找 ⇒
找 zhǎo, to try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to return/to give chang...
找到 zhǎodào, to find
寻找 xúnzhǎo, [尋找], to seek/to look for
找回 zhǎohuí, to retrieve
找寻 zhǎoxún, [找尋], to look for/to seek/to find fault
自找 zìzhǎo, to suffer as a consequence of one's own actions/you asked for it/to bring it on ...
找乐 找麻烦 zhǎomáfan, [找麻煩], to look for trouble
查找 cházhǎo, to search for/to look up
找上门 zhǎoshàngmén, [找上門], to come to sb's door/to call on sb
自找麻烦 zìzhǎomáfan, [自找麻煩], to ask for trouble/to invite difficulties
找茬 zhǎochá, to pick fault with/to spot the differences/to nitpick/to pick a quarrel/to find ...
找事 zhǎoshì, to look for employment/to pick a quarrel
找钱 zhǎoqián, [找錢], to give change
找碴 zhǎochá, variant of 找茬[zhǎo chá]
好找 找齐 zhǎoqí, [找齊], to make uniform/to even up/to make good a deficiency
找头 zhǎotou, [找頭], change (from money paid)
找出路 难找 找还
零 ⇒
零 líng, zero/nought/zero sign/fractional/fragmentary/odd (of numbers)/(placed between tw...
零件 língjiàn, part/component
零钱 língqián, [零錢], change (of money)/small change/pocket money
零食 língshí, between-meal nibbles/snacks
零花钱 línghuāqián, [零花錢], pocket money/allowance
零蛋 孤零零 gūlínglíng, lone/isolated and without help/all alone/solitary
零下 língxià, below zero
零售 língshòu, to retail/to sell individually or in small quantities
零用钱 língyòngqián, [零用錢], pocket money/allowance/spending money
零售商 língshòushāng, retailer/shopkeeper/retail merchant
零点 língdiǎn, [零點], midnight/to order à la carte/(math.) zero of a function
零碎 língsuì, scattered and fragmentary/scraps/odds and ends
零度 língdù, zero degree
零分 凋零 diāolíng, withered/wilted/to wither/to fade/to decay
零星 língxīng, fragmentary/random/bits and pieces/sporadic
零售业 零一 零工 línggōng, temporary job/odd job
零头 língtóu, [零頭], odd/scrap/remainder
零零一 打零工 四一零 零部件 língbùjiàn, spare part/component
零售价 七零八 零三 零散 língsǎn, scattered
零时 língshí, [零時], midnight/zero hour
零售店 língshòudiàn, shop/retail store
零壹 飘零 piāolíng, [飄零], to fall and wither (like autumn leaves)/(fig.) drifting and homeless
一点零 零四 零两 零零 八点零五 一千零一 零九 七零八落 qīlíngbāluò, (idiom) everything broken and in disorder
零用 língyòng, incidental expenses/sundries/pocket money
零花 九零 九零八 零活 零零星星 línglíngxīngxīng, odd/piecemeal/fragmentary
零落 língluò, withered and fallen/scattered/sporadic
一千五百零七 零五 化整为零 huàzhěngwéilíng, [化整為零], to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide...
第一千零一 零七 零八 零十 零点四五 一九九零年 一千零五 一百零二 一亿零十万 零零碎碎 五点零一 五零 四点零七 九千零七十 一百零一 一百零三 一八零 一九八零年 一万零八 一万零一 零秒 两点零一 十二点零六 零卖 十二点零一 四零一 零点五 língdiǎnwǔ, [零點五], zero point five, 0.5/one half
七点零五 七点零一 四百零七 七零 两千五百零一 第二百零三 四千零一 一千零二 一九零四年 零乱 língluàn, [零亂], in disorder/a complete mess
九点零一 零六年 十点零三 十点零一 零售点 三点零五 九点零六 二千零 两百零 零嘴 língzuǐ, nibbles/snacks between meals
三百零二 零三分 四零 零敲碎打 língqiāosuìdǎ, to do things in bits and pieces (idiom); piecemeal work
一亿零一百二十万六千 三点零七 四千零二 一亿零一 零八年 零二十五 九十九万零七千分之一 六零点 六零年 二零零 零一分 二一零点五 七百零七千 一百二十万零七百 零七分 零配件 五十亿零五十三 一亿零一百万 一八五零年 两千五百零二 三十一亿六百七十八万六千零五 零八十二 九零二六六 零点零三 零点零九 一千零二十 一点零五 零三秒 一千二百零一 六点零七 十点零二 一千三百零三点五 十万零五千 五千三百零二 五千三百零一 四十万零一千 零十一 七百零 一百零五 二零六 九千两百零一万六千 零五亿 零点十七