All Possible Words
杰 jié, [傑], hero/heroic/outstanding person/prominent/distinguished, variant of 傑|杰[jié]
杰拉 Jiélā, [傑拉], Gela (city in Sicily)
杰拉德 Jiélādé, [傑拉德], Gerrard (name)
拉 lā, to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
拉德 lādé, rad (unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation) (loanword)
德 Dé/dé, [悳]/[惪], Germany/German/abbr. for 德國|德国[Dé guó], virtue/goodness/morality/ethics/kindness...
默 mò, silent/to write from memory
默多克 Mòduōkè, Murdoch (name)/Rupert Murdoch (1931-), media magnate
多 duō, many/much/often/a lot of/numerous/more/in excess/how (to what extent)/multi-/Tai...
克 Kè/kè/kēi, [剋]/[尅], abbr. for 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Kè luó dì yà], Croatia/(Tw) abbr. for 克羅埃西亞|克罗埃西亚[Kè luó āi ...
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