HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]

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        Yī/yī, surname Yi/abbr. for 伊拉克[Yī lā kè], Iraq/abbr. for 伊朗[Yī lǎng], Iran, (old) thir...
        Sà, [薩], Bodhisattva/surname Sa
        Kè/kè/kēi, [剋]/[尅], abbr. for 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Kè luó dì yà], Croatia/(Tw) abbr. for 克羅埃西亞|克罗埃西亚[Kè luó āi ...
        Niú/niú, surname Niu, ox/cow/bull/CL:條|条[tiáo],頭|头[tóu]/newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niú dùn])...
牛顿         Niúdùn/niúdùn, [牛頓], Newton (name)/Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), British mathematician and physicist,...
        dùn, [頓], to stop/to pause/to arrange/to lay out/to kowtow/to stamp (one's foot)/at once/c...

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