All Possible Words
爱 ài, [愛], to love/to be fond of/to like/affection/to be inclined (to do sth)/to tend to (h...
爱丽丝 Àilìsī, [愛麗絲], Alice (name)
丽 Lí/lì, [麗], Korea, beautiful
丝 sī, [絲], silk/thread/trace/(cuisine) shreds or julienne strips/CL:條|条[tiáo]/classifier: a...
鲍 Bào/bào, [鮑], surname Bao, abalone
鲍威尔 Bàowēiěr, [鮑威爾], Powell (name)
威 wēi, power/might/prestige
尔 ěr, [尒]/[爾], variant of 爾|尔[ěr], thus/so/like that/you/thou
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