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[驅趕] qūgǎn to drive (vehicle)
to drive out
to chase away
to herd (people towards a gate)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        qūzhú, [驅逐], to expel/to deport/banishment
        qū, [敺]/[駈]/[驅], variant of 驅|驱[qū], old variant of 驅|驱[qū], to expel/to urge on/to drive/to run ...
使         qūshǐ, [驅使], to urge/to prompt/to spur on/to order sb about
        qūdòng, [驅動], to drive/to propel/drive (vehicle wheel)/drive mechanism (tape or disk)/device d...
        xiānqū, [先驅], pioneer
        qūsàn, [驅散], to disperse/to break up
        qūgǎn, [驅趕], to drive (vehicle)/to drive out/to chase away/to herd (people towards a gate)
        qūchú, [驅除], to drive off/to dispel/to expel
        qūzhújiàn, [驅逐艦], destroyer (warship)
        qūdòngqì, [驅動器], drive
        bìngjiàqíqū, [並駕齊驅], to run neck and neck/to keep pace with/to keep abreast of/on a par with one anot...
        xiānqūzhě, [先驅者], pioneer
        qūxié, [驅邪], to drive out devils/exorcism
        chángqūzhírù, [長驅直入], to march straight in unchallenged (military) (idiom)/(fig.) to push deep into th...
        qūdònglì, [驅動力], driving force
        qiánqū, [前驅], precursor/pioneer
        guāngqū, [光驅], CD or DVD Drive/abbr. for 光盤驅動器|光盘驱动器
        qūhán, [驅寒], to warm oneself/to expel the cold (TCM)

        gǎn, [趕], to overtake/to catch up with/to hurry/to rush/to try to catch (the bus etc)/to d...
        gǎnkuài, [趕快], at once/immediately
        gǎnjǐn, [趕緊], hurriedly/without delay
        gǎnshàng, [趕上], to keep up with/to catch up with/to overtake/to chance upon/in time for
        gǎndào, [趕到], to hurry (to some place)
        gǎnzǒu, [趕走], to drive out/to turn back
        gǎnlái, [趕來], to rush over
        zhuīgǎn, [追趕], to pursue/to chase after/to accelerate/to catch up with/to overtake
        gǎnlù, [趕路], to hasten on with one's journey/to hurry on
        gǎnwǎng, [趕往], to hurry to (somewhere)
        qūgǎn, [驅趕], to drive (vehicle)/to drive out/to chase away/to herd (people towards a gate)
        gǎnpǎo, [趕跑], to drive away/to force out/to repel
        gǎnjìnshājué, [趕盡殺絕], to kill to the last one (idiom)/to exterminate/to eradicate/ruthless
        gǎnbùjí, [趕不及], not enough time (to do sth)/too late (to do sth)
        gǎnchāo, [趕超], to overtake
        gǎndéjí, [趕得及], there is still time (to do sth)/to be able to do sth in time/to be able to make ...
        yíngtóugǎnshàng, [迎頭趕上], to try hard to catch up
        gǎnfù, [趕赴], to hurry/to rush
        gǎnshímáo, [趕時髦], to keep up with the latest fashion
        gǎnzǎo, [趕早], as soon as possible/at the first opportunity/the sooner the better/before it's t...
        gǎnmáng, [趕忙], to hurry/to hasten/to make haste
        gǎnchē, [趕車], to drive a cart
        gǎnjí, [趕集], to go to market/to go to a fair
        nǐzhuīwǒgǎn, [你追我趕], friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate

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