凹 ⇒
凹 āo/wā, depressed/sunken/indented/concave/female (connector etc), variant of 窪|洼[wā]/(us...
凹陷 āoxiàn, to cave in/hollow/sunken/depressed
凹槽 āocáo, recess/notch/groove/fillister
凹凸 āotū, concave or convex/bumps and holes/uneven (surface)/rugged
凹坑 āokēng, concave depression/crater
凹凸不平 āotūbùpíng, uneven (surface)/bumpy (road)
岸 ⇒
海岸 hǎiàn, coastal/seacoast
岸 àn, [㟁], variant of 岸[àn], bank/shore/beach/coast/CL:個|个[gè]
岸边 ànbiān, [岸邊], shore
海岸线 hǎiànxiàn, [海岸線], coastline/seaboard/shoreline
对岸 duìàn, [對岸], opposite bank (of a body of water)
岸上 ànshàng, ashore/on the riverbank
西岸 靠岸 kàoàn, (of a boat) to reach the shore/to pull toward shore/close to shore/landfall
上岸 shàngàn, to go ashore/to climb ashore
河岸 héàn, riverside/river bank
东岸 离岸 líàn, [離岸], offshore
沿岸 yánàn, coastal area/littoral or riparian
北岸 岸然 ànrán, solemn/serious
岸田 彼岸 bǐàn, the other shore/(Buddhism) paramita
在岸 岸川 堤岸 dīàn, embankment/bank/levee
左岸 Zuǒàn, Left Bank (in Paris)
两岸 liǎngàn, [兩岸], bilateral/both shores/both sides/both coasts/Taiwan and mainland
岸防 岸谷 口岸 kǒuàn, a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries
隔岸观火 géànguānhuǒ, [隔岸觀火], to watch the fires burning across the river/to delay entering the fray until all...
象牙海岸 XiàngyáHǎiàn, Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw)
伟岸 wěiàn, [偉岸], imposing/upright and tall/outstanding/gigantic in stature
登岸 dēngàn, to go ashore/to disembark
岸线 湖岸 和岸田 沙岸 黄金海岸 HuángjīnHǎiàn, [黃金海岸], name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (forme...
山岸 红岸 南岸 Nánàn, Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan