All Possible Words
玛 mǎ, [瑪], agate/cornelian
玛格丽特 Mǎgélìtè/mǎgélìtè, [瑪格麗特], Margaret (name), margarita (cocktail)
格 gé, square/frame/rule/(legal) case/style/character/standard/pattern/(grammar) case/(...
丽 Lí/lì, [麗], Korea, beautiful
特 tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...
卡 kǎ/qiǎ, to stop/to block/(computing) (coll.) slow/(loanword) card/CL:張|张[zhāng],片[piàn]/...
卡门 Kǎmén, [卡門], Carmen (name)/Carmen, 1875 opera by Georges Bizet 比才 based on novel by Prosper M...
门 Mén/mén, [門], surname Men, gate/door/CL:扇[shàn]/gateway/doorway/CL:個|个[gè]/opening/valve/switc...
凯 Kǎi/kǎi, [凱], surname Kai, triumphant/victorious/chi (Greek letter Χχ)
西 Xī/xī, the West/abbr. for Spain 西班牙[Xī bān yá]/Spanish, west
诺 nuò, [諾], to consent/to promise/(literary) yes!
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