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zhèngwěi political commissar (within the army)

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Word Compounds

        zhèngfǔ, government/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngzhì, politics/political
        zhèngcè, policy/CL:個|个[gè]
        cáizhèng, [財政], finances (public)/financial
        xíngzhèng, administrative/executive (attributive)
        zhèngkè, politician
        zhèngquán, [政權], regime/political power
        zhèngzhìjiā, statesman/politician/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        shìzhèngtīng, [市政廳], city hall
        shìzhèngfǔ, city hall/city government
        zhízhèngguān, [執政官], consul (of the Roman Republic)/magistrate (chief administrator)
        shìzhèng, municipal administration
        zhèngbiàn, [政變], coup d'état
        zhèng, political/politics/government
        jiāzhèng, housekeeping
        Cáizhèngbù, [財政部], Ministry of Finance
        bàozhèng, tyranny/despotic rule
        nèizhèng, [內政], internal affairs (of a country)
        zhèngdǎng, [政黨], political party/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhèngjiè, political and government circles
        yóuzhèng, [郵政], postal service/postal
        zhízhèng, [執政], to hold power/in office
        zhèngzhìfàn, political prisoner
        zhèngjiàn, [政見], political views
        xiànzhèngfǔ, [縣政府], county administration/county regional government
        wúzhèngfǔzhǔyì, [無政府主義], anarchism
        zhèngzhìxué, [政治學], politics/political science
        zhèngtán, [政壇], political circles
        zhèngtǐ, [政體], form of government/system of government
        shèzhèngwáng, [攝政王], regent
        nèizhèngbùzhǎng, [內政部長], Minister of the Interior
        xíngzhèngbùmén, [行政部門], administrative department/administration/executive (government branch)
        zhèngfǔjūn, [政府軍], government army
        zhèngjú, political situation
        zhuānzhèng, [專政], dictatorship
        zhèngwěi, political commissar (within the army)
        shèzhèng, [攝政], to act as regent
        cānzhèng, [參政], to be involved in politics/participation in politics
        zhèngyào, important political leader/government dignitary
        cáizhèngbùzhǎng, [財政部長], minister of finance
        xíngzhèngqū, [行政區], administrative district
        zhèngzhìxìng, political
        Lǜzhèngsī, Department of Justice (Hong Kong)
        dāngzhèng, [當政], to come to power/to hold power/in office
        fēizhèngfǔ, non-governmental
        shīzhèng, administration
        zhèngzhìhuà, to politicize
        zhèngwù, [政務], government affairs
        xīnzhèng, new policy/New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Great Depression)
        yóuzhèngbiānmǎ, [郵政編碼], postal code/zip code
        yóuzhèngjú, [郵政局], post office
        zhèngdí, [政敵], political enemy/opponent
        zhènglùn, [政論], political commentary
        zhèngshì, politics/government affairs
        jūnzhèngfǔ, [軍政府], military government
        zhèngzhìjú, politburo
        fázhèng, law and government/law and politics
        shízhèng, [時政], current politics/political situation of the time
        dézhèng, benevolent government
        yìzhèng, [議政], to discuss politics
        zhèngfǎ, political law/politics and law
        jiāzhèngxué, [家政學], family and consumer science
        zhízhèngdǎng, [執政黨], ruling party/the party in power
        gèzìwéizhèng, [各自為政], to do things each in one's own way
        dǎngzhèng, [黨政], Party and government administration
        xíngzhèngqūyù, [行政區域], administrative area
        zhènglìng, government decree
        mínzhèng, civil administration
        zhènggāng, [政綱], political program/platform
        zhèngzhìbù, political division/cadre department
        zhèngzhìwěiyuán, [政治委員], political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
        liánzhèng, honest or clean politics
        Mínzhèngjú, Bureau of Civil Affairs
        jūnzhèng, [軍政], army and government
        tuóniǎozhèngcè, [鴕鳥政策], ostrich policy (sticking one's head in the sand, failing to acknowledge danger)
        zhèngpài, political group/faction
        zhèngjì, [政績], (political) achievements/track record

        píngwěi, [評委], evaluation committee/judging panel/judging panel member/adjudicator/abbr. for 評選...
        wěiyuánhuì, [委員會], committee
        wěituō, [委託], to entrust/to trust/to commission
        wěituōrén, (law) client/trustor
        Wěinèiruìlā, [委內瑞拉], Venezuela
        wěiyuán, [委員], committee member/committee/council/CL:個|个[gè]
        wěiwǎn, tactful/euphemistic/(of voice etc) suave/soft
        wěiqu, to feel wronged/to cause sb to feel wronged/grievance
        Wěi/wēi/wěi, surname Wei, same as 逶 in 逶迤 winding, curved, to entrust/to cast aside/to shift ...
        wěipài, to appoint
        wěirèn, to appoint
        wěiqūqiúquán, to accept a compromise
        yuánwěi, the whole story
        zhèngwěi, political commissar (within the army)
        wěiyuánzhǎng, [委員長], head of a committee
        wěituōshū, [委託書], commission/proxy/power of attorney/authorization/warrant
        guǎnwěihuì, [管委會], administrative committee/management committee/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guǎn lǐ wěi ...
        jūwěihuì, [居委會], neighbourhood committee
        cūnwěihuì, [村委會], village committee
        Àowěihuì, [奧委會], Olympic committee
        lìfǎwěiyuán, [立法委員], member of the Legislative Yuan (Tw)
        zhíwěihuì, [執委會], executive committee
        wěishí, [委實], indeed/really (very much so)
        shìwěi, municipal committee
        jiàoyùwěiyuánhuì, [教育委員會], school board
        zhèngzhìwěiyuán, [政治委員], political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)
        ZhōngyāngWěiyuánhuì, [中央委員會], Central Committee
        wěirènshū, [委任書], letter of appointment

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