All Possible Words
新 Xīn/xīn, abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xīn jiāng] or Singapore 新加坡[Xīn jiā pō]/surname Xin, new/n...
新鲜 xīnxiān, [新鮮], fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/novel/uncommon
鲜 xiǎn/xiān, [尟]/[尠]/[鮮]/[鱻], variant of 鮮|鲜[xiǎn], variant of 尟|鲜[xiǎn], fresh/bright (in color)/delicious/ta...
度 dù/duó, to pass/to spend (time)/measure/limit/extent/degree of intensity/degree (angles,...
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