All Possible Words
奥 Ào/ào, [奧], Austria/Austrian/abbr. for 奧地利|奥地利[Ào dì lì]/Olympic/Olympics/abbr. for 奧林匹克|奥林匹...
哈 Hā/hā/hǎ, abbr. for 哈薩克斯坦|哈萨克斯坦[Hā sà kè sī tǎn], Kazakhstan/abbr. for 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn],...
哈拉 hālā, to chat idly (Tw)
拉 lā, to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
汗 hán/hàn, see 可汗[kè hán], 汗國|汗国[hán guó], perspiration/sweat/CL:滴[dī],頭|头[tóu],身[shēn]/to ...
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