HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]
Word: freq index 4052
HSK 6 character: radical , 7 strokes, freq index 1097
kàng to resist
to fight
to defy

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        fǎnkàng, to resist/to rebel
        duìkàng, [對抗], to withstand/to resist/to stand off/antagonism/confrontation
        kàng, to resist/to fight/to defy/anti-
        kàngyì, [抗議], to protest/protest
        dǐkàng, to resist/resistance
        kàngjù, to resist/to defy/to oppose
        kàngzhēng, [抗爭], to resist/to make a stand and fight (against)
        kàngshēngsù, antibiotic
        wéikàng, [違抗], to disobey
        kàngtǐ, [抗體], antibody
        kàngbiàn, [抗辯], to counter accusations/to protest/to remonstrate/to retort/to plead/to demur/a p...
        kànghéng, contend against
        kàngyuán, antigen
        kàngái, anti-cancer
        dǐkànglì, resistance/immunity
        duìkàngsài, [對抗賽], duel/match/competition between paired opponents (e.g. sporting)
        kàngmìng, against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders
        kàngjī, [抗擊], to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a menace)
        duìkàngxìng, [對抗性], antagonistic
        kàngyàoxìng, [抗藥性], drug resistance (medicine)
        bùkěkànglì, unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothi...
        kàngzhàn, [抗戰], war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
        kàngjūnsù, antibiotic
        kàngsù, [抗訴], to protest against a verdict/to lodge an appeal
        kàngzhèn, anti-seismic measures/seismic defenses/earthquake resistant
        kànghuàixuèsuān, [抗壞血酸], vitamin C/ascorbic acid
        fēntíngkànglǐ, [分庭抗禮], peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal
        zǔkàng, (electrical) impedance
        kàngbìng, disease resistant
        kàngdúsù, antitoxins
        kàngzāi, [抗災], defense against natural disasters
        kàngshuì, [抗稅], to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott taxes

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