All Possible Words
亨 hēng, prosperous/henry (unit of inductance)
里 lǐ/Lǐ, [裏]/[裡], variant of 裡|里[lǐ], lining/interior/inside/internal/also written 裏|里[lǐ], Li (su...
埃 Āi/āi, abbr. for Egypt 埃及[Āi jí], dust/dirt/angstrom/phonetic ai or e
埃塔 Āitǎ, ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque homeland and freedom), Basque armed separat...
塔 tǎ, [墖], pagoda/tower/minaret/stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/CL:座[zuò], old va...
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