All Possible Words
曼 màn, handsome/large/long
弗 fú, not
弗雷 Fúléi, Freyr (god in Norse mythology)
雷 Léi/léi, surname Lei, thunder/mine (weapon)/(Internet slang) terrifying/terrific
雷德 Léidé, Clark T. Randt Jr. (1945-), US ambassador to Beijing since 2001
德 Dé/dé, [悳]/[惪], Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[Dé guó], virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness...
达 Dá/dá, [達], surname Da, to attain/to reach/to amount to/to communicate/eminent
吉 Jí/jí, surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Jí lín Shěng], lucky/giga- (meaning bill...
斯 Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
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