殊 ⇒
特殊 tèshū, special/particular/unusual/extraordinary
殊荣 shūróng, [殊榮], special glory/distinction/rare honor/one's laurels/it's a privilege (to meet you...
悬殊 xuánshū, [懸殊], widely different/large disparity
殊死 shūsǐ, to behead/capital punishment/desperate struggle/life-and-death
殊 shū, different/unique/special/very/(classical) to behead/to die/to cut off/to separat...
殊途同归 shūtútóngguī, [殊途同歸], different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achiev...
特殊性 特殊教育 tèshūjiàoyù, special education/special-needs education
殊不知 shūbùzhī, little imagined/scarcely realized
贫富悬殊 特殊化 殊死战
姿 ⇒
姿势 zīshì, [姿勢], posture/position
姿态 zītài, [姿態], attitude/posture/stance
姿 zī, beauty/disposition/looks/appearance
舞姿 wǔzī, dancer's posture and movement
多姿多彩 duōzīduōcǎi, diversity (of forms and colors)
坐姿 姿色 zīsè, good looks (of a woman)
搔首弄姿 sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
高姿态 身姿 英姿 风姿 fēngzī, [風姿], good looks/good figure/graceful bearing/charm
雄姿 婀娜多姿 多姿 duōzī, many postures
丰姿 fēngzī, charm/good looks
多彩多姿 duōcǎiduōzī, elegant and graceful posture/splendid, full of content
飒爽英姿 英姿飒爽 yīngzīsàshuǎng, [英姿颯爽], (of a person) valiant and formidable-looking/to carry oneself tall
多姿多态 千姿百态 qiānzībǎitài, [千姿百態], in different poses and with different expressions/in thousands of postures (idio...