挑 ⇒
挑战 tiǎozhàn, [挑戰], to challenge/challenge
挑 tiāo/tiǎo, to carry on a shoulder pole/to choose/to pick/to nitpick, to raise/to dig up/to ...
挑选 tiāoxuǎn, [挑選], to choose/to select
挑战赛 挑起 tiǎoqǐ, to provoke/to stir up/to incite
挑剔 tiāoti, picky/fussy
挑逗 tiǎodòu, to provoke/to entice/to lure/to tantalize/to tease/to titillate
挑衅 tiǎoxìn, [挑釁], to provoke/provocation
挑战性 挑战者 tiǎozhànzhě, [挑戰者], challenger
挑错 高挑 挑三拣四 tiāosānjiǎnsì, [挑三揀四], to be picky/to be choosy
挑拨 tiǎobō, [挑撥], to incite disharmony/to instigate
挑拨离间 tiǎobōlíjiàn, [挑撥離間], to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
挑食 tiāoshí, to be picky about food
挑拣 tiāojiǎn, [挑揀], to pick and choose/to select
挑大梁 tiǎodàliáng, to play a leading role/to bear a heavy responsibility
撂挑子 liàotiāozi, (coll.) to quit one's job in disgust
百里挑一 bǎilǐtiāoyī, [百裡挑一], one in a hundred/cream of the crop
挑唆 tiǎosuō, to incite/to stir up/to instigate
挑动 tiǎodòng, [挑動], to entice/to arouse/to provoke
挑逗性 tiǎodòuxìng, provocative/tantalizing/titillating
挑毛病 tiāomáobìng, to nitpick/petty criticism/to nag
挑衅性 挑字眼 挑花 tiǎohuā, cross-stitch (embroidery)
挑战书 挑水 挑夫 tiāofū, porter
弄 ⇒
弄 lòng/nòng, [挵]/[衖], lane/alley, to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to ...
玩弄 wánnòng, to play with/to toy with/to dally with/to engage in/to resort to
弄清 nòngqīng, to clarify/to fully understand
愚弄 yúnòng, to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe
捉弄 zhuōnòng, to tease
糊弄 hùnong, to fool/to deceive/to go through the motions
摆弄 bǎinòng, [擺弄], to move back and forth/to fiddle with
戏弄 xìnòng, [戲弄], to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease
嘲弄 cháonòng, to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of
卖弄 màinong, [賣弄], to show off/to make a display of
里弄 lǐlòng, lanes and alleys/neighborhood/lane neighborhoods in parts of Shanghai, with modi...
作弄 zuònòng, to tease/to play tricks on
弄垮 耍弄 shuǎnòng, to play with/to engage in/to resort to/to dally with
拨弄 bōnòng, [撥弄], to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to stir up
弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō, to overreach oneself/to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
搔首弄姿 sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
搬弄是非 bānnòngshìfēi, to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make...
装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
抚弄 弄虚作假 nòngxūzuòjiǎ, [弄虛作假], to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
弄僵 nòngjiāng, to bring to deadlock/to result in a stalemate
逗弄 dòunòng, to tease/to provoke/to play with (a child, animal etc)
挤眉弄眼 jǐméinòngyǎn, [擠眉弄眼], to make eyes/to wink
舞文弄墨 弄堂 lòngtáng, (dialect) alley/lane
班门弄斧 Bānménnòngfǔ, [班門弄斧], to display one's slight skill before an expert (idiom)
弄潮儿 弄臣 nòngchén, emperor's favorite courtier
含饴弄孙 hányínòngsūn, [含飴弄孫], lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom)/fig. to enjoy a...
舞弄 wǔnòng, to wave/to brandish
盘弄 pánnòng, [盤弄], to play around with/to fidget/to fondle
要弄成 唐弄来 布弄醒 调弄 tiáonòng, [調弄], to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to stir up (trouble)
单弄来 雪貂弄来