All Possible Words
本 běn, root/stem/origin/source/this/the current/original/inherent/originally/classifier...
本杰明 Běnjiémíng, [本傑明], Benjamin (person name)
杰 jié, [傑], hero/heroic/outstanding person/prominent/distinguished, variant of 傑|杰[jié]
明 Míng/míng, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)/surname Ming/Ming (c. 2000 BC), fourth of the legendary...
奥 Ào/ào, [奧], Austria/Austrian/abbr. for 奧地利|奥地利[Ào dì lì]/Olympic/Olympics/abbr. for 奧林匹克|奥林匹...
莱 lái, [萊], name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)/Chenopodium album
安 Ān/ān, surname An, content/calm/still/quiet/safe/secure/in good health/to find a place ...
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