All Possible Words
连 Lián/lián, [連], surname Lian, to link/to join/to connect/continuously/in succession/including/(u...
连绵 liánmián, [連綿], continuous/unbroken/uninterrupted/extending forever into the distance (of mounta...
绵 mián, [綿]/[緜], silk floss/continuous/soft/weak/mild-mannered (dialect), old variant of 綿|绵[mián...
不 bù, (negative prefix)/not/no
不断 bùduàn, [不斷], unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant
断 duàn, [斷], to break/to snap/to cut off/to give up or abstain from sth/to judge/(usu. used i...
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