All Possible Words
希 xī, to hope/to admire/variant of 稀[xī]
希尔 Xīěr, [希爾], Hill (name)/Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs
希尔顿 Xīěrdùn, [希爾頓], Hilton (hotel chain)
尔 ěr, [尒]/[爾], variant of 爾|尔[ěr], thus/so/like that/you/thou
顿 dùn, [頓], to stop/to pause/to arrange/to lay out/to kowtow/to stamp (one's foot)/at once/c...
海 Hǎi/hǎi, surname Hai, ocean/sea/CL:個|个[gè],片[piàn]/great number of people or things/(dial...
海德 Hǎidé, Hyde (surname)
德 Dé/dé, [悳]/[惪], Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[Dé guó], virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness...
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