律 ⇒
律师 lǜshī, [律師], lawyer
法律 fǎlǜ, law/CL:條|条[tiáo], 套[tào], 個|个[gè]
辩护律师 律 Lǜ/lǜ, surname Lü, law
底特律 Dǐtèlǜ, Detroit, Michigan
纪律 jìlǜ, [紀律], discipline
规律 guīlǜ, [規律], rule (e.g. of science)/law of behavior/regular pattern/rhythm/discipline
旋律 xuánlǜ, melody/rhythm
定律 dìnglǜ, scientific law (e.g. law of conservation of energy)/(in human affairs) a general...
菲律宾 Fēilǜbīn, [菲律賓], the Philippines
心律 戒律 jièlǜ, monastic discipline/commandment
律师费 自然规律 律动 lǜdòng, [律動], rhythm/to move rhythmically
韵律 yùnlǜ, [韻律], cadence/rhythm/rhyme scheme/meter (in verse)/(linguistics) prosody
一律 yīlǜ, same/uniformly/all/without exception
千篇一律 qiānpiānyīlǜ, thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/once you've see...
自律 zìlǜ, self-discipline/self-regulation/autonomy (ethics)/autonomic (physiology)
主旋律 zhǔxuánlǜ, theme or subject (music)
希律王 Xīlǜwáng, Herod the Great (73 BC - 4 BC), Roman-appointed king of Judea (37-4 BC)
希律 金科玉律 jīnkēyùlǜ, golden rule/key principle
律政司 Lǜzhèngsī, Department of Justice (Hong Kong)
节律 jiélǜ, [節律], rhythm/pace
欧律 律令 音律 yīnlǜ, tuning/temperament
格律 gélǜ, forms of versification/conventions regarding set number of words and lines, choi...
清规戒律 沙律 shālǜ, salad (loanword)
菲律宾人 Fēilǜbīnrén, [菲律賓人], Filipino
无规律 规律性 guīlǜxìng, [規律性], regular
严于律己 yányúlǜjǐ, [嚴於律己], to be strict with oneself
圣希律王 比律子 韵律学 因希律王 严以自律 赛律特·萨丽 律诗 lǜshī, [律詩], regular verse/strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and eve...
守恒定律 shǒuhéngdìnglǜ, [守恆定律], conservation law (physics)
玉律 法律学 矛盾律 卡律布迪斯 纳尼亚律法
师 ⇒
律师 lǜshī, [律師], lawyer
老师 lǎoshī, [老師], teacher/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
师 Shī/shī, [師], surname Shi, teacher/master/expert/model/army division/(old) troops/to dispatch ...
牧师 mùshī, [牧師], chaplain/churchman/clergyman/parson/pastor/priest/rector
设计师 shèjìshī, [設計師], designer/architect
摄影师 shèyǐngshī, [攝影師], photographer/cameraman
大师 dàshī, [大師], great master/master
巫师 wūshī, [巫師], wizard/magician
教师 jiàoshī, [教師], teacher/CL:個|个[gè]
医师 yīshī, [醫師], doctor
厨师 chúshī, [廚師], cook/chef
师傅 shīfu, [師傅], master/qualified worker/respectful form of address for older men/CL:個|个[gè],位[wè...
辩护律师 工程师 gōngchéngshī, [工程師], engineer/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
魔术师 móshùshī, [魔術師], magician
导师 dǎoshī, [導師], tutor/teacher/academic advisor
建筑师 jiànzhùshī, [建築師], architect
法师 fǎshī, [法師], one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism)
师父 shīfu, [師父], used for 師傅|师傅 (in Taiwan)/master/qualified worker
会计师 kuàijìshī, [會計師], accountant
按摩师 理发师 lǐfàshī, [理髮師], barber
药剂师 yàojìshī, [藥劑師], drugstore/chemist/pharmacist
技师 jìshī, [技師], technician/technical expert
律师费 化妆师 画师 机械师 jīxièshī, [機械師], mechanic/engineer/machinist/machine operator/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
机师 摄像师 讲师 jiǎngshī, [講師], instructor/lecturer
麻醉师 mázuìshī, [麻醉師], anaesthetist
钢琴师 gāngqínshī, [鋼琴師], pianist
主治医师 zhǔzhìyīshī, [主治醫師], doctor-in-charge/resident physician
美容师 měiróngshī, [美容師], hairdresser/beautician (male)
良师益友 liángshīyìyǒu, [良師益友], good teacher and helpful friend (idiom); mentor
乐师 yuèshī, [樂師], musician
出师 chūshī, [出師], to finish apprenticeship/to graduate/to send out troops (under a commander)
师兄 shīxiōng, [師兄], senior male fellow student or apprentice/son (older than oneself) of one's teach...
师生 shīshēng, [師生], teachers and students
针灸师 大师级 兴师动众 xīngshīdòngzhòng, [興師動眾], to muster large forces/to get a great number of people involved (in carrying out...
名师 míngshī, [名師], famous master/great teacher
师从 shīcóng, [師從], to study under (a teacher)
灯光师 恩师 ēnshī, [恩師], (greatly respected) teacher
良师 营养师 yíngyǎngshī, [營養師], nutritionist/dietitian
宗师 zōngshī, [宗師], great scholar respected for learning and integrity
禅师 chánshī, [禪師], honorific title for a Buddhist monk
步兵师 师大 shīdà, [師大], abbr. for 師範大學|师范大学[shī fàn dà xué], normal university/teacher training college
拍卖师 药师 镖师 拳师 quánshī, [拳師], boxing coach/pugilist master
驯兽师 师部 雕刻师 师弟 shīdì, [師弟], young disciple (of the same master)/younger or junior male schoolmate
会师 huìshī, [會師], to collaborate/to join forces/to effect a junction
教师节 Jiàoshījié, [教師節], Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in...
修脚师 xiūjiǎoshī, [修腳師], pedicurist
精算师 jīngsuànshī, [精算師], actuary
主任医师 师长 shīzhǎng, [師長], military division level commander/teacher
总工程师 估价师 为人师表 wéirénshībiǎo, [為人師表], to serve as a model for others (idiom)/to be a worthy teacher
大师傅 老师傅 师爷 拜师 bàishī, [拜師], to formally become an apprentice to a master
武师 师里 琴师 qínshī, [琴師], player of a stringed instrument
军师 jūnshī, [軍師], (old) military counselor/(coll.) trusted adviser
誓师大会 天师 誓师 shìshī, [誓師], to vow before one's troops
师资 shīzī, [師資], qualified teacher
雄师 从师 祖师 zǔshī, [祖師], founder (of a craft, religious sect etc)
师敬道 师妹 shīmèi, [師妹], junior female student or apprentice/daughter (younger than oneself) of one's tea...
师姐 shījiě, [師姐], senior female fellow student or apprentice/daughter (older than oneself) of one'...
师徒 shītú, [師徒], master and disciple
师德 师公 师团 师承 师范学校 亦师亦友 师真 移师 yíshī, [移師], to move troops to/(fig.) to move to/to shift to
中医师 挥师 huīshī, [揮師], in command of the army
伽师 Jiāshī, [伽師], Peyzivat nahiyisi (Peyziwat county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Kā shí dì qū...
马师 坦克师 严师 后事之师 化装师