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Word: freq index 5727
Fútè Ford (name)
Ford, US car make

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        xìngfú, happiness/happy/blessed
        Fúěrmósī, [福爾摩斯], Sherlock Holmes, 歇洛克·福爾摩斯|歇洛克·福尔摩斯[Xiē luò kè · Fú ěr mó sī]
        zhùfú, blessings/to wish sb well
        Fú/fú, surname Fu/abbr. for Fujian province 福建省[Fú jiàn shěng], good fortune/happiness/...
        fúlì, material benefit/benefit in kind/(social) welfare
        Fútè, Ford (name)/Ford, US car make
        Jiālìfúníyà, [加利福尼亞], California
        fúyīn, good news/glad tidings/gospel
        Sītǎnfú, Stanford (University)
        Fúkèsī, Fox (media company)/Focus (car manufactured by Ford)
        Luósīfú, [羅斯福], Roosevelt (name)/Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US President 1901-1909/Franklin...
        Fúsītè, Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), American composer
        Jiālìfúníyàzhōu, [加利福尼亞州], California
        fúqi, [福氣], good fortune/a blessing
        Fúkè, Fock or Foch (name)
        cìfú, [賜福], to bless
        Kèláofúdé, [克勞福德], Crawford (town in Texas)
        quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
        Fǎlánkèfú, [法蘭克福], Frankfurt (Germany)
        qífú, to pray for blessings
        fāfú, [發福], to put on weight/to get fat (a sign of prosperity, so a compliment)
        zàofú, to benefit (e.g. the people)
        Lúsèfú, [盧瑟福], Rutherford (name)/Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937), early nuclear physicist from Ne...
        fúxīng, mascot/lucky star
        fúlìyuàn, welfare agency
        fúzhǐ, well-being/welfare
        fúyīnshū, [福音書], gospel
        xiǎngfú, to live comfortably/happy and prosperous life
        yànfú, [艷福], luck with women
        zuòwēizuòfú, tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over people
        fúfen, one's happy lot/good fortune
        kǒufú, happy knack for chancing upon fine food
        dàbǎoyǎnfú, [大飽眼福], to feast one's eyes
        Fúgāng, [福岡], Fukuoka, city in Kyushyu, Japan
        yǒufú, to be blessed
        Fútián/fútián, Futian district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Fukuda (Japanese surname), field...
        yībǎoyǎnfú, [一飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
        fúlín, forint (Hungarian currency) (loanword)
        Fúbùsī, Forbes (US publisher)/Forbes magazine
        yǎnfú, a treat for the eyes/the rare chance of seeing sth beautiful
        xiǎngqīngfú, living in ease and comfort
        Fúěr, [福爾], Félix Faure (1841-1899), president of France 1895-1899
        Fúwá, Fuwa (official 2008 Olympic mascots)
        fúdì, happy land/paradise
        Fúsī, (Tw) Volkswagen (car manufacturer)/Fox Entertainment Group
        Dáěrfúěr, [達爾福爾], Darfur (western province of Sudan)
寿         fúshòu, [福壽], happiness and longevity
        huòfú, [禍福], disaster and happiness
        Fúkènà, [福克納], William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet
        Bùlādéfúdé, Bradford, city in West Yorkshire, England
        bǎoyǎnfú, [飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
        Ānfú, Anfu county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi
        Tuōfú/tuōfú, TOEFL/Test of English as a Foreign Language, (old) thanks to your lucky influenc...
        fúzé, [福澤], good fortune
        Sītèlātèfú, Stratford (place name)/Stratford-upon-Avon, UK city in Warwickshire and birthpla...
        Fúsītǎfū, Falstaff (Shakespearian character)
        Déléifúsī, Dreyfus (name)/Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French artillery officer of Alsatian ...
        fúrúDōngHǎi, [福如東海], may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)
        Fújiàn, Fujian province (Fukien) in east China, abbr. 福 or 閩|闽, capital Fuzhou 福州/Fujian...
        Hātèfúdé, Hartford
        nàfú, [納福], to accept a life of ease/to enjoy a comfortable retirement
        Jiālèfú, [家樂福], Carrefour, French supermarket chain
        Fúmósà, [福摩薩], Formosa

        tèbié, [特別], especially/special/particular/unusual
        tè, special/unique/distinguished/especially/unusual/very/abbr. for 特克斯[tè kè sī], te...
        mótè, (fashion) model (loanword)
        tèshū, special/particular/unusual/extraordinary
        tègōng, secret service/special service/secret service agent/special agent
        Kǎitè, [凱特], Kate (name)
        Xītèlè, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
        dútè, [獨特], unique/distinct/having special characteristics
        Luóbótè, [羅伯特], Robert (name)
        fútè, volt (loanword)
        tèzhēng, [特徵], characteristic/diagnostic property/distinctive feature/trait
        bǐtè, bit (binary digit) (loanword)
        Kǎtè, Carter (name)/James Earl (Jimmy) Carter (1924-), US Democrat politician, preside...
        Fútè, Ford (name)/Ford, US car make
        tèdìng, special/specific/designated/particular
        Pàtèlǐkè, Patrick (name)
        tèquán, [特權], prerogative/privilege/privileged
        Bōtè/bōtè, Potter or Porter (surname), (loanword) baud (computing)/porter (beer)
        tèjǐng, SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/riot police/abbr. for 特種警察|特种警察[tè zhǒng jǐng...
        Dǐtèlǜ, Detroit, Michigan
        Āmǔsītèdān, Amsterdam, capital of Netherlands
        Xiàluòtè, Charlotte (name)
        Yàtèlándà, [亞特蘭大], Atlanta
        tèsè, characteristic/distinguishing feature or quality
        qítè, peculiar/unusual/queer
        tèdiǎn, [特點], characteristic (feature)/trait/feature/CL:個|个[gè]
        tèjì, special effect/stunt
        tèyì, specially/intentionally
        tèqū, [特區], special administrative region/abbr. for 特別行政區|特别行政区
        Gélántè, [格蘭特], Grant (name)
        tèzhǒngbùduì, [特種部隊], (military) special forces
        Āmǔsītèlǎng, surname Armstrong
        tèzhì, [特質], characteristic/special quality
        Mǎgélìtè/mǎgélìtè, [瑪格麗特], Margaret (name), margarita (cocktail)
        tèzhì, special/unique
        tèdì, specially/for a special purpose
        Bātè, Barth or Barthes (name)/Roland Barthes (1915-1980), French critic and semioticia...
怀         Huáitè, [懷特], White (name)
        Kǎsītèluó, [卡斯特羅], Castro (name)/Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revoluti...
        Tèluòyī, ancient city of Troy
        tèxiě, [特寫], feature article/close-up (filmmaking, photography etc)
        tècháng, [特長], personal strength/one's special ability or strong points
        Méngtèlìěr, [蒙特利爾], Montreal, city in Quebec, Canada
        Kěntè, Kent (English county)
        tèjí, [特輯], special collection/special issue/album
        tèyǒu, specific (to)/characteristic (of)/distinctive
        Mòzhātè, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Austrian composer
        tèshè, to grant a special pardon
        tèxìng, property/characteristic
        Fúsītè, Foster or Forster (name)/Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), American composer
        tèxǔ, [特許], license/licensed/concession/concessionary
        tèwu, [特務], special assignment (military)/special agent/operative/spy
        tèjià, [特價], special price
        Yīntèwǎng, [因特網], Internet
        Shātèlǔ, [沙特魯], Châteauroux/Chateauroux (French town)
        Tèlǐsà, [特里薩], Teresa/Theresa (name)
        Shātè, Saudi/abbr. for Saudi Arabia
        Sīkǎotè, Scott (name)
        ShātèĀlābó, Saudi Arabia
        tèkuài, express (train, delivery etc)
        Sàitè, [賽特], Seth (name)
        Fóméngtèzhōu, Vermont, US state
        tèyìgōngnéng, [特異功能], supernatural power/extrasensory perception
        Lánsīluòtè, [蘭斯洛特], Lancelot (name)
        tèxiào, special effect/specially good effect/especially efficacious
        Bèilǔtè, [貝魯特], Beirut, capital of Lebanon
        Hēngtè, Hunter (name)
        Láisītè, [萊斯特], Lester or Leicester (name)/Leicester, English city in East Midlands
        Mànchèsītè, [曼徹斯特], Manchester
        Hāmǔléitè, Hamlet (name)/the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark c. 1601 by William Shakes...
        tèlì, special case/isolated example
        Kēwēitè, Kuwait
        tèzhǒng, [特種], particular kind/special type
        Bóméngtè, Beaumont
        Sītèēn, Stern (name)
        tèyì, [特異], exceptionally good/excellent/clearly outstanding/distinctive/peculiar/unique
        tèlìdúxíng, [特立獨行], to be unconventional/independence of action
        tèzhǒngbīng, [特種兵], commando/special forces soldier
        Tèlāwéifū, [特拉維夫], Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv-Jaffa
        tèpàiyuán, [特派員], special correspondent/sb dispatched on a mission/special commissioner
        Āěrbótè, [阿爾伯特], Albert (name)
使         tèshǐ, special envoy/special ambassador
        Fóméngtè, Vermont, US state
        tèyuē, [特約], specially engaged/employed or commissioned for a special task
        tèyāo, special invitation
        Bùjiālèsītè, Bucharest, capital of Romania
        Tèléishā, Teresa/Theresa (name)
        tèzhǐ, to refer in particular to
·         Hālì·Bōtè, Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novels by J.K. Rowling 羅琳|罗琳
        Dátèmáosī, [達特茅斯], Dartmouth (place name)
        tèjí, [特級], special grade/top quality
        Yīsītè, Istres (French town)
        Láitè, [萊特], Wright (surname)
        Huátè, [華特], Walt (name)
        wǎtè, watt (loanword)
        Tèléiwò, Trevor (name)
        Lántè, [蘭特], Rand or Randt (name)
        Huìtèmàn, Whitman (surname)/Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet and journalist
        Wéitè, [維特], Werther, opera by Jules Massenet/Werther, German masculine given name
        Āzītèkè, [阿茲特克], Aztec
        tèpài, special appointment/special correspondent/task force/sb dispatched on a mission
        Hèbótè, Herbert (name)
        Tèlāhuázhōu, [特拉華州], Delaware, US state
        tècǐ, hereby
        MéngtèKǎluò, Monte-Carlo (Monaco)
        Shītèláosī, [施特勞斯], Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (18...
        tèdàhào, [特大號], jumbo/king-sized
        tèchǎn, [特產], special local product/(regional) specialty
        Bèiěrfǎsītè, [貝爾法斯特], Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland
        Luóqiēsītè, [羅切斯特], Rochester
        tèkān, special edition (of magazine)
        Āntèwèipǔ, [安特衛普], Antwerp (city in Belgium)
        Shīmìtè, Schmidt or Schmitt (surname)
        Tèlāhuá, [特拉華], Delaware, US state
        Kǎntèbóléi, Canterbury
        Sàtè, [薩特], Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French existential philosopher and novelist
        Sīláitèlín, [斯萊特林], Slytherin (Harry Potter)
        Pàtèlìxià, [帕特麗夏], Patricia
        Pínuòqiētè, [皮諾切特], General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), Chilean dictator
        gētèshì, gothic
        tèkuàizhuāndì, [特快專遞], express mail
        Gēntè, Ghent, city in Belgium
        ShātèĀlābórén, a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person
        Sītèlāsībǎo, Strasbourg
        Tèlǐěr, [特里爾], Trier (city in Germany)
鹿         Lùtèdān, Rotterdam, port city in the Netherlands
        Tèsīlā, Tesla (unit)/Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian inventor and engineer
        Pǔlǔsītè, [普魯斯特], Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French author
        Xīěrbótè, [希爾伯特], David Hilbert (1862-1943), German mathematician
        Tèlúndùn, [特倫頓], Trenton, capital of New Jersey
        tèxiàoyào, [特效藥], effective medicine for a specific condition/highly effective medicine
        tèděng, special grade/top quality
        Lāfěitè, Lafayette
        tèxǔquán, [特許權], patent/franchise/concession
        Wǎěrtè, [瓦爾特], Walter
        Yīngtèěr, [英特爾], Intel
        tǔtèchǎn, [土特產], local specialty
        Kèlìàopèitèlā, [克莉奧佩特拉], Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egypt
        Làitè, [賴特], Wright (name)
        Wòtèsēn, Watson (name)
        Sītújiātè, [斯圖加特], Stuttgart city in southwest Germany and capital of Baden-Württemberg 巴登·符騰堡州|巴登·...
        Wéitègēnsītǎn, [維特根斯坦], Wittgenstein (name)
        Wēnqiēsītè, [溫切斯特], Winchester (town in south England, capital of former kingdom of Wessex)
        Lābātè, Rabat, capital of Morocco
        kǎtèěr, [卡特爾], cartel (loanword)
        tèshūjiàoyù, special education/special-needs education
        tèkuàichē, [特快車], special express
        Ātèlāsī, Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology)/Atlas mountains of north Africa
        tèkèsī, tex, unit of fiber density (textiles) (loanword)/abbr. to 特[tè]
        ShèngPàtèlǐkè, [聖帕特里克], Saint Patrick
        Èlìtèlǐyà, [厄立特里亞], Eritrea
        Ātèjīnsī, Atkins (name)
        tèchū, outstanding/prominent
        Běnnèitè, [本內特], Bennett (surname)
        Jíěrbótè, [吉爾伯特], Gilbert (name)
        Yīlìyàtè, [伊利亞特], Homer's Iliad
        Kèlǐtè, Crete
        Bótèlán, [伯特蘭], Bertrand (name)
        Tèlìnídá, [特立尼達], Trinidad