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[漢朝] Hàncháo Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

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Word Compounds

        Hànbǎo/hànbǎo, [漢堡], Hamburg (German city), hamburger (loanword)
        Hàn/hàn, [漢], Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), man
        Hànchéng, [漢城], Hanseong, former name of Seoul (capital of South Korea), replaced in 2005 with 首...
        liúlànghàn, [流浪漢], tramp/wanderer
        nánzǐhàn, [男子漢], man (i.e. manly, masculine)
        hànbǎobāo, [漢堡包], hamburger (loanword)
        dānshēnhàn, [單身漢], bachelor/unmarried man
        Hànnà, [漢娜], Hannah (name)
        yìnghàn, [硬漢], man of steel/unyielding, tough guy
        Hànsī, [漢斯], Hans (name)/Reims (city in France)
        hànzi, [漢子], man/fellow/(dialect) husband
        zuìhàn, [醉漢], intoxicated man/drunkard
        Hànsēn, [漢森], Hansen or Hanson (name)
        hǎohàn, [好漢], hero/strong and courageous person/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        Luóbīnhàn, [羅賓漢], Robin Hood (English 12th century folk hero)
        Bèikèhànmǔ, [貝克漢姆], Beckenham or Beckham (name)/David Beckham (1975-), British midfield footballer
        Nuòdīnghàn, [諾丁漢], Nottingham (city in England)
        Hànmìěrdùn, [漢密爾頓], Hamilton (name)/Hamilton, capital of Bermuda
        Hànyǔ, [漢語], Chinese language/CL:門|门[mén]
        diéluóhàn, [疊羅漢], human pyramid
        luóhàn, [羅漢], abbr. for 阿羅漢|阿罗汉[ā luó hàn]
        lǎnhàn, [懶漢], idle fellow/lazybones
        ménwàihàn, [門外漢], layman
        Hànyáng, [漢陽], Hanyang county in Hubei province/historical name Hanyang for Seoul, Korea
        hànzì, [漢字], Chinese character/CL:個|个[gè]/Japanese: kanji/Korean: hanja/Vietnamese: hán tự
        dàhàn, [大漢], big person/the great Han dynasty
        mǎnghàn, [莽漢], fool/muddlehead/boor
        Dōnghàn, [東漢], Eastern or later Han dynasty, 25-220
        Wǔhàn, [武漢], Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province
        lǎohàn, [老漢], old man/I (an old man referring to himself)
        biāoxíngdàhàn, [彪形大漢], burly chap/husky fellow
        Hànwén, [漢文], Chinese written language/Chinese literature esp. as taught abroad
        shénhàn, [神漢], sorcerer
        zhuāngjiahàn, [莊稼漢], peasant/farmer
        Hànjiāng, [漢江], Han River
        Gélāhànmǔ, [格拉漢姆], Graham or Graeme (name)
绿         lǜlínhǎohàn, [綠林好漢], true hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)
        yīngxiónghǎohàn, [英雄好漢], heroes
        Hànkǒu, [漢口], Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei
西         XīHàn, [西漢], Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-8 AD), also called 前漢|前汉[Qián Hàn], Former Han Dynas...
        Báijīnhànjùn, [白金漢郡], Buckinghamshire (English county)
        Hànxué, [漢學], sinology/Chinese studies (in foreign schools)/Han Learning, a Qing dynasty movem...
广         Guǎnghàn, [廣漢], Guanghan county level city in Deyang 德陽|德阳[Dé yáng], Sichuan
        Hàncháo, [漢朝], Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
        Hànnuòwēi, [漢諾威], Hanover
        Hàndài, [漢代], the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
        hànjiān, [漢奸], traitor (to China)

        Cháo/cháo/zhāo, abbr. for 朝鮮|朝鲜[Cháo xiǎn] Korea, imperial or royal court/government/dynasty/rei...
        Cháoxiǎn, [朝鮮], North Korea/Korea as geographic term/Taiwan pr. [Cháo xiān]
        cháozhe, [朝著], facing/advancing (towards)
        wángcháo, dynasty
        cháoshèng, [朝聖], to make a pilgrimage
        yǒuzhāoyīrì, one day/sometime in the future
        cháoxiàng, toward/to face/to open onto/to turn towards/orientation/exposure/Qibla (Islam)
        cháotíng, court/imperial household/dynasty
        zhāoqì, [朝氣], vitality/dynamism
        zhāosīmùxiǎng, to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)
        Cháoxiǎnrén, [朝鮮人], North Korean (person)
        cháobài, to worship/to make customary deferences to/a pilgrimage
        Cháoyáng/cháoyáng/zhāoyáng, [朝陽], Chaoyang district in east and northeast Beijing, a county level district of Beij...
        Míngcháo/míngzhāo, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), tomorrow morning/the following morning
        Qíncháo, Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC)
        jīnzhāo, at the present/now
        cháodài, dynasty/reign (of a king)
        gǎicháohuàndài, [改朝換代], to transition to a new dynasty or regime
        rèhuǒcháotiān, [熱火朝天], in full swing (idiom)/(in a) frenzy/buzzing with activity
        zhāosānmùsì, lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth tha...
        zhāoqìpéngbó, [朝氣蓬勃], full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous/energetic/a bright spark
        zhāoxī, morning and night/all the time
        Qīngcháo, Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
        huángcháo, the imperial court/the government in imperial times
        Zhāorì/zhāorì, Asahi (Japanese place name, company name etc), morning sun
        cháojìn, [朝覲], to give audience (of emperor)/retainers' duty to pay respect to sovereign/hajj (...
        cháoyě, all levels of society/the imperial court and the ordinary people
        qiáncháo, the previous dynasty
        Sòngcháo, Song Dynasty (960-1279)/also Song of Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479)
        Tángcháo, Tang dynasty (618-907)
        BěiCháo, Northern Dynasties (386-581)
        yīzhāoyīxī, lit. one morning and one evening (idiom)/fig. in a short period of time/overnigh...
        cháojiàn, [朝見], to have an audience (with the Emperor)
        zhāolù, morning dew/fig. precarious brevity of human life/ephemeral
        NánBěicháo, Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)
        zhāobùbǎoxī, at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state/imminent crisi...
        CháoxiǎnZhànzhēng, [朝鮮戰爭], Korean War (1950-1953)
        Hàncháo, [漢朝], Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

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