畅 ⇒
流畅 liúchàng, [流暢], flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy
畅销 chàngxiāo, [暢銷], to sell well/best seller/chart-topping
畅销书 chàngxiāoshū, [暢銷書], best-seller/best-selling book/blockbuster
顺畅 shùnchàng, [順暢], smooth and unhindered/fluent
畅饮 chàngyǐn, [暢飲], to have a few drinks/to drink to one's heart's content
畅通 chàngtōng, [暢通], unimpeded/free-flowing/straight path/unclogged/move without obstruction
畅所欲言 chàngsuǒyùyán, [暢所欲言], lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite t...
畅 chàng, [暢], free/unimpeded/smooth/at ease/free from worry/fluent
通畅 tōngchàng, [通暢], unobstructed/clear
舒畅 shūchàng, [舒暢], happy/entirely free from worry
畅通无阻 畅游 畅快 chàngkuài, [暢快], carefree
畅谈 chàngtán, [暢談], to talk freely/to discuss without inhibition
酣畅淋漓 hānchànglínlí, [酣暢淋漓], to one's heart's content (idiom)
畅行无阻 畅想 chàngxiǎng, [暢想], to think freely/unfettered imagination
畅顺 chàngshùn, [暢順], smooth/unimpeded
欢畅 huānchàng, [歡暢], happy/cheerful/jubilant
宽畅 kuānchàng, [寬暢], with no worries/cheerful/spacious
酣畅 hānchàng, [酣暢], unrestrained/cheerful lack of inhibition, esp. for drinking or sleeping/to drink...
旺 ⇒
旺 wàng, prosperous/flourishing/(of flowers) blooming/(of fire) roaring
旺盛 wàngshèng, vigorous/exuberant
卢旺达 Lúwàngdá, [盧旺達], Rwanda
旺达 兴旺 xīngwàng, [興旺], prosperous/thriving/to prosper/to flourish
欧比旺 旺达尼 欧比·旺 旺季 wàngjì, busy season/peak period/see also 淡季[dàn jì]
普罗旺斯 Pǔluówàngsī, [普羅旺斯], Provence (south of France)
况士旺 斯旺 欧比·旺·科努比 欧比·旺·科诺比 斯旺吉 旺旺 卢旺达人 兴旺发达 xīngwàngfādá, [興旺發達], prosperous and developing/flourishing
旺查 旺达尔 旺斯 萨莉·斯旺吉 旺布萨 卡旺诺 欧比旺·肯诺比 楚旺 威利·旺卡 麦克旺 奥拉朱旺 谢德·旺斯 博比·玛旺巴 史蒂夫·旺德尔 斯旺西 旺加拉塔 史蒂夫旺达 旺兹沃思 斯旺森 巴旺巴 旺达多 伊莎贝拉·斯旺 素旺里 史蒂夫·旺德 尼·玛旺巴 德·普罗旺斯 史旺达 爱史旺达 安旺斯顿 孙旺书