All Possible Words
八 bā, eight/8
八分之一 bāfēnzhīyī, one eighth
分 fēn/fèn, to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/pa...
分之 fēnzhī, (indicating a fraction)
之 zhī, (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de])/him/her/it
之一 zhīyī, one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/one (third, quarter, percent etc)
一 yī, one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in...
又 yòu, (once) again/also/both... and.../and yet/(used for emphasis) anyway
十 shí, ten/10
十四 shísì, fourteen/14
四 sì, four/4
分 fēn/fèn, to divide/to separate/to distribute/to allocate/to distinguish (good and bad)/pa...
分之 fēnzhī, (indicating a fraction)
之 zhī, (possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de])/him/her/it
三 Sān/sān, surname San, three/3
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