可 ⇒
可以 kěyǐ, can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
可 kě/kè, can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used for emphasis) certai...
可能 kěnéng, might (happen)/possible/probable/possibility/probability/maybe/perhaps/CL:個|个[gè...
可是 kěshì, but/however/(used for emphasis) indeed
可爱 kěài, [可愛], adorable/cute/lovely
可怜 kělián, [可憐], pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on
可怕 kěpà, awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/frightful/scary/hideous/horrible/terrible/terr...
不可思议 bùkěsīyì, [不可思議], inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable
可惜 kěxī, it is a pity/what a pity/unfortunately
可不 kěbu, see 可不是[kě bu shì]
不可 bùkě, cannot/should not/must not
可笑 kěxiào, funny/ridiculous
可能性 kěnéngxìng, possibility/probability
可恶 kěwù, [可惡], repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable
可悲 kěbēi, lamentable
可靠 kěkào, reliable
尽可能 jǐnkěnéng, [儘可能], as far as possible/to do one's utmost
许可 xǔkě, [許可], to allow/to permit
可疑 kěyí, suspicious/dubious
可卡因 kěkǎyīn, cocaine (loanword)
可乐 kělè, [可樂], amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola
无家可归 wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
宁可 nìngkě, [寧可], preferably/one would prefer to...(or not to...)/would rather/(would) be better t...
认可 rènkě, [認可], to approve/approval/acknowledgment/OK
可信 kěxìn, trustworthy
可不可以 可耻 kěchǐ, [可恥], shameful/disgraceful/ignominious
可行 kěxíng, feasible
可言 kěyán, it may be said
许可证 xǔkězhèng, [許可證], license/authorization/permit
可怜虫 kěliánchóng, [可憐蟲], pitiful creature/wretch
可否 kěfǒu, is it possible or not?
无可奉告 wúkěfènggào, [無可奉告], (idiom) "no comment"
不可避免 bùkěbìmiǎn, unavoidably
可可 kěkě, cocoa (loanword)
不可理喻 bùkělǐyù, to be impervious to reason (idiom)/unreasonable
无话可说 wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
无可 wúkě, [無可], can't
可口 kěkǒu, tasty/to taste good
可观 kěguān, [可觀], considerable/impressive/significant
无懈可击 wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
不可收拾 bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
岌岌可危 jíjíkěwēi, imminent danger (idiom); approaching a crisis
忍无可忍 rěnwúkěrěn, [忍無可忍], more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw
可见 kějiàn, [可見], it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/clear/visible
即可 jíkě, equivalent to 就可以/can then (do sth)/can immediately (do sth)/(do sth) and that w...
可信度 kěxìndù, degree of credibility/reliability
不可开交 bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
适可而止 shìkěérzhǐ, [適可而止], to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can/don't overdo it/stop...
不可告人 bùkěgàorén, hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged
可用 可敬 kějìng, venerable
可比 kěbǐ, comparable
可知 kězhī, evidently/clearly/no wonder/knowable
可口可乐 Kěkǒukělè, [可口可樂], Coca-Cola
无计可施 wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
妙不可言 miàobùkěyán, too wonderful for words
可谓 kěwèi, [可謂], it could even be said
可恨 kěhèn, hateful
可人 kěrén, pleasant/agreeable/a person after one's heart (charming person)/a gifted person
可贵 kěguì, [可貴], to be treasured/praiseworthy
可憎 kězēng, disgusting
可嘉 kějiā, laudable
必不可少 bìbùkěshǎo, absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential
坚不可摧 jiānbùkěcuī, [堅不可摧], invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable
贝里可夫 机不可失 jībùkěshī, [機不可失], No time to lose! (idiom)
不可或缺 bùkěhuòquē, necessary/must have
可喜 kěxǐ, making one happy/gratifying/heartening
炙手可热 zhìshǒukěrè, [炙手可熱], lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom)/fig. arrogance of the powerful/a migh...
托滕可夫 无家可归者 牢不可破 可兰经 Kělánjīng, [可蘭經], Quran (Islamic scripture)
随处可见 可行性 kěxíngxìng, feasibility
百事可乐 BǎishìKělè, [百事可樂], Pepsi
势不可挡 shìbùkědǎng, [勢不可擋], see 勢不可當|势不可当[shì bù kě dāng]
和蔼可亲 héǎikěqīn, [和藹可親], affable/genial
可汗 kèhán, khan (loanword)
妮可 有利可图 yǒulìkětú, [有利可圖], profitable
可取 kěqǔ, acceptable/desirable/worth having
模棱两可 móléngliǎngkě, [模稜兩可], equivocal/ambiguous
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
玛可斯 怒不可遏 nùbùkěè, unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage
可有可无 kěyǒukěwú, [可有可無], not essential/dispensable
情有可原 qíngyǒukěyuán, pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
可亲 kěqīn, [可親], kindly/nice/amiable
无可奈何 wúkěnàihé, [無可奈何], have no way out/have no alternative/abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wú nài]
马可 可想而知 kěxiǎngérzhī, it is obvious that.../as one can well imagine...
麦可斯 无可挽回 wúkěwǎnhuí, [無可挽回], irrevocable/the die is cast
可贺 戴可夫 非同小可 fēitóngxiǎokě, extremely important/no small matter
有机可乘 yǒujīkěchéng, [有機可乘], to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom)
可燃 kěrán, inflammable
急不可待 jíbùkědài, impatient/eager to/anxious to
可塑性 kěsùxìng, plasticity
功不可没 gōngbùkěmò, [功不可沒], one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)
可鄙 kěbǐ, base/mean/despicable
不可多得 bùkěduōdé, hard to come by/rare
尼可拉斯 不可限量 可逆 kěnì, reversible/(math.) invertible
可靠性 kěkàoxìng, reliability
可意 可好 kěhǎo, good or not?/luckily/fortuitously
屈指可数 qūzhǐkěshǔ, [屈指可數], can be counted on one's fingers (idiom)/very few
面目可憎 miànmùkězēng, repulsive countenance/disgusting appearance
指日可待 zhǐrìkědài, imminent/just around the corner (idiom)
不可逆转 bùkěnìzhuǎn, [不可逆轉], irreversible
可信性 毕丝可特 柴可夫斯基 Cháikěfūsījī, Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer
可视电话 kěshìdiànhuà, [可視電話], videophone
大有可为 dàyǒukěwéi, [大有可為], with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing
密不可分 mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
不可磨灭 bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
可比性 圣马可 深不可测 shēnbùkěcè, [深不可測], deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths/incomprehensible/enigmatic an...
可的松 可蕾 无利可图 维可丁 可怜巴巴 kěliánbābā, [可憐巴巴], pathetic/pitiful
切罗基·可苏 不可同日而语 bùkětóngrìéryǔ, [不可同日而語], lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in...
方可 不可动摇 高不可攀 gāobùkěpān, too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
尼可勒梅 急不可耐 jíbùkěnài, unable to wait
无可比拟 清晰可见 无可争议 无可争辩 柴可撒 无可置疑 wúkězhìyí, [無可置疑], cannot be doubted (idiom)
可乘之机 难能可贵 nánnéngkěguì, [難能可貴], rare and precious/valuable/remarkable
不可逾越 bùkěyúyuè, impassable/insurmountable/insuperable
乐不可支 lèbùkězhī, [樂不可支], overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
不可一世 bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
马尔可夫 可望而不可及 kěwàngérbùkějí, in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible
可欺 kěqī, gullible/easily bullied/weak
可望 kěwàng, can be expected (to)/to be expected (to)/hopefully (happening)
不可捉摸 不可估量 bùkěgūliàng, inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure
可持续性 不置可否 bùzhìkěfǒu, decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncommittal/hedge
迈可·纽曼 可怜相 无可非议 wúkěfēiyì, [無可非議], irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blameworthy about it at all
马可斯 可气 kěqì, [可氣], annoying/irritating/exasperating
可我 麦可 Màikě, [麥可], Mike (name)
不可抗力 bùkěkànglì, unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothi...
可歌可泣 kěgēkěqì, lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving/happy and sad/inspi...
可可粉 缺一不可 quēyībùkě, not a single one is dispensable/can't do without either
不可终日 bùkězhōngrì, [不可終日], to be unable to carry on even for a single day/to be in a desperate situation
可溶性 kěróngxìng, solubility
马可尼 Mǎkění, [馬可尼], Marconi, UK electronics company
马可波罗 MǎkěBōluó, [馬可波羅], Marco Polo (1254-c. 1324), Venetian trader and explorer who traveled the Silk ro...
可燃性 kěránxìng, flammable/flammability
美味可口 měiwèikěkǒu, delicious/tasty
可见光 kějiànguāng, [可見光], visible light/light in optical spectrum
马克·雅可布 道可·朗 塔可尼 可可油 笑容可掬 xiàoróngkějū, smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear
切实可行 qièshíkěxíng, [切實可行], feasible
蓝可 米克哈尔·贝里可夫 麦可·欧戴尔 可变 kěbiàn, [可變], variable
可可茶 不可言传 可心 kěxīn, satisfying/to one's liking/to suit sb
基可斯 法可杜德 不可不 卡尔可夫 门可罗雀 ménkěluóquè, [門可羅雀], you can net sparrows at the door (idiom); completely deserted
塔巴可夫 纳可杜契斯 可辨 可赛 由此可见 yóucǐkějiàn, [由此可見], from this, it can be seen that...
可见度 由此可知 马可维治 尚可 shàngkě, not bad/satisfactory
黛安娜·可洛斯 可见一斑 小可怜儿 麦可高赛林 纳可杜契斯镇 无可指责 麦可会 不可分割 bùkěfēngē, inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible
朱可夫 杰可 贾可布·阿本茨 锐不可当 ruìbùkědāng, [銳不可當], unstoppable/hard to hold back
卡拉希尼可夫 杰可布 亦可 布鲁可林 和妮可·基德曼 可兰 滕可 我可 雅可夫 尼可斯 奥可菲 马可洛夫 可非 麦可拉伦 尼可尔 可莉 可莲 河童可真 妮可长 伊美黛·玛可斯 娜可 马可斯·尤尼斯 尼可泰帕多·帕利斯 迈可本 方可起 罗斯克·可特安斯 迈可·杰克逊 马可真 马可马巴夫 可用性 米切尔可真 妮可拉 西可迪 布鲁逊纳可夫 可读性 费勒门可夫 可真 维可汀 必不可缺 bìbùkěquē, see 必不可少[bì bù kě shǎo]
可刚 尼可莱 可操作性 比纳可杜契斯 可伯 莎妮可·约翰逊 乐子可 奥可拉荷马 巫可 最多可提 戴可 钱可存 尼可尔·基德曼 巴比可文 查尼可勒梅 立等可取 柏可夫 麦可蒂 托可列夫 汤姆·尼可森 麦可特 尼可泰帕·帕利斯 皮可里菲拉市 真可真 成妮可·基德曼 柴可 汤姆麦可维奇 马可士梅杜 温可定 尼可罗·帕格尼尼 剑可真 巴瑞尼可夫 萨卡吉维亚可真 安可曲 尼可·亚当姆 西可巴比 玛丽可都 海可 麦可艾勒 比维可丁 法可斯 波可诺 梅可威兹 势不可当 shìbùkědāng, [勢不可當], impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
麦可乔丹 利娅可真 尼可拉·特斯拉 唐基可 维可劳尼 布露可 邦可斯 不可名状 bùkěmíngzhuàng, [不可名狀], indescribable/beyond description
雪莉·马可维兹 提姆布可图 波奇帕可斯 米奇·可汉 费可 丝可 约瑟夫库可斯维奇 卡可因 巧可会 丹尼马可士 比切罗基·可苏 潘可维兹 麦可书 尼可基曼 塔可钟 乔尔·麦可里 弗朗科·马可尼 查可·朗 麦可·索罗 马可奥勒利乌斯
动 ⇒
动 dòng, [動], (of sth) to move/to set in movement/to displace/to touch/to make use of/to stir ...
行动 xíngdòng, [行動], operation/action/CL:個|个[gè]/to move about/mobile
动作 dòngzuò, [動作], movement/motion/action/CL:個|个[gè]
活动 huódòng, [活動], to exercise/to move about/to operate/to use connections (personal influence)/loo...
动物 dòngwù, [動物], animal/CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún],個|个[gè]
激动 jīdòng, [激動], to move emotionally/to stir up (emotions)/to excite
运动 yùndòng, [運動], to move/to exercise/sports/exercise/motion/movement/campaign/CL:場|场[chǎng]
移动 yídòng, [移動], to move/movement/migration/mobile/portable
动手 dòngshǒu, [動手], to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch
启动 qǐdòng, [啟動], to start (a machine)/(fig.) to set in motion/to launch (an operation)/to activat...
动机 dòngjī, [動機], motor/locomotive/motive/motivation/intention
自动 zìdòng, [自動], automatic/voluntarily
冲动 chōngdòng, [衝動], to have an urge/to be impetuous/impulse/urge
运动员 yùndòngyuán, [運動員], athlete/CL:名[míng],個|个[gè]
主动 zhǔdòng, [主動], to take the initiative/to do sth of one's own accord/spontaneous/active/opposite...
发动 fādòng, [發動], to start/to launch/to unleash/to mobilize/to arouse
动力 dònglì, [動力], motive power/force/(fig.) motivation/impetus
感动 gǎndòng, [感動], to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally)/moving
举动 jǔdòng, [舉動], act/action/activity/move/movement
打动 dǎdòng, [打動], to move (to pity)/arousing (sympathy)/touching
动静 dòngjìng, [動靜], (detectable) movement/(sign of) activity/movement and stillness
动物园 dòngwùyuán, [動物園], zoo/CL:個|个[gè]
动脉 dòngmài, [動脈], artery
乱动 luàndòng, [亂動], to fiddle with/to tamper with/to meddle with/to move randomly/to flail about
出动 chūdòng, [出動], to start out on a trip/to dispatch troops
开动 kāidòng, [開動], to start/to set in motion/to move/to march/to dig in (eating)/to tuck in (eating...
发动机 fādòngjī, [發動機], engine/motor/CL:臺|台[tái]
舞动 wǔdòng, [舞動], to move as in a dance/to wave (some implement)/to flourish/(of eyes, hands etc) ...
跳动 tiàodòng, [跳動], to throb/to pulse/to bounce/to jiggle/to jump about
流动 liúdòng, [流動], to flow/to circulate/to go from place to place/to be mobile/(of assets) liquid
动用 dòngyòng, [動用], to utilize/to put sth to use
转动 zhuǎndòng/zhuàndòng, [轉動], to turn sth around/to swivel, to rotate (about an axis)/to revolve/to turn/to mo...
动人 dòngrén, [動人], touching/moving
动脉瘤 动手术 动身 dòngshēn, [動身], to go on a journey/to leave
走动 zǒudòng, [走動], to walk around/to move about/to stretch one's legs/to go for a walk/to be mobile...
轰动 hōngdòng, [轟動], to cause a sensation/to create a stir in (a place)/commotion/controversy
震动 zhèndòng, [震動], to shake/to vibrate/to strongly affect/shock/vibration
劳动 láodòng, [勞動], work/toil/physical labor/CL:次[cì]
激动人心 动议 dòngyì, [動議], motion/proposal
触动 chùdòng, [觸動], to touch/to stir up (trouble or emotions)/to move (sb's emotions or worry)
动摇 dòngyáo, [動搖], to sway/to waver/to rock/to rattle/to destabilize/to pose a challenge to
动画片 dònghuàpiàn, [動畫片], animated film
生动 shēngdòng, [生動], vivid/lively
变动 biàndòng, [變動], to change/to fluctuate/change/fluctuation
暴动 bàodòng, [暴動], insurrection/rebellion
推动 tuīdòng, [推動], to push (for acceptance of a plan)/to push forward/to promote/to actuate/CL:個|个[...
手动 shǒudòng, [手動], manual/manually operated/manual gear-change
一举一动 yījǔyīdòng, [一舉一動], every movement/each and every move
动态 dòngtài, [動態], movement/motion/development/trend/dynamic (science)
动听 dòngtīng, [動聽], pleasant to listen to
运动鞋 yùndòngxié, [運動鞋], sports shoes/sneakers
互动 hùdòng, [互動], to interact/interactive
改动 gǎidòng, [改動], to alter/to modify/to revise
波动 bōdòng, [波動], to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/rise and fall
调动 diàodòng, [調動], to transfer/to maneuver (troops etc)/movement of personnel/to mobilize/to bring ...
电动 diàndòng, [電動], electric-powered/(Tw) video game
运动衫 yùndòngshān, [運動衫], sports shirt/sweatshirt/CL:件[jiàn]
机动 jīdòng, [機動], locomotive/motorized/power-driven/adaptable/flexible (use, treatment, timing etc...
无动于衷 wúdòngyúzhōng, [無動於衷], aloof/indifferent/unconcerned
动画 dònghuà, [動畫], animation/cartoon
摆动 bǎidòng, [擺動], to sway/to swing/to move back and forth/to oscillate
被动 bèidòng, [被動], passive
运动场 yùndòngchǎng, [運動場], sports field/playground/exercise yard
轻举妄动 qīngjǔwàngdòng, [輕舉妄動], to act blindly without thinking (idiom)
能动 煽动 shāndòng, [煽動], to incite/to instigate
小动作 xiǎodòngzuò, [小動作], bad habit (e.g. nose-picking)/petty maneuver/dirty trick/gamesmanship
振动 zhèndòng, [振動], to vibrate/to shake/vibration
动感 dònggǎn, [動感], sense of movement (often in a static work of art)/dynamic/vivid/lifelike
骚动 sāodòng, [騷動], disturbance/uproar/CL:陣|阵[zhèn]/to become restless
动弹 dòngtan, [動彈], to budge
一动不动 yīdòngbùdòng, [一動不動], motionless
动向 dòngxiàng, [動向], trend/tendency
动心 dòngxīn, [動心], to be moved/to be tempted
扭动 动不动 dòngbudòng, [動不動], (typically followed by 就[jiù]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc)/at t...
驱动 qūdòng, [驅動], to drive/to propel/drive (vehicle wheel)/drive mechanism (tape or disk)/device d...
动员 dòngyuán, [動員], to mobilize/to arouse/mobilization/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
不动产 bùdòngchǎn, [不動產], real estate/immovable property/immovables
惊动 jīngdòng, [驚動], to alarm/to startle/to disturb
滚动 gǔndòng, [滾動], to roll/(to do sth) in a loop/to scroll (computing)/to progressively expand (eco...
运动服 yùndòngfú, [運動服], sportswear
运动会 yùndònghuì, [運動會], sports competition/CL:個|个[gè]
晃动 huàngdòng, [晃動], to sway/to rock
动手动脚 dòngshǒudòngjiǎo, [動手動腳], to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
滑动 huádòng, [滑動], to slide/sliding movement
挥动 huīdòng, [揮動], to wave sth/to brandish
挪动 nuódòng, [挪動], to move/to shift
鼓动 gǔdòng, [鼓動], to agitate/to arouse/to instigate/to encite
心动 xīndòng, [心動], heartbeat/heart rate/(fig.) emotionally affected/aroused (of desire, emotion, in...
动词 dòngcí, [動詞], verb
哺乳动物 bǔrǔdòngwù, [哺乳動物], mammal
蠢蠢欲动 chǔnchǔnyùdòng, [蠢蠢欲動], to begin to stir (idiom)/to get restless/to become threatening
动荡 dòngdàng, [動盪]/[動蕩], variant of 動蕩|动荡[dòng dàng], unrest (social or political)/turmoil/upheaval/commo...
主动脉 zhǔdòngmài, [主動脈], aorta/principal artery
律动 lǜdòng, [律動], rhythm/to move rhythmically
半自动 bànzìdòng, [半自動], semiautomatic
劳动节 Láodòngjié, [勞動節], International Labor Day (May Day)
颤动 chàndòng, [顫動], to tremble
体育运动 tǐyùyùndòng, [體育運動], sports/physical culture
主动权 zhǔdòngquán, [主動權], initiative (as in "seize the initiative")/advantageous position that allows one ...
搬动 bāndòng, [搬動], to move (sth around)/to move house
总动员 zǒngdòngyuán, [總動員], general mobilization (for war etc)
动真格的 劳动力 láodònglì, [勞動力], labor force/manpower
摇动 yáodòng, [搖動], to shake/to sway
带动 dàidòng, [帶動], to spur/to provide impetus/to drive
动乱 dòngluàn, [動亂], turmoil/upheaval/unrest
动力学 dònglìxué, [動力學], dynamics (math.)/kinetics
慢动作 màndòngzuò, [慢動作], slow motion
涌动 冠状动脉 guānzhuàngdòngmài, [冠狀動脈], coronary artery
大动脉 dàdòngmài, [大動脈], main artery (blood vessel)/fig. main highway/arterial road
跑动 动脑筋 dòngnǎojīn, [動腦筋], to use one's brains/to think
动工 dònggōng, [動工], to start (a building project)
抖动 dǒudòng, [抖動], to tremble
全自动 悸动 jìdòng, [悸動], to pound/to throb
动情 dòngqíng, [動情], to get excited/passionate/aroused to passion/to fall in love/on heat (of animals...
撼动 hàndòng, [撼動], to shake up/to deal a shock/(fig.) to stir (sb's heart)
原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng, [原封不動], sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched
抽动 chōudòng, [抽動], to twitch/to throb/a spasm/to extract and use
按兵不动 ànbīngbùdòng, [按兵不動], to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
惊天动地 jīngtiāndòngdì, [驚天動地], world-shaking (idiom)
搅动 jiǎodòng, [攪動], to mix/to stir
煽动性 shāndòngxìng, [煽動性], provocative
风吹草动 动容 dòngróng, [動容], to be emotionally moved
闪动 shǎndòng, [閃動], to flicker or flash
蠕动 rúdòng, [蠕動], to wiggle/to squirm/peristalsis (wave movement of gut wall)
制动 zhìdòng, [制動], to brake
反动 fǎndòng, [反動], reaction/reactionary
起动 qǐdòng, [起動], to start up (a motor)/to launch (a computer application)
电动车 惊心动魄 jīngxīndòngpò, [驚心動魄], shaking one to the core/extremely disturbing/hair-raising (idiom)
肺动脉 fèidòngmài, [肺動脈], pulmonary artery
爬行动物 páxíngdòngwù, [爬行動物], reptile
动怒 dòngnù, [動怒], to get angry
动笔 动感情 浮动 fúdòng, [浮動], to float and drift/unstable
传动 chuándòng, [傳動], drive (transmission in an engine)
激动不已 冷血动物 lěngxuèdòngwù, [冷血動物], cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person
驱动器 qūdòngqì, [驅動器], drive
自动化 zìdònghuà, [自動化], automation
响动 好动 hàodòng, [好動], active/restless/energetic
游动 yóudòng, [游動], to move about/to go from place to place/roving/mobile
拉动 松动 sōngdòng, [鬆動], loose/slack/(fig.) to soften (policies, tone of voice)/to give some slack/(of a ...
破土动工 翻动 fāndòng, [翻動], to flip over/to turn (a page)/to scroll (an electronic document)/to stir (food i...
运动队 纹丝不动 wénsībùdòng, [紋絲不動], to not move a single jot (idiom)
动员会 不为所动 bùwéisuǒdòng, [不為所動], to remain unmoved
不动声色 bùdòngshēngsè, [不動聲色], not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/not batting an eyel...
大动干戈 dàdònggāngē, [大動干戈], to go to war (idiom)/to make a big fuss over sth
说动 shuōdòng, [說動], to persuade
动武 dòngwǔ, [動武], to use force/to come to blows
劳动者 láodòngzhě, [勞動者], worker/laborer
灵机一动 língjīyīdòng, [靈機一動], a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration/to be struck b...
扇动 shāndòng, [扇動], to fan/to flap/to incite/to instigate (a strike etc)
拖动 tuōdòng, [拖動], to drag/to tow/(computing) to drag (mouse operation)
机动车 jīdòngchē, [機動車], motor vehicle
动气 dòngqì, [動氣], to get angry
活动室 兴师动众 xīngshīdòngzhòng, [興師動眾], to muster large forces/to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out...
运动健将 主动性 动物学 dòngwùxué, [動物學], zoological/zoology
飘动 piāodòng, [飄動], to float/to drift
动脉血 搏动 bódòng, [搏動], to beat rhythmically/to throb/to pulsate
一动 轰动一时 hōngdòngyīshí, [轟動一時], to cause a sensation (idiom)
扰动 rǎodòng, [擾動], to disturb/to stir up/disturbance/agitation/turmoil
动土 dòngtǔ, [動土], to break ground (prior to building sth)/to start building
活动房 huódòngfáng, [活動房], prefabricated building/prefab
推动力 tuīdònglì, [推動力], driving force
食草动物 shícǎodòngwù, [食草動物], herbivore
动植物 dòngzhíwù, [動植物], plants and animals/flora and fauna
两栖动物 liǎngqīdòngwù, [兩棲動物], amphibian/amphibious animals
活动家 huódòngjiā, [活動家], activist
动荡不安 动物界 dòngwùjiè, [動物界], animal kingdom
运动衣 流动资金 liúdòngzījīn, [流動資金], money in circulation/fluid funds
躁动不安 自动步枪 躁动 zàodòng, [躁動], to stir restlessly/to be agitated/commotion/agitation
运动神经 原动力 yuándònglì, [原動力], motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent
灵动 língdòng, [靈動], to be quick-witted
牵动 qiāndòng, [牽動], to affect/to produce a change in sth
不可动摇 电动机 diàndòngjī, [電動機], electric motor
别动队 biédòngduì, [別動隊], special detachment/commando/an armed secret agent squad
拨动 bōdòng, [撥動], to stir/to prod/to poke/to move sideways/to strum (on a guitar etc)
脊椎动物 jǐzhuīdòngwù, [脊椎動物], vertebrate
妄动 wàngdòng, [妄動], to rush indiscriminately into action
流动性 liúdòngxìng, [流動性], flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)
令人感动 驱动力 qūdònglì, [驅動力], driving force
动量 dòngliàng, [動量], momentum
楚楚动人 胎动 tāidòng, [胎動], fetal movement
跃动 动脉硬化 dòngmàiyìnghuà, [動脈硬化], hardening of the arteries/arteriosclerosis
机动性 jīdòngxìng, [機動性], flexibility
气动 qìdòng, [氣動], pneumatic
劳动法 劳动日 活动性 气动力 启动器 运动量 动能 dòngnéng, [動能], kinetic energy
雷打不动 léidǎbùdòng, [雷打不動], not shaken by thunder (idiom); the arrangements are unalterable/to adhere rigidl...
萌动 méngdòng, [萌動], to sprout/(fig.) to emerge
挑动 tiǎodòng, [挑動], to entice/to arouse/to provoke
雷动 联动 掌声雷动 zhǎngshēngléidòng, [掌聲雷動], thunderous applause (idiom)
启蒙运动 地动山摇 dìdòngshānyáo, [地動山搖], the earth quaked, the mountains shook (idiom); a tremendous battle
核动力 hédònglì, [核動力], nuclear power
倾巢出动 人头攒动 软体动物 ruǎntǐdòngwù, [軟體動物], mollusk/mollusks
动人心弦 运动病 yùndòngbìng, [運動病], car sickness/motion sickness
怦然心动 pēngránxīndòng, [怦然心動], to feel a rush of excitement (idiom)
闻风而动 wénfēngérdòng, [聞風而動], to respond instantly/to act at once on hearing the news
动物油 dòngwùyóu, [動物油], animal fat
劳动改造 láodònggǎizào, [勞動改造], reeducation through labor/laogai (prison camp)
动火 动迁 社会活动 shèhuìhuódòng, [社會活動], social activity
田径运动 tiánjìngyùndòng, [田徑運動], track and field sports
制动器 zhìdòngqì, [制動器], brake
策动 cèdòng, [策動], to conspire/to plot (a rebellion, crime etc)/to machinate/to spur on/to urge act...
吹动 助动词 zhùdòngcí, [助動詞], auxiliary verb/modal verb
劳动模范 láodòngmófàn, [勞動模範], model worker
动物群 动因 dòngyīn, [動因], motivation/moving force/underlying force/agent
反动派 fǎndòngpài, [反動派], reactionaries
动力源 脑力劳动 nǎolìláodòng, [腦力勞動], mental labor/intellectual work
活动日 动产 dòngchǎn, [動產], movable property/personal property
动员令 dòngyuánlìng, [動員令], order of mobilization
被动式 毫不动摇 不动产业 能动性 néngdòngxìng, [能動性], initiative/active role
旋动 传动轴 chuándòngzhóu, [傳動軸], drive shaft
节肢动物 jiézhīdòngwù, [節肢動物], arthropod
机动船 桡动脉 攒动 活动靶 移动靶 反刍动物 fǎnchúdòngwù, [反芻動物], ruminant
动态平衡 动辄 dòngzhé, [動輒], easily/readily/frequently/at every turn/at the slightest pretext
制动闸 传动带 chuándòngdài, [傳動帶], transmission belt
动轮 自动铅笔 zìdòngqiānbǐ, [自動鉛筆], mechanical pencil/propelling pencil
脊索动物 jǐsuǒdòngwù, [脊索動物], chordata
群众运动 动脉弓 动之以情 哄动 hōngdòng, [哄動], variant of 轟動|轰动[hōng dòng]
流动车 劳动党 电动船 运动学 yùndòngxué, [運動學], kinematics
佯动 鼓动性