All Possible Words
汉 Hàn/hàn, [漢], Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), man
汉尼拔 Hànníbá, [漢尼拔], Hannibal (name)/Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC), Carthaginian general
尼 ní, Buddhist nun/(often used in phonetic spellings)
拔 bá, to pull up/to pull out/to draw out by suction/to select/to pick/to stand out (ab...
莱 lái, [萊], name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)/Chenopodium album
克 Kè/kè/kēi, [剋]/[尅], abbr. for 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Kè luó dì yà], Croatia/(Tw) abbr. for 克羅埃西亞|克罗埃西亚[Kè luó āi ...
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