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qīnlüè invasion

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Word Compounds

        rùqīn, to invade
        qīnfàn, to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/to assault
        qīnrù, to make (military) incursions/to invade/to intrude into/to trespass/to gain unau...
        qīnlüè, invasion/encroachment
        qīnshí, [侵蝕], to erode/to corrode
        qīnhài, to encroach on/to infringe on
        qīnxí, [侵襲], to invade/to assail/onslaught
        qīnzhàn, [侵佔], to invade and occupy (territory)
        qīn, to invade/to encroach/to infringe/to approach
        qīnlüèzhě, aggressors/invaders
        qīnquán, [侵權], to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement
        qīnrǎo, [侵擾], to invade and harass
        qīntūn, to annex/to swallow (up)/to embezzle
        qīnlüèjūn, [侵略軍], invading army
        qīnHuá, [侵華], to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan)

        cèlüè, strategy/tactics/crafty/adroit
        hūlüè, to neglect/to overlook/to ignore
        zhànlüè, [戰略], strategy
        lüè, [畧], plan/strategy/outline/summary/slightly/rather/to rob/to plunder/to summarize/to ...
        qīnlüè, invasion/encroachment
        shěnglüè, to leave out/an omission
        lǐnglüè, [領略], to have a taste of/to realize/to appreciate
        Jiālìlüè, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Italian scientist
        qīnlüèzhě, aggressors/invaders
        cūlüè, rough (not precise or accurate)/cursory
        lüèwēi, a little bit/slightly
        lüèzhīyīèr, slight knowledge of sth/to know very little about a subject/a smattering
        lüèdài, [略帶], having slightly/somewhat carrying
        jiǎnlüè, [簡略], simple/brief
        zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
        shěnglüèhào, [省略號], ellipsis (punct.)
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        móulüè, [謀略], stratagem/strategy/resourcefulness
        lüèqù, to omit/to delete/to leave out/to neglect/to skip over
        zhuànlüè, [傳略], biographical sketch
        qīnlüèjūn, [侵略軍], invading army
        lüèshèngyīchóu, [略勝一籌], slightly better/a cut above
        Āndàlüèshěng, Ontario province, Canada
        lüètú, [略圖], sketch/sketch map/thumbnail picture
        dàlüè, a broad outline/the general idea/roughly
        lüèlüè, slightly/roughly/briefly/very generally
        lüèyǔ, [略語], abbreviation
        lüèdú, [略讀], to read cursorily/to skim through
        yàolüè, roughly/outline/summary

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