HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]

All Possible Words

        fú, not
弗拉基米尔         Fúlājīmǐěr, [弗拉基米爾], Vladimir
        lā, to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
        jī, base/foundation/basic/radical (chemistry)/(slang) gay
        Mǐ/mǐ, surname Mi, rice/CL:粒[lì]/meter (classifier)
        ěr, [尒]/[爾], variant of 爾|尔[ěr], thus/so/like that/you/thou
        Huò/huò, surname Huo, suddenly
霍洛维茨         Huòluòwéicí, [霍洛維茨], Horowitz (name)
        Luò, surname Luo/old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui)
        Wéi/wéi, [維], abbr. for Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wéi wú ěr]/surname Wei, to preserve/to maintain/to hold...
        cí, Caltrop or puncture vine (Tribulus terrestris)/to thatch (a roof)

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