HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]

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        Jí/jí, surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Jí lín Shěng], lucky/giga- (meaning bill...
吉恩         Jíēn, Gene (name)
        ēn, [㤙], variant of 恩[ēn], favor/grace/kindness
        fú, not
        Lán/lán, [蘭], surname Lan/abbr. for Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lán zhōu], Gansu, orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium go...
        gé, square/frame/rule/(legal) case/style/character/standard/pattern/(grammar) case/(...
        Sī/sī, Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Sī luò fá kè], (phonetic)/this
        lái, [萊], name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc)/Chenopodium album
        Fú/fú, surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province 福建省[Fú jiàn shěng], good fortune/happiness/...
福特         Fútè, Ford (name)/Ford, US car make
        tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...

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