All Possible Words
隆 Lóng/lōng/lóng, surname Long/short for 吉隆坡[Jí lóng pō], Kuala Lumpur, sound of drums, grand/inte...
妮 nī, girl/phonetic "ni" (in female names)/Taiwan pr. [ní]
威 wēi, power/might/prestige
威廉 Wēilián, William or Wilhelm (name)
廉 lián/Lián, [㢘]/[亷], old variant of 廉[lián], old variant of 廉[lián], surname Lian, incorruptible/hone...
姆 mǔ, woman who looks after small children/(old) female tutor
丝 sī, [絲], silk/thread/trace/(cuisine) shreds or julienne strips/CL:條|条[tiáo]/classifier: a...
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