赴 ⇒
全力以赴 quánlìyǐfù, to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort
赴 fù, to go/to visit (e.g. another country)/to attend (a banquet etc)
赴汤蹈火 fùtāngdǎohuǒ, [赴湯蹈火], to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty
赴约 fùyuē, [赴約], to keep an appointment
赴宴 fùyàn, to attend a banquet
奔赴 bēnfù, to rush to/to hurry to
赶赴 gǎnfù, [趕赴], to hurry/to rush
开赴 kāifù, [開赴], (of troops) to depart for/to head for
前赴后继 qiánfùhòujì, [前赴後繼], to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)
赴任 fùrèn, to travel to take up a new post
单刀赴会 dāndāofùhuì, [單刀赴會], lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into ene...