依 ⇒
依然 yīrán, still/as before
依靠 yīkào, to rely on sth (for support etc)/to depend on
依 yī, to depend on/to comply with or listen to sb/according to/in the light of
依赖 yīlài, [依賴], to depend on/to be dependent on
依旧 yījiù, [依舊], as before/still
依据 yījù, [依據], according to/basis/foundation
依照 yīzhào, according to/in light of
依我看 yīwǒkàn, in my opinion
乔依 依法 yīfǎ, legal (proceedings)/according to law
皈依 guīyī, to convert to (a religion)
依次 yīcì, in order/in succession
相依为命 xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
依偎 yīwēi, to nestle against/to snuggle up to
依波 依恋 yīliàn, [依戀], to be fondly attached to/to not wish to part with/to cling to
无依无靠 wúyīwúkào, [無依無靠], no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own/orphaned/left to one's own devices
依附 yīfù, to adhere/to attach oneself to/to append
尼克依 依稀 yīxī, vaguely/dimly/probably/very likely
依安 Yīān, Yi'an county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qí qí hā ěr], Heilongjiang
依洛伊 依莱娜 特洛依 葛原依子 依托 yītuō, [依託], to rely on/to depend on/support
百依百顺 bǎiyībǎishùn, [百依百順], docile and obedient/all obedience
马舒依 依赖性 相依 xiāngyī, to be interdependent
克洛依 拉依姆 偎依 依依不舍 yīyībùshě, [依依不捨], reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave
萨依德 不依不饶 bùyībùráo, [不依不饒], not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/to treat severely witho...
阿尔哈依 依存 yīcún, to depend on sth for existence/dependent on
宙依 依从 yīcóng, [依從], to comply with/to obey
罗依 依布恩 依萨克 克纳·费依 依仗 yīzhàng, to count on/to rely on
塔图依 席格门·佛洛依德 依然如故 yīránrúgù, back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvement/Things haven't changed ...
归依 guīyī, [歸依], to convert to (a religion)/to rely upon/refuge/mainstay
杜波依斯 唇齿相依 chúnchǐxiāngyī, [唇齒相依], lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent
费依 麦克依 希拉里·费依 依依 yīyī, to regret leaving/reluctant to part/(onom.) young leaves stir gently in the wind
依奇 依兰 Yīlán, [依蘭], Yilan county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn], Heilongjiang
依莲 鲍依 依芙琳 依莲娜 斯图依 依奎亚诺 詹姆斯·乔依斯 弗洛依德 依莱娜·德瑞沃科 库依拉 依娃 依凭 依傍 yībàng, to rely on/to depend on/to imitate (a model)/to base a work (on some model)
依森 依斯 欧依拉 依波海姆 依库立 依夫 依格瑞 他罗依 莱夫考依茨 米哈依尔·卡拉托佐夫 托依布恩 依莎 依克巴 不依 bùyī, not to comply/not to go along with/not to let off easily/not to let sb get away ...
拉卡隆依佛摩瑞 斯蒂芬·鲍依特 夏威依 荷依斯尤 杰基乔依 朗布依埃 依莱西亚 西依拉 凡诺依 圣依纳 圣依撒 泰依迪格斯 阿萨依 特托依 依波森麦茨 杜·波依斯 依塔斯卡湖 圣罗依斯 乔依时 佛罗依德 依山傍水 yīshānbàngshuǐ, mountains on one side and water on the other
科依利·科登诺斯基 金洪依 布依诺 丹尼斯·佛洛依德 埃德加阿兰波依 安杰伊·瓦依达 佐依 依依惜别 肯尼斯诺依斯沃特 依那普利 佛洛依德 依琳娜 平克·佛洛依德 罗依·科雷顿 依莉莎 范纳依斯 但特洛依 佛洛依 马克·费依 佛依特
属 ⇒
属于 shǔyú, [屬於], to be classified as/to belong to/to be part of
金属 jīnshǔ, [金屬], metal/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
属 shǔ/zhǔ, [屬], category/genus (taxonomy)/family members/dependents/to belong to/subordinate to/...
家属 jiāshǔ, [家屬], family member/(family) dependent
纯属 chúnshǔ, [純屬], to be purely/pure and simple/sheer/outright
下属 xiàshǔ, [下屬], subordinate/underling
属实 shǔshí, [屬實], to turn out to be true/verified/true
重金属 zhòngjīnshǔ, [重金屬], heavy metal
亲属 qīnshǔ, [親屬], kin/kindred/relatives
归属 guīshǔ, [歸屬], to belong to/to be affiliated to/to fall under the jurisdiction of/a place where...
隶属 lìshǔ, [隸屬], to belong to (a category)/to be attached to
所属 suǒshǔ, [所屬], one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with)/subordinate (i....
附属 fùshǔ, [附屬], subsidiary/auxiliary/attached/affiliated/subordinate/subordinating
专属 zhuānshǔ, [專屬], to belong or be dedicated exclusively to/proprietary/private/personal
属下 shǔxià, [屬下], subordinate/affiliated to/subsidiary
归属感 guīshǔgǎn, [歸屬感], sense of belonging
直系亲属 zhíxìqīnshǔ, [直系親屬], next of kin/immediate dependant
附属品 fùshǔpǐn, [附屬品], accessory/affiliated material/adjunct
属性 shǔxìng, [屬性], attribute/property
眷属 juànshǔ, [眷屬], family member/husband and wife
直属 zhíshǔ, [直屬], directly subordinate
属地 shǔdì, [屬地], dependency/possession/annexed territory
附属物 fùshǔwù, [附屬物], attachment/appendage
军属 部属 bùshǔ, [部屬], troops under one's command/subordinate/affiliated to a ministry
实属 shíshǔ, [實屬], (to) really (be)
分属 fēnshǔ, [分屬], classification
遗属 附属国 稀有金属 属国 shǔguó, [屬國], vassal state
贵金属 guìjīnshǔ, [貴金屬], precious metal
轻金属 非金属 fēijīnshǔ, [非金屬], nonmetal (chemistry)
属区 配属 pèishǔ, [配屬], troops attached to a unit
军烈属 碱金属 jiǎnjīnshǔ, [鹼金屬], alkali metal
黑色金属 hēisèjīnshǔ, [黑色金屬], ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)