烘 ⇒
烘 hōng, to bake/to heat by fire/to set off by contrast
烘干 hōnggān, [烘乾], to dry over a stove
烘烤 hōngkǎo, to roast/to bake
臭烘烘 chòuhōnghōng, stinking
烘焙 hōngbèi, to cure by drying over a fire (tea, meat etc)/to bake
烘制 hōngzhì, [烘製], to bake
烘托 hōngtuō, background (of a painting)/backdrop/a foil (to set off something to advantage)/t...
暖烘烘 nuǎnhōnghōng, nice and warm/cozy/heartwarming
热烘烘 烘干器 烘炉 hōnglú, [烘爐], oven
衬 ⇒
衬衫 chènshān, [襯衫], shirt/blouse/CL:件[jiàn]
衬衣 chènyī, [襯衣], shirt/CL:件[jiàn]
衬 chèn, [襯], (of garments) against the skin/to line/lining/to contrast with/to assist financi...
衬托 chèntuō, [襯托], to set off
衬垫 chèndiàn, [襯墊], pad
衬裤 chènkù, [襯褲], underpants
衬里 chènlǐ, [襯裡], lining
陪衬 péichèn, [陪襯], to enhance by contrast/to set off/to serve as a background in order to bring out...
映衬 yìngchèn, [映襯], to set off by contrast/antithesis/analogy parallelism (linguistics)
衬裙 chènqún, [襯裙], petticoat
衬布 反衬 衬纸 衬套 帮衬 bāngchèn, [幫襯], to help/to assist financially