奶 ⇒
奶奶 nǎinai, (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother)/(respectful) mistress of the house/CL:...
牛奶 niúnǎi, cow's milk/CL:瓶[píng],杯[bēi]
奶酪 nǎilào, cheese/CL:塊|块[kuài],盒[hé],片[piàn]
奶 nǎi, [妳]/[嬭], breast/milk/to breastfeed, variant of 嬭|奶[nǎi], mother/variant of 奶[nǎi]
奶油 nǎiyóu, cream/butter
酸奶 suānnǎi, yogurt
奶牛 nǎiniú, milk cow/dairy cow
奶子 nǎizi, (coll.) milk/(coll.) breast/booby/tit
老奶奶 lǎonǎinai, (coll.) father's father's mother/paternal great-grandmother/respectful form of a...
奶头 nǎitóu, [奶頭], nipple/teat (on baby's bottle)
喂奶 wèinǎi, to breast-feed
豆奶 dòunǎi, soy milk
奶妈 nǎimā, [奶媽], wet nurse
奶嘴 nǎizuǐ, nipple (on a baby's bottle)/pacifier
奶粉 nǎifěn, powdered milk
羊奶 yángnǎi, sheep's milk
奶瓶 nǎipíng, baby's feeding bottle
鲜奶 xiānnǎi, [鮮奶], fresh milk
奶水 nǎishuǐ, mother's milk
奶娘 nǎiniáng, (dialect) wet nurse
奶制品 nǎizhìpǐn, [奶製品], dairy product
奶糖 奶茶 nǎichá, milk tea
断奶 duànnǎi, [斷奶], to wean
奶罩 nǎizhào, bra/brassière
姑奶奶 gūnǎinai, (coll.) father's father's sister/great aunt
奶油色 鲜牛奶 酸牛奶 奶类 奶品 nǎipǐn, dairy product
漾奶 奶羊 少奶奶 shàonǎinai, young lady of the house/wife of the young master
吸奶器 xīnǎiqì, breast pump
爸 ⇒
爸爸 bàba, (informal) father/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
爸 bà, father/dad/pa/papa
阿爸 Ābà/ābà, Abba (Aramaic word father)/by ext. God the Father in Christian gospel, (dialect)...