宰 ⇒
宰 zǎi, to slaughter livestock/to govern or rule/to cheat customers/imperial official in...
主宰 zhǔzǎi, to dominate/to rule/to dictate/master
屠宰场 túzǎichǎng, [屠宰場], slaughterhouse/abattoir
屠宰 túzǎi, to slaughter/to butcher
任人宰割 rènrénzǎigē, to get trampled on (idiom)/to be taken advantage of
宰割 zǎigē, to slaughter/(fig.) to ride roughshod over/to take advantage of (others)
宰杀 zǎishā, [宰殺], to slaughter/to butcher/to put down
佑宰 宰相 zǎixiàng, prime minister (in feudal China)
柳宰 金宰 景宰 文宰 韩佑宰 李成宰 尹宰 英宰 宋宰 车承宰 金顺宰