谷 ⇒
谷 gǔ/Gǔ, [穀], grain/corn, surname Gu, valley
峡谷 xiágǔ, [峽谷], canyon/gill/ravine
山谷 shāngǔ, valley/ravine
谷仓 gǔcāng, [穀倉], barn
谷物 gǔwù, [穀物], cereal/grain
曼谷 Màngǔ, Bangkok, capital of Thailand
低谷 dīgǔ, valley/trough (as opposed to peaks)/fig. low point/lowest ebb/nadir of one's for...
谷底 gǔdǐ, valley floor/(fig.) lowest ebb/all-time low
布谷 bùgǔ, [布穀], cuckoo
河谷 hégǔ, river valley
幽谷 yōugǔ, deep valley
布谷鸟 bùgǔniǎo, [布谷鳥], cuckoo (Cercococcyx spp.)/same as 杜鵑鳥|杜鹃鸟[dù juān niǎo]
硅谷 Guīgǔ, Silicon Valley
大谷 朴谷柯 谷子 gǔzi, [穀子], millet
进退维谷 jìntuìwéigǔ, [進退維谷], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
谷歌 Gǔgē, [穀歌], variant of 谷歌[Gǔ gē], Google, Internet company and search engine
谷巴 深谷 shēngǔ, deep valley/ravine
长谷川 Chánggǔchuān, [長谷川], Hasegawa (Japanese surname)
裂谷 liègǔ, rift valley
岸谷 田谷 长谷 五谷 wǔgǔ, [五穀], five crops, e.g. millet 粟[sù], soybean 豆[dòu], sesame 麻[má], barley 麥|麦[mài], ri...
稻谷 dàogǔ, [稻穀], rice crops
谷氨酸 gǔānsuān, [穀氨酸], glutamic acid (Glu), an amino acid
雄谷 谷口 Gǔkǒu, Taniguchi (Japanese surname)
谷草 gǔcǎo, [穀草], straw
永谷 溪谷 xīgǔ, valley/gorge
红河谷 朴大谷 邦谷 谷崎 吴申谷 底谷 平谷 Pínggǔ, Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county
满坑满谷 mǎnkēngmǎngǔ, [滿坑滿谷], (idiom) all over the place/in every nook and cranny/packed to the rafters
北谷高中 斯阔谷 五谷丰登 wǔgǔfēngdēng, [五穀豐登], abundant harvest of all food crops/bumper grain harvest
史莫奇谷 谷粒 gǔlì, [穀粒], grain (of cereal)
谷浩 鹿谷 Lùgǔ, Lugu or Luku township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nán tóu xiàn], central Taiwan
谷神星 Gǔshénxīng, [穀神星], Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in...
尤罗溪谷 谷壳 gǔké, [穀殼], husk of grain/grain and chaff
中谷 河溪谷 雷之谷 春之谷 金士谷 帝皇谷 弗吉谷 里谷 泉谷 谷城 Gǔchéng, Gucheng county in Xiangfan 襄樊[Xiāng fán], Hubei
谷地 gǔdì, valley
火之谷 北谷 罗根谷 谷拉恭 谷的斯巴鲁 谷林 丰谷 全谷 云谷 第谷 波峰浪谷 福齐谷 谷什维尔 谷里 谷川俊太郎 谷苍 打谷机 dǎgǔjī, [打穀機], threshing machine
福谷森 谷粉 谷的斯鲁巴
雨 ⇒
雨 yǔ/yù, rain/CL:陣|阵[zhèn],場|场[cháng], to rain/(of rain, snow etc) to fall/to precipitate...
下雨 xiàyǔ, to rain
暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ, [暴風雨], rainstorm/storm/tempest
雨水 Yǔshuǐ, Yushui or Rain Water, 2nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 19th February-5th Ma...
大雨 dàyǔ, heavy rain/CL:場|场[cháng]
雨果 Yǔguǒ, Hugo (name)/Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
雨林 yǔlín, rainforest
雨伞 yǔsǎn, [雨傘], umbrella/CL:把[bǎ]
暴雨 bàoyǔ, torrential rain/rainstorm/CL:場|场[cháng],陣|阵[zhèn]
雨季 yǔjì, rainy season
雨衣 yǔyī, raincoat/CL:件[jiàn]
流星雨 liúxīngyǔ, meteor shower
风雨 fēngyǔ, [風雨], wind and rain/the elements/trials and hardships
下雨天 热带雨林 rèdàiyǔlín, [熱帶雨林], tropical rain forest
雨天 yǔtiān, rainy day/rainy weather
翻云覆雨 fānyúnfùyǔ, [翻雲覆雨], to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. ...
倾盆大雨 qīngpéndàyǔ, [傾盆大雨], a downpour/rain bucketing down/fig. to be overwhelmed (with work or things to st...
枪林弹雨 未雨绸缪 wèiyǔchóumóu, [未雨綢繆], lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 詩經|诗经); f...
雨滴 yǔdī, raindrop
雷雨 léiyǔ, thunderstorm
风风雨雨 雨点 yǔdiǎn, [雨點], raindrop
降雨 jiàngyǔ, precipitation/rainfall
呼风唤雨 hūfēnghuànyǔ, [呼風喚雨], to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/fig. to...
满城风雨 mǎnchéngfēngyǔ, [滿城風雨], lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal/an uproar/the ta...
阵雨 zhènyǔ, [陣雨], shower
小雨 xiǎoyǔ, light rain/drizzle
狂风暴雨 kuángfēngbàoyǔ, [狂風暴雨], howling wind and torrential rain (idiom)/(fig.) difficult, dangerous situation
雨声 雨怡 陨石雨 风雨无阻 fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
瓢泼大雨 piáopōdàyǔ, [瓢潑大雨], downpour (idiom)
血雨腥风 阴雨 细雨 xìyǔ, [細雨], fine rain/drizzle/poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐
酸雨 suānyǔ, acid rain
求雨 骤雨 zhòuyǔ, [驟雨], shower
雨露 yǔlù, rain and dew/(fig.) favor/grace
毛毛雨 máomaoyǔ, drizzle/light rain/(fig.) mere trifle
雨过天晴 yǔguòtiānqíng, [雨過天晴], sky clears after rain/new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom)/every cloud ha...
冰雨 雨量 yǔliàng, rainfall
挥汗如雨 huīhànrúyǔ, [揮汗如雨], to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)
躲雨 duǒyǔ, to take shelter from the rain
降雨量 jiàngyǔliàng, precipitation/quantity of rainfall
暴风骤雨 bàofēngzhòuyǔ, [暴風驟雨], violent wind and rainstorm/hurricane/tempest
雨燕 yǔyàn, swift/Apodidae (the swift family)
风雨同舟 fēngyǔtóngzhōu, [風雨同舟], lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in har...
春雨 chūnyǔ, spring rain/gift from above
梅雨 méiyǔ, Asian rainy season/monsoon
防雨布 遮风挡雨 大暴雨 雨布 yǔbù, rain tarp
晴雨表 qíngyǔbiǎo, barometer
汗如雨下 hànrúyǔxià, sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely/sweating like a pig
冒雨 màoyǔ, to brave the rain
积雨云 jīyǔyún, [積雨雲], cumulonimbus (cloud)
雷阵雨 léizhènyǔ, [雷陣雨], thunder shower
风吹雨打 fēngchuīyǔdǎ, [風吹雨打], lit. windswept and battered by rain/to undergo hardship (idiom)
风雨飘摇 fēngyǔpiāoyáo, [風雨飄搖], tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom)/(of a situation) unstable
雨蛙 yǔwā, rain frog
云雨之 挡风遮雨 雨果·查维斯 雨鞋 雨靴 yǔxuē, rain boots/rubber boots/CL:雙|双[shuāng]
雷雨云 豪雨 háoyǔ, violent rain (e.g. due to monsoon or typhoon)/cloudburst
维克多·雨果 Wéikèduō·Yǔguǒ, [維克多·雨果], Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French writer
泪如雨下 lèirúyǔxià, [淚如雨下], tears falling like rain (idiom)
雨披 微雨 雨带 阴雨连绵 烟雨 yānyǔ, [煙雨], misty rain/drizzle
紫雨 连阴雨 日晒雨淋 rìshàiyǔlín, [日曬雨淋], scorched and drenched by sun and rain (idiom); suffer from exposure to the eleme...
人工降雨 风调雨顺 fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
疾风暴雨 腥风血雨 xīngfēngxuèyǔ, [腥風血雨], lit. foul wind and bloody rain (idiom)/fig. reign of terror/carnage
施云布雨 雨夹雪 yǔjiāxuě, [雨夾雪], sleet/mixture of snow and rain
及时雨 jíshíyǔ, [及時雨], timely rain/(fig.) timely assistance
郑雨盛 云雨 yúnyǔ, [雲雨], lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual intercourse
雨景 雨真 雨帽 雨幕 yǔmù, curtain of rain/downpour
雨具 yǔjù, rainwear
雨云 季风雨 冻雨 dòngyǔ, [凍雨], sleet
玄雨 雨儿 秋雨 qiūyǔ, autumn rain
雨果·格里菲斯 柳正雨 朴真雨 雨雪天 卡洛斯·雨果·卡特兰 雨后春笋 yǔhòuchūnsǔn, [雨後春筍], lit. after rain, the spring bamboo (idiom); fig. rapid new growth/many new thing...
云生雨 雨果·查韦斯