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yǎzuò (restaurant etc) private room
comfortable seating

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Word Compounds

        yōuyǎ, [優雅], grace/graceful
西         Xīyǎtú, [西雅圖], Seattle, Washington State
        yǎ, elegant
        Mǎyǎ, [瑪雅], Maya (civilization)
        gāoyǎ, dainty/elegance/elegant
        wényǎ, elegant/refined
        Yǎdiǎn, Athens, capital of Greece
        Yǎkè, Jacques (name)
        xiùyǎ, exquisite/in good taste
        Dàyǎ/dàyǎ, Taya township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan, one of the thr...
        yǎlì, [雅麗], elegant/refined beauty
        Yǎdiǎnnà, Athena
        Yǎlìān, Aryan
        diǎnyǎ, refined/elegant
        yǎzhì, elegant/refined/in good taste
        Léikèyǎwèikè, Reykjavik, capital of Iceland
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshān, [喜馬拉雅山], Himalayas
        Mǎyǎrén, [瑪雅人], Maya peoples
        wēnwéněryǎ, [溫文爾雅], cultured and refined (idiom); gentle and cultivated
        yǎpíshì, yuppie (loanword)/young urban professional, 1980s slang
        yǎxìng, [雅興], refined and elegant attitude of mind
        Yǎjiādá, [雅加達], Jakarta, capital of Indonesia
        xiǎoyǎ, one of the three main divisions of the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经
        fēngyǎ, [風雅], cultured/sophisticated
        Lìyǎdé, Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia
        Yǎfāng, Avon (cosmetics company)
        Xǐmǎlāyǎ, [喜馬拉雅], the Himalayas
        yǎzuò, (restaurant etc) private room/booth/comfortable seating
        yōuyǎ, serene and elegant (of a place)/ethereal (of music)
        yǎguān, [雅觀], elegant and tasteful
        Yǎhǔ, Yahoo, Internet portal
        rúyǎ, scholarly/refined/cultured/courteous
        Yǎmǎhā, [雅馬哈], Yamaha
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshānmài, [喜馬拉雅山脈], Himalayas
        Yǎgé, [雅閣], Accord (Honda brand Japanese car model)
        yǎliàng, magnanimity/tolerance/high capacity for drinking
        sùyǎ, simple yet elegant
        yǎrén, poetic individual/person of refined temperament
        Ōuláiyǎ, [歐萊雅], L'Oréal (French cosmetics company)
        yǎhào, [雅號], refined appelation/(humor) sb's elegant monicker/(hon.) your esteemed name
        Yēgēníyǎ, Jechoniah or Jeconiah (son of Josiah)
        yǎsúgòngshǎng, [雅俗共賞], can be enjoyed by scholars and lay-people alike (idiom)
        Yǎěrtǎ, [雅爾塔], Yalta
        wēnyǎ, [溫雅], gentle/refined

        zuò, seat/base/stand/CL:個|个[gè]/classifier for buildings, mountains and similar immov...
        zuòwèi, seat/CL:個|个[gè]
        hòuzuò, [後座], empress's throne/(fig.) first place in a feminine competition, back seat/pillion
        zàizuò, to be present
        xīngzuò, constellation/astrological sign/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        Lièhùzuò, [獵戶座], Orion (constellation)
        jiǎngzuò, [講座], a course of lectures/CL:個|个[gè]
        zuòyǐ, seat
        zuòyòumíng, [座右銘], motto/maxim
        bǎozuò, [寶座], throne
        chāzuò, socket/outlet
        zuòjī, [座機], fixed phone/private plane
        rùzuò, to seat (sb in a restaurant etc)/to take one's seat
        zuòbiāo, [座標], see 坐標|坐标[zuò biāo]
        zuòtánhuì, [座談會], conference/symposium/rap session
        màizuò, [賣座], (of a movie, show etc) to attract large audiences
        dǐzuò, base/pedestal/foundation
        Yínzuò, [銀座], Ginza (district in Tokyo)
        Shīzizuò, [獅子座], Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        zuòtán, [座談], to have an informal discussion/CL:次[cì],個|个[gè]
        Shuāngzǐzuò, [雙子座], Gemini (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        Tiānxiēzuò, [天蠍座], Scorpio or Scorpius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        mǎnzuò, [滿座], fully booked/every seat taken
        Tiānchèngzuò, Libra (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        Jīnniúzuò, Taurus (constellation and sign of the zodiac)
        zuòwúxūxí, [座無虛席], lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacity crowd/standing room only
        jīzuò, underlay/foundation/pedestal
        ràngzuò, [讓座], to give up one's seat for sb
        luòzuò, to sit down/to take a seat
        Xiānhòuzuò, Cassiopeia (constellation)
        kèzuòjiàoshòu, visiting professor/guest professor
        yǎzuò, (restaurant etc) private room/booth/comfortable seating
        zuòcāng, [座艙], cockpit/cabin
        Dàxióngzuò, Ursa Major, the Great Bear (constellation)
        zuòluò, to be situated/located at (of building)/also written 坐落[zuò luò]
        línzuò, [鄰座], person in next seat/adjacent seat/neighbor
        yìngzuò, hard seat (on trains or boats)
        zuòshàngkè, guest of honor
        gāopéngmǎnzuò, [高朋滿座], surrounded by distinguished friends (idiom); in company
        shàngzuò, seat of honor
        Xiǎoxióngzuò, Ursa Minor (constellation)
        zuòzi, pedestal/plinth/saddle
        zuòzhōng, [座鐘], desk clock
        zuòhào, [座號], seat number
        Tiānyīngzuò, [天鷹座], Aquila (constellation)
        táizuò, pedestal

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