷病員], the sick and the wounded
        dàyuán, [大員], high official
        huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
        lìfǎwěiyuán, [立法委員], member of the Legislative Yuan (Tw)
        tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
        qínwùyuán, [勤務員], odd job man/army orderly
        dòngyuánlìng, [動員令], order of mobilization
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        zhèngzhìwěiyuán, [政治委員], political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
        chuīshìyuán, [炊事員], cook/kitchen worker
        huàwùyuán, [話務員], phone operator
线         sīxiànyuán, [司線員], line judge (tennis etc)
        shēngyuán, [生員], scholar preparing for imperial examinations (in former times)
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        guāncèyuán, [觀測員], observer/spotter

        huì/kuài, [會], can/to be possible/to be able to/will/to be likely to/to be sure to/to assemble/...
        jīhuì, [機會], opportunity/chance/occasion/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuēhuì, [約會], appointment/engagement/date/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]/to arrange to meet
        yīhuìr, [一會兒], a moment/a while/in a moment/now...now.../also pr. [yī huǐ r]
        jùhuì, [聚會], party/gathering/to meet/to get together
        huìyì, [會議], meeting/conference/CL:場|场[chǎng],屆|届[jiè]
        wǔhuì, [舞會], dance/ball/party/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        shèhuì, [社會], society/CL:個|个[gè]
        wěiyuánhuì, [委員會], committee
        xuéhuì, [學會], to learn/to master/institute/learned society/(scholarly) association
        wùhuì, [誤會], to misunderstand/to mistake/misunderstanding/CL:個|个[gè]
        yīhuì, [一會], a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr. [yī huǐ]
        huìjiàn, [會見], to meet with (sb who is paying a visit)/CL:次[cì]
        huìmiàn, [會面], to meet with/meeting
        wǎnhuì, [晚會], evening party/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàhuì, [大會], general assembly/general meeting/convention/CL:個|个[gè],屆|届[jiè]
        bùhuì, [不會], improbable/unlikely/will not (act, happen etc)/not able/not having learned to do...
        jiāohuì/jiàohuì, [教會], to show/to teach, Christian church
        xiéhuì, [協會], an association/a society/CL:個|个[gè],家[jiā]
        yànhuì, [宴會], banquet/feast/dinner party/CL:席[xí],個|个[gè]
        kāihuì, [開會], to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting
        dāihuìr, [待會兒], in a moment/later/also pr. [dāi huǐ r] or [dāi hui r]
        Guóhuì, [國會], Parliament (UK)/Congress (US)/Diet (Japan)/Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)
        tǐhuì, [體會], to know from experience/to learn through experience/to realize/understanding/exp...
        yǎnchànghuì, [演唱會], vocal recital or concert
        yīnyuèhuì, [音樂會], concert/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        yèzǒnghuì, [夜總會], nightclub/nightspot
        huìyìshì, [會議室], meeting room/conference room
        dǒngshìhuì, [董事會], board of directors
        tīngzhènghuì, [聽證會], (legislative) hearing
        huìyuán, [會員], member
        yìhuì, [議會], parliament/legislative assembly
        jíhuì, [集會], to gather/assembly/meeting/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        kuàijì, [會計], accountant/accountancy/accounting
        jījīnhuì, [基金會], foundation (institution supported by an endowment)
        huìzhǎng, [會長], president of a club, committee etc
        huìhé, [會合], to meet/to rendezvous/to merge/to link up/meeting/confluence
        fābùhuì, [發佈會]/[發布會], news conference/briefing, news conference/briefing
        dūhuì, [都會], city/metropolis
        gōnghuì, [工會], labor union/trade union/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǐhuì, [理會], to understand/to pay attention to/to take notice of
        pāimàihuì, [拍賣會], auction/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        Àoyùnhuì, [奧運會], abbr. for 奧林匹克運動會|奥林匹克运动会/Olympic Games/the Olympics
        hēishèhuì, [黑社會], criminal underworld/organized crime syndicate
        zhèhuìr, [這會兒], (coll.) now/this moment/also pr. [zhè huǐ r]
        kuàijìshī, [會計師], accountant
        zhāodàihuì, [招待會], reception/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        huìtán, [會談], talks/discussions/CL:次[cì]
        liányìhuì, [聯誼會], association/club/society/party/get-together
        jiǔhuì, [酒會], drinking party/wine reception
        liánhéhuì, [聯合會], federation
        bānghuì, [幫會], secret society/underworld gang
        dàdūhuì, [大都會], major city/metropolis/metropolitan
        yántǎohuì, [研討會], discussion forum/seminar
        huìchǎng, [會場], meeting place/place where people gather/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǐnghuì, [領會], to understand/to comprehend/to grasp
        xuéshenghuì, [學生會], student union
        shèhuìzhǔyì, [社會主義], socialism
        yōuhuì, [幽會], lovers' rendezvous/tryst
        lǐshìhuì, [理事會], council
        jiāzhǎnghuì, [家長會], parent-teacher conference/parents' association
        huìzhěn, [會診], consultation (medical)/to meet for diagnosis/(by extension) consultation of diff...
        jiànmiànhuì, [見面會], meet and greet
        rùhuì, [入會], to join a society, association etc
        zhuīdàohuì, [追悼會], memorial service/funeral service
        jìzhěhuì, [記者會], press conference
        fēnghuì, [峰會], summit meeting
        yùndònghuì, [運動會], sports competition/CL:個|个[gè]
        shènghuì, [盛會], pageant/distinguished meeting
        xiānghuì, [相會], to meet together
        gōnghuì, [公會], guild
        bólǎnhuì, [博覽會], exposition/international fair
        hòuhuìyǒuqī, [後會有期], I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to see you again.
        zàihuì, [再會], to meet again/until we meet again/goodbye
        diànhuàhuìyì, [電話會議], (telephone) conference call
        shānghuì, [商會], chamber of commerce
        tǎolùnhuì, [討論會], symposium/discussion forum
        zhīhuì, [知會], to inform/to tell/to notify/notification
        huìwù, [會晤], to meet/meeting/conference
        shèhuìxué, [社會學], sociology
        zhǎnlǎnhuì, [展覽會], exhibition/show/CL:個|个[gè]
        cháhuì, [茶會], tea party
        wǔcānhuì, [午餐會], luncheon
        cānhuì, [餐會], dinner party/luncheon
        sānhéhuì, [三合會], triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dyna...
        qìngzhùhuì, [慶祝會], celebration
        shèhuìbǎoxiǎn, [社會保險], social security/abbr. to 社保
        sànhuì, [散會], to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/finished
        liánxíhuìyì, [聯席會議], joint conference
        huìfèi, [會費], membership dues
        huìtáng, [會堂], meeting hall/assembly hall
        zuòtánhuì, [座談會], conference/symposium/rap session
        shèhuìmíngliú, [社會名流], celebrity/public figure
        lìhuì, [例會], regular meeting
        xiūhuì, [休會], to adjourn
        cháhuàhuì, [茶話會], tea party
        shèhuìzhǔyìzhě, [社會主義者], socialist
        jiāoyìhuì, [交易會], trade fair
        fēnhuì, [分會], branch
        néngshuōhuìdào, [能說會道], can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab
        huìkǎo, [會考], unified examination
        bàogàohuì, [報告會], public lecture (with guest speakers etc)
        huìzhǎn, [會展], conferences and exhibitions, abbr. of 會議展覽|会议展览[huì yì zhǎn lǎn]
        jiāohuì, [交會], to encounter/to rendezvous/to converge/to meet (a payment)
        miàohuì, [廟會], temple fair
        huìhuà, [會話], conversation/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        yànhuìtīng, [宴會廳], ballroom/banqueting hall
        huìkèshì, [會客室], parlor
        zhuǎnhuì, [轉會], to transfer to another club (professional sports)
        shèhuìguānxì, [社會關係], social relation
        Tóngménghuì, [同盟會], Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guom...
        jīhuìzhǔyì, [機會主義], opportunism/pragmatism
        zhàohuì, [照會], a diplomatic note/letter of understanding or concern exchanged between governmen...
        bàihuì, [拜會], pay an official call/call on/visit in an official capacity
        huìkè, [會客], to receive a visitor
        dúshūhuì, [讀書會], study group
        quánhuì, [全會], plenary session (at a conference)/CL:屆|届[jiè]
        niánhuì, [年會], annual meeting
        huānsònghuì, [歡送會], farewell party
        huìyàn, [會厭], epiglottis
        yìhuì, [意會], to sense/to grasp intuitively
        jùjīnghuìshén, [聚精會神], to concentrate one's attention (idiom)
        huìguǎn, [會館], provincial or county guild hall
        liánhuānhuì, [聯歡會], social gathering/party
        sàihuì, [賽會], religious procession/exposition
        huìxīn, [會心], knowing (of a smile, look etc)
        dēnghuì, [燈會], carnival during the Lantern Festival, with lantern displays and traditional folk...
        Shìbóhuì, [世博會], World Exposition/abbr. for 世界博覽會|世界博览会[Shì jiè Bó lǎn huì], World Expo
        huìshì, [會試], metropolitan examination (imperial civil service examination)
        guǎnwěihuì, [管委會], administrative committee/management committee/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guǎn lǐ wěi ...
        huìyìtīng, [會議廳], conference hall
        huìshè, [會社], a guild/(in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious gro...
        zhāopìnhuì, [招聘會], recruitment meeting/job fair
        jūwěihuì, [居委會], neighbourhood committee
        ĀnLǐhuì, [安理會], (United Nations) Security Council
        shūhuì, [書會], calligraphy society/village school (old)/literary society (old)
        bùyīhuì, [不一會], soon
        xīnlǐngshénhuì, [心領神會], to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly
        shěnghuì, [省會], provincial capital
        Huìtóng/huìtóng, [會同], Huitong county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huái huà], Hunan, to handle sth jointly
        huìshī, [會師], to collaborate/to join forces/to effect a junction
        kuàijìxué, [會計學], accounting/accountancy
        cáikuài, [財會], finance and accounting
        huāhuì, [花會], flower fair or festival
        shèhuìkēxué, [社會科學], social sciences
        yùhuì, [與會], to participate in a meeting
        shèhuìdǎng, [社會黨], socialist party
        huìyīn, [會陰], perineum
        zhǎnxiāohuì, [展銷會], trade fair/sales exhibition
        qiānqiǎngfùhuì, [牽強附會], to make an irrelevant comparison or interpretation (idiom)
        Yàyùnhuì, [亞運會], Asian Games
        shèhuìhuà, [社會化], socialization/to socialize/to fit into society/to train sb for society
        cūnwěihuì, [村委會], village committee
        DōngÀohuì, [冬奧會], Winter Olympics
        huìshěn, [會審], joint hearing/to review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)
        nónghuì, [農會], farmer's cooperative/abbr. for 農民協會|农民协会
        yuánzhuōhuìyì, [圓桌會議], round table conference
        fùhuì, [復會], to resume a meeting
        huìyì, [會意], combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书[liù shū] of forming Chinese char...
        xiànchǎnghuì, [現場會], on-the-spot meeting
        dāndāofùhuì, [單刀赴會], lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into ene...
        shèhuìhuódòng, [社會活動], social activity
        rónghuìguàntōng, [融會貫通], to master the subject via a comprehensive study of surrounding areas
        Àowěihuì, [奧委會], Olympic committee
        Zhèngjiānhuì, [證監會], China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)/abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会[...
        xìnghuì, [幸會], nice to meet you
        huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
        tóngyègōnghuì, [同業公會], trade association
        zhūshìhuìshè, [株式會社], Japanese limited company/corporation/public company/Ltd/p.l.c./Corp/Japanese pr....
        Liǎnghuì, [兩會], National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conferenc...
        héhuì, [和會], peace conference
        bānhuì, [班會], class meeting (in schools)
        huìyǒu, [會友], to make friends/to meet friends/member of the same organization
        zhíwěihuì, [執委會], executive committee
        Bǐhuì, [筆會], PEN (association of writers)
        bìhuì, [閉會], close a meeting
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        lìfǎhuì, [立法會], legislative council/LegCo (Hong Kong)
        yuánshǐshèhuì, [原始社會], primitive society
        shèhuìxìng, [社會性], social
        huìhéchù, [會合處], joint
        huìjí, [會集], to come together/to assemble
        núlìshèhuì, [奴隸社會], slave-owning society (precedes feudal society 封建社會|封建社会 in Marxist theory)
        huìqī, [會期], the duration of a conference/the period over which a conference (or expo etc) is...
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        yóuyìhuì, [遊藝會], folk festival/fair/carnival
        rónghuì, [融會], to blend/to integrate/to amalgamate/to fuse

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