All Possible Words
艾 Ài/ài/yì, surname Ai, Chinese mugwort or wormwood/moxa/to stop or cut short/phonetic "ai" ...
伯 bà/bǎi/bó, variant of 霸[bà], one hundred (old), father's elder brother/senior/paternal elde...
特 tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...
爱 ài, [愛], to love/to be fond of/to like/affection/to be inclined (to do sth)/to tend to (h...
爱因斯坦 Àiyīnsītǎn, [愛因斯坦], Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born theoretical physicist
因 yīn, [囙], old variant of 因[yīn], cause/reason/because
斯 Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
坦 tǎn, flat/open-hearted/level/smooth
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