All Possible Words
伊 Yī/yī, surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yī lā kè], Iraq/abbr. for 伊朗[Yī lǎng], Iran, (old) thir...
特 tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...
鲁 Lǔ/lǔ, [魯], surname Lu/Lu, ancient state of China 魯國|鲁国[Lǔ guó]/Lu, short name for Shandong ...
里 lǐ/Lǐ, [裏]/[裡], variant of 裡|里[lǐ], lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裏|里[lǐ], Li (su...
亚 Yà/yà, [亞], Asia/Asian/Taiwan pr. [Yǎ], second/next to/inferior/sub-/Taiwan pr. [yǎ]
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