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[周濟] ZhōuJì Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet
zhōujì help to the needy
emergency relief
to give to poorer relative
(also 賙濟

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        Zhōu/zhōu, [週], surname Zhou/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC), to make a circuit/to circle/circle/circ...
        zhōumò, [週末], weekend
        zhōuwéi, [周圍], surroundings/environment/to encompass
        shàngzhōu, last week
        měizhōu, [每週], every week
        Zhōuwǔ, [週五], Friday
        Zhōuliù, [週六], Saturday
        zhōunián, [週年], anniversary/annual
        Zhōurì, [週日], Sunday/diurnal
        Zhōuèr, [週二], Tuesday
        sìzhōu, all around
        Zhōusì, [週四], Thursday
        Zhōuyī, [週一], Monday
        Zhōusān, [週三], Wednesday
        zhōukān, [週刊], weekly publication/weekly
        zhōudào, thoughtful/considerate/attentive/thorough/also pr. [zhōu dao]
        zhōubiān, [周邊], periphery/rim/surroundings/all around/perimeter/peripheral (computing)/spin-offs
        zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī, [眾所周知]/[眾所週知], as everyone knows (idiom), see 眾所周知|众所周知[zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī]
        zhōuyóu, [周遊]/[週游]/[週遊], to travel around/to tour/to cross, variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around, v...
        zhōuqī, [週期], period/cycle
        zhōuquán, thorough/to bring one's help/to assist
        zhōumì, careful/thorough/meticulous/dense/impenetrable
        zhōuxuán, to mix with others/to socialize/to deal with/to contend
        zhōuzhé, twists and turns/vicissitude/complication/difficulty/effort/CL:番[fān]
        zhōuxiáng, [周詳], meticulous/thorough/comprehensive/complete/detailed
        zhōuzhuǎn, [周轉], to rotate/to circulate (cash, stock etc)/turnover/circulation/cash flow
        zhōuxīn, [週薪], weekly salary
        bùzhōu, not satisfactory/thoughtless/inconsiderate
        zhōuqībiǎo, [週期表], periodic table (chemistry)/abbr. of 元素週期表|元素周期表[yuán sù zhōu qī biǎo], periodic ...
        zhōusuì, [週歲], one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday)
        yuánzhōulǜ, [圓周率], (math.) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (π)
        zhōuqīxìng, [週期性], periodic/periodicity (math)/cyclicity
        zhōushēn, whole body
        zhōuérfùshǐ, [週而復始], lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles/the wheel com...
        zhōubào, [周報]/[週報], weekly publication, weekly publication
        zhōucháng, [周長]/[週長], perimeter/circumference, variant of 周長|周长[zhōu cháng]
        yuánzhōu, [圓周], circumference
        ZhōuRùnfā, [周潤發], Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star
        Zhōugōng, Duke of Zhou (11th c. BC), son of King Wen of Zhou 周文王[Zhōu Wén wáng], played an...
        zhōubō, cycle (physics)
        zhōuzhāng, effort/trouble/pains (to get sth done)/flustered/frightened
        ZhōuJì/zhōujì, [周濟], Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet, help to the needy/emergency relief/ch...
西         XīZhōu, Western Zhou (1027-771 BC)
        Zhōuyì, another name for Book of Changes (I Ching) 易經|易经[Yì jīng]
        yázhōuyán, periodontitis (gum disorder)
        yázhōubìng, periodontitis (gum disorder)

        jīngjì, [經濟], economy/economic
        jiùjì, [救濟], emergency relief/to help the needy with cash or goods
        Jǐ/jǐ/jì, [濟], used in place names associated with the Ji River 濟水|济水[Jǐ Shuǐ]/surname Ji, only...
        wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
        Fěijì, [斐濟], Fiji (tropical volcanic island in southwest Pacific)
        jīngjìxué, [經濟學], economics (as a field of study)
        jīngjìcāng, [經濟艙], economy class
        Jìzhōu, [濟州], Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Her...
        bùjì, [不濟], not good/of no use
        tóngzhōugòngjì, [同舟共濟], cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests/obliged to ...
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
        jīngjìwēijī, [經濟危機], economic crisis
        jiéfùjìpín, [劫富濟貧], to rob the rich to help the poor
        Yǒngjì, [永濟], Yongji county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yùn chéng], Shanxi
        jǐjǐyītáng, [濟濟一堂], to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under one roof
        shìchǎngjīngjì, [市場經濟], market economy
        réncáijǐjǐ, [人才濟濟], a galaxy of talent (idiom)/a great number of competent people
        jiējì, [接濟], to give material assistance to
        jiǎgōngjìsī, [假公濟私], official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by...
        ZhōuJì/zhōujì, [周濟], Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet, help to the needy/emergency relief/ch...
        jīngjìzuòwù, [經濟作物], cash crop (economics)
        Jǐnán, [濟南], Jinan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China
        jīngjìtèqū, [經濟特區], special economic zone
        jīngjìjiè, [經濟界], economic circles
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        jīngjìjīchǔ, [經濟基礎], socio-economic base/economic foundation
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        jiùjìliáng, [救濟糧], relief grain/emergency provisions
        jǐjǐ, [濟濟], large number of people

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