All Possible Words
亚 Yà/yà, [亞], Asia/Asian/Taiwan pr. [Yǎ], second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [yǎ]
亚历山大 Yàlìshāndà, [亞歷山大], Alexander (name)/Alexandria (town name)
历 lì, [厤]/[曆]/[歴]/[歷], old variant of 曆|历[lì]/old variant of 歷|历[lì], calendar, old variant of 歷|历[lì],...
山 Shān/shān, surname Shan, mountain/hill/anything that resembles a mountain/CL:座[zuò]/bundled...
大 dà/dài, big/huge/large/major/great/wide/deep/older (than)/oldest/eldest/greatly/very muc...
鲁 Lǔ/lǔ, [魯], surname Lu/Lu, ancient state of China 魯國|鲁国[Lǔ guó]/Lu, short name for Shandong ...
珀 pò, amber
特 tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...
奥 Ào/ào, [奧], Austria/Austrian/abbr. for 奧地利|奥地利[Ào dì lì]/Olympic/Olympics/abbr. for 奧林匹克|奥林匹...
奥康纳 Àokāngnà, [奧康納], O'Connor (name)/Thomas Power O'Connor (1848-1929), Irish journalist and national...
康 Kāng/kāng, surname Kang, healthy/peaceful/abundant
纳 Nà/nà, [納], surname Na, to receive/to accept/to enjoy/to bring into/to pay (tax etc)/nano- (...
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