爽 ⇒
爽 shuǎng, bright/clear/crisp/open/frank/straightforward/to feel well/fine/pleasurable/invi...
真爽 清爽 qīngshuǎng, fresh and cool/relaxed
凉爽 liángshuǎng, [涼爽], cool and refreshing
爽快 shuǎngkuai, refreshed/rejuvenated/frank and straightforward
爽约 shuǎngyuē, [爽約], to miss an appointment
神清气爽 shénqīngqìshuǎng, [神清氣爽], (idiom) full of vitality/relaxed and alert
屡试不爽 lǚshìbùshuǎng, [屢試不爽], well-tried/time-tested
爽身粉 shuǎngshēnfěn, baby powder/talcum powder
爽口 shuǎngkǒu, fresh and tasty
直爽 zhíshuǎng, straightforward/outspoken
干爽 gānshuǎng, [乾爽], dry and clean/clear and fresh
豪爽 háoshuǎng, outspoken and straightforward/forthright/expansive
超爽 爽朗 shuǎnglǎng, clear and bright (of weather)/straightforward/candid/open
舒爽 妞爽 秋高气爽 qiūgāoqìshuǎng, [秋高氣爽], clear and refreshing autumn weather
清清爽爽 飒爽英姿 英姿飒爽 yīngzīsàshuǎng, [英姿颯爽], (of a person) valiant and formidable-looking/to carry oneself tall
爽心 爽直 shuǎngzhí, straightforward