忧 ⇒
忧郁 yōuyù, [憂鬱], sullen/depressed/melancholy/dejected
担忧 dānyōu, [擔憂], to worry/to be concerned
忧伤 yōushāng, [憂傷], distressed/laden with grief
忧虑 yōulǜ, [憂慮], to worry/anxiety (about)
忧 yōu, [憂], to worry/to concern oneself with/worried/anxiety/sorrow/(literary) to observe mo...
无忧无虑 wúyōuwúlǜ, [無憂無慮], carefree and without worries (idiom)
忧愁 yōuchóu, [憂愁], to be worried
杞人忧天 Qǐrényōutiān, [杞人憂天], man of Qǐ fears the sky falling (idiom); groundless fears
高枕无忧 gāozhěnwúyōu, [高枕無憂], to sleep peacefully (idiom)/(fig.) to rest easy/to be free of worries
忧心忡忡 yōuxīnchōngchōng, [憂心忡忡], deeply worried and sick at heart (idiom)
忧心 yōuxīn, [憂心], concerned/worried/disturbed/anxious
后顾之忧 hòugùzhīyōu, [後顧之憂], fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of act...
喜忧参半 xǐyōucānbàn, [喜憂參半], to have mixed feelings (about sth)
解忧 烦忧 fányōu, [煩憂], to worry/to fret
令人担忧 分忧 fēnyōu, [分憂], to share tribulations/to help sb with worries and difficulties
排忧解难 páiyōujiěnàn, [排憂解難], to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
令人堪忧 堪忧 kānyōu, [堪憂], worrying/bleak
忧心如焚 先天下之忧而忧 报忧 bàoyōu, [報憂], to report bad news/to announce failure, shortcoming or disaster
忧色 忧患 yōuhuàn, [憂患], suffering/misery/hardship
惧 ⇒
恐惧 kǒngjù, [恐懼], to be frightened/fear/dread
畏惧 wèijù, [畏懼], to fear/to dread/foreboding
惧怕 jùpà, [懼怕], to be afraid
恐惧症 kǒngjùzhèng, [恐懼症], phobia
无所畏惧 惧 jù, [懼], to fear
恐惧感 惧高症 jùgāozhèng, [懼高症], acrophobia
惊惧 jīngjù, [驚懼], to be alarmed/to be terrified
惧色 临危不惧 疑惧 yíjù, [疑懼], misgivings