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[南極] nánjí south pole

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Word Compounds

        Nán/nán, surname Nan, south
        nánfāng, south/the southern part of the country/the South
        Yuènán, Vietnam/Vietnamese
        nánbù, southern part
        nánguā, pumpkin
        zhǐnán, to guide/guidebook
        nánbian, [南邊], south/south side/southern part/to the south of
        Bùkǎnnán, Buchanan (surname)
西         xīnán, southwest
        NánMěi, South America
        Nánfēi, South Africa
        nánjí, [南極], south pole
        nánmiàn, south side/south
        Nánxī, Nancy
        zhǐnánzhēn, [指南針], compass
        Nánjīng, Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏/...
        dōngnán, [東南], southeast
        Nánhán, [南韓], South Korea
        Nánměizhōu, South America
        nánběi, north and south/north to south
西         xīnánbù, southwest part
        Dōngnányà, [東南亞], Southeast Asia
        dōngnánbù, [東南部], southeast part
        yǐnán, to the south of (suffix)
        Nánsīlāfū, Yugoslavia, 1943-1992
        Nánjízhōu, [南極洲], Antarctica
        nánduān, southern end or extremity
        Jiāngnán, south of Changjiang or Yangtze river/south of the lower reaches of Changjiang/of...
        NánDákētāzhōu, [南達科他州], South Dakota, US state
        Nánbànqiú, Southern Hemisphere
        NánKǎluóláinà, [南卡羅來納], South Carolina, US state
        NánHǎi, South China Sea
        Nángōng, [南宮], Nangong county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xíng tái], Hebei
        nánwěi, [南緯], latitude south
        nánYà, [南亞], southern Asia
        zhōngnánbù, south central region
        Húnán, Hunan province in south central China, abbr. 湘, capital Changsha 長沙|长沙[Cháng shā...
        Nánshān, Nanshan or Namsan, common place name/Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guan...
        Nánchéng, Nancheng county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
        náncè, [南側], south side/south face
        Nánān, Nan'an county level city in Quanzhou 泉州[Quán zhōu], Fujian
        JiāngnánQū, [江南區], Jiangnan District of Nanning city 南寧市|南宁市[Nán níng Shì], Guangxi/Gangnam Distric...
        Sūlǐnán, [蘇里南], Suriname
        Nányáng, Southeast Asia/South seas
        nányuánběizhé, [南轅北轍], to act in a way that defeats one's purpose (idiom)
西         dōngxīnánběi, [東西南北], east west south north
        NánŌu, [南歐], Southern Europe
        Ānnán, Annam (Tang Dynasty protectorate located in what is now northern Vietnam)/Annam ...
        Dàjiāngnánběi, north and south sides of the Yangtze River (idiom)/(fig.) all over China
        Jiānán, Canaan (in Biblical Palestine)
线         Nánhuíguīxiàn, [南回歸線], Tropic of Capricorn
        Quánnán, Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
        Hénán, Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. 豫, capital Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zhèng ...
        Nántōng, Nantong prefecture level city in Jiangsu
        Nántè, Nantes (city in France)
        Nánkāi, [南開], Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tiān jīn shì]
        nánxià, to go down south
        Nánjīngshì, Nanjing subprovincial city on the Changjiang, capital of Jiangsu province 江蘇|江苏/...
        XīnNánWēiěrshì, [新南威爾士], New South Wales, southeast Australian state
        Nánbīngyáng, Southern Ocean
        Jǐnán, [濟南], Jinan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China
        Āiěrnándésī, [埃爾南德斯], Hernández (name)
        NánjīngDàtúshā, [南京大屠殺], the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-38
        HúnánShěng, Hunan Province in south central China, abbr. 湘[Xiāng], capital Changsha 長沙|长沙[Ch...
        HǎinánDǎo, [海南島], Hainan Island in South China Sea
        Nánshānqū, [南山區], Nanshan district of Shenzhen City 深圳市, Guangdong/Nanshan district of Hegang city...
        NánBěicháo, Northern and Southern dynasties (420-589)
        Shānnán, Lhokha prefecture of Tibet, Tibetan: Lho kha
        zǒunánchuǎngběi, [走南闖北], to travel extensively
        Quánluónándào, [全羅南道], South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guāng zhōu]
        tiānnándìběi, distant places/all over the country/(to talk) about this and that
        Hǎinán, Hainan Province, in the South China Sea, short name 瓊|琼[Qióng], capital Haikou 海...
        Nánàn, Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan
        NánHuá/nánhuá, [南華], South China/Nanhua county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[C...
        Nánxiàn, [南縣], southern county/Nan county in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yì yáng], Hunan
·         Kēnán·Dàoěr, [柯南·道爾], Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), author of the Sherlock Holmes stories 歇洛克·福爾...
        Nántiānmén, [南天門], The Southern Heavenly Gates/a name for a mountain pass gate in several places

        jíle, [極了], extremely/exceedingly
        jí, [極], extremely/pole (geography, physics)/utmost/top
        jījí, [積極], active/energetic/vigorous/positive (outlook)/proactive
        jídù, [極度], extremely
        jíduān, [極端], extreme
        jíqí, [極其], extremely
        zhōngjí, [終極], ultimate/final
        jíxiàn, [極限], limit/extreme boundary
        jídà, [極大], maximum/enormous
        zhìjí, [至極], very/extremely
        xiāojí, [消極], negative/passive/inactive
        běijí, [北極], the North Pole/the Arctic Pole/the north magnetic pole
        jíwéi, [極為], extremely/exceedingly
        jípǐn, [極品], best quality/item of the highest quality/(slang) outrageous/annoying in the extr...
        nánjí, [南極], south pole
        jílì, [極力], to make a supreme effort/at all costs
        jídiǎn, [極點], extreme point/pole/the origin (in polar coordinates)
        běijíxióng, [北極熊], polar bear
        jízhì, [極致], peak/pinnacle/ultimate
        diànjí, [電極], electrode
        Tàijí, [太極], the Absolute or Supreme Ultimate, the source of all things according to some int...
        Nánjízhōu, [南極洲], Antarctica
        jídì, [極地], polar region
        zuìdàèjí, [罪大惡極], guilty of terrible crimes (idiom)/reprehensible
        běijíguāng, [北極光], Northern lights/aurora borealis
        Běijíxīng, [北極星], North Star/Polaris
        liǎngjí, [兩極], the two poles/the north and south poles/both ends of sth/electric or magnetic po...
        Běijíquān, [北極圈], Arctic Circle
        jíguāng, [極光], aurora (astronomy)
        jījíxìng, [積極性], zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity
        dēngfēngzàojí, [登峰造極], to reach great heights (in technical skills or scholastic achievements)
        zhèngjí, [正極], positive pole
        hóngjíyīshí, [紅極一時], tremendously popular for a while
        jíxíng, [極刑], supreme penalty/execution
        jíxìng, [極性], chemical polarity
        tàijíquán, [太極拳], shadowboxing or Taiji, T'aichi or T'aichichuan/traditional form of physical exer...
        jíquán, [極權], totalitarian
        jíquánzhǔyì, [極權主義], totalitarianism
        cíjí, [磁極], magnetic pole
        yīnjí, [陰極], cathode/negative electrode (i.e. emitting electrons)
        fùjí, [負極], negative pole/cathode
        dānjí, [單極], unipolar/monopole (physics)
        jījífènzǐ, [積極分子], enthusiast/(political) activist
        wùjíbìfǎn, [物極必反], when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idio...
        jíhuà, [極化], polarization
        lèjíshēngbēi, [樂極生悲], extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could stil...
        èrjíguǎn, [二極管], diode/vacuum tube
        yángjí, [陽極], anode/positive electrode/positive pole
        shèngjíyīshí, [盛極一時], all the rage for a time/grand fashion for a limited time
        shānjí, [柵極], grid (in vacuum tubes)/gate (terminal of a field-effect transistor)
        jíyòuyì, [極右翼], extreme right (politics)

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