原 ⇒
原因 yuányīn, cause/origin/root cause/reason/CL:個|个[gè]
原谅 yuánliàng, [原諒], to excuse/to forgive/to pardon
原来 yuánlái, [原來], original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so, actually, as it turns out
原 Yuán/yuán, Hara (Japanese surname), former/original/primary/raw/level/cause/source
原则 yuánzé, [原則], principle/doctrine/CL:個|个[gè]
原本 yuánběn, originally/original
原始 yuánshǐ, first/original/primitive/original (document etc)
原地 yuándì, (in) the original place/the place where one currently is/place of origin/local (...
原告 yuángào, complainant/plaintiff
复原 fùyuán, [復原], to restore (sth) to (its) former condition/to recover from illness/recovery
原先 yuánxiān, originally/original/former
原子弹 yuánzǐdàn, [原子彈], atom bomb/atomic bomb/A-bomb
原理 yuánlǐ, principle/theory
原料 yuánliào, raw material/CL:個|个[gè]
原样 yuányàng, [原樣], original shape/the same as before
草原 cǎoyuán, grassland/prairie/CL:片[piàn]
原子 yuánzǐ, atom/atomic
原型 yuánxíng, model/prototype/archetype
平原 píngyuán, field/plain/CL:個|个[gè]
原意 yuányì, original meaning/original intention
还原 huányuán, [還原], to restore to the original state/to reconstruct (an event)/reduction (chemistry)
病原体 bìngyuántǐ, [病原體], (med.) pathogen
原形 yuánxíng, original shape/true appearance (under the disguise)/true character
原状 yuánzhuàng, [原狀], previous condition/original state
原版 原件 yuánjiàn, the original/original document/master copy
高原 gāoyuán, plateau/CL:片[piàn]
原有 yuányǒu, original/former
原点 yuándiǎn, [原點], origin (math.)/origin of coordinates
原文 yuánwén, original text
原定 yuándìng, originally planned/originally determined
原罪 yuánzuì, original sin
原油 yuányóu, crude oil
江原道 Jiāngyuándào, Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon province of North Korea/...
原野 yuányě, plain/open country
原著 yuánzhù, original work (not translation or abridged)
物归原主 wùguīyuánzhǔ, [物歸原主], to return something to its rightful owner
抗原 kàngyuán, antigen
原稿 yuángǎo, manuscript/original copy
原型机 原封不动 yuánfēngbùdòng, [原封不動], sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched
荒原 huāngyuán, wasteland
水原 Shuǐyuán, Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province 京畿道[Jīng jī dào], South Korea
衣原 原位 yuánwèi, original position/(in) the same place/normal position/the place where one curren...
情有可原 qíngyǒukěyuán, pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)
原貌 yuánmào, the original form
原话 原处 yuánchù, [原處], original spot/previous place/where it was before
原子能 yuánzǐnéng, atomic energy
原汁原味 yuánzhīyuánwèi, original/authentic
原木 yuánmù, logs
原装 yuánzhuāng, [原裝], genuine/intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)
原原本本 yuányuánběnběn, from beginning to end/in its entirety/in accord with fact/literal
原委 yuánwěi, the whole story
亚原子 yàyuánzǐ, [亞原子], subatomic
原力 原价 原材料 yuáncáiliào, raw materials/unprocessed materials
原名 yuánmíng, original name
原生 yuánshēng, original/primary/native/indigenous/proto-/stock (firmware)
葛原依子 原作 yuánzuò, original works/original text/original author
原子核 yuánzǐhé, atomic nucleus
燎原 liáoyuán, to start a prairie fire
藤原 Téngyuán, Fujiwara (Japanese surname)
原判 原动力 yuándònglì, [原動力], motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent
原教旨主义 树原 小原 病原菌 bìngyuánjūn, a pathogen/a bacterial pathogen
过敏原 guòmǐnyuán, [過敏原], allergen/anaphylactogen
原产地 yuánchǎndì, [原產地], original source/place of origin/provenance
叶原 中原 Zhōngyuán, Central Plain, the middle and lower regions of the Yellow river, including Henan...
原址 yuánzhǐ, original location
原生态 苔原 原子结构 原籍 yuánjí, ancestral home (town)/birthplace
原班人马 yuánbānrénmǎ, [原班人馬], original cast/former team
原由 yuányóu, variant of 緣由|缘由[yuán yóu]
原田 Yuántián, Harada (Japanese surname)
原则性 yuánzéxìng, [原則性], principled
原配 原子钟 yuánzǐzhōng, [原子鐘], atomic clock
原色 yuánsè, primary color
树原亮 原封 原告席 吴原 原生质 yuánshēngzhì, [原生質], protoplasm
病原 bìngyuán, cause of disease/pathogen
筱原 原素 原物 原十兵 冰原 糖原 tángyuán, glycogen
原子量 yuánzǐliàng, atomic weight/atomic mass
原子尘 原子笔 yuánzǐbǐ, [原子筆], ballpoint pen/also written 圓珠筆|圆珠笔
原主 还原剂 huányuánjì, [還原劑], reducing agent
原战虎 欧原欣 关原 币原 原酒 原虫 燎原之势 江原 疟原虫 nüèyuánchóng, [瘧原蟲], plasmodium (malaria parasite)
松原 Sōngyuán, Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
卜原 三原 Sānyuán, Sanyuan County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xián yáng], Shaanxi
原盖加 太原 Tàiyuán, Taiyuan prefecture level city and capital of Shanxi province 山西省 in central nort...
大原 荻原 原始社会 yuánshǐshèhuì, [原始社會], primitive society
三原色 石原聪 福原 兰普平原 钱原 原诗中 中原区 ZhōngyuánQū, [中原區], Zhongyuan District of Zhengzhou City 鄭州市|郑州市[Zhèng zhōu Shì], Henan
田原 原平 Yuánpíng, Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
原义 yuányì, [原義], original meaning
原人 yuánrén, prehistoric man/primitive man
原浆 原案 原故 yuángù, variant of 緣故|缘故[yuán gù]
木原 神经原 shénjīngyuán, [神經原], neuron/also written 神經元|神经元
初原 本原 郑原俊 宋原朝
位 ⇒
位 wèi, position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifier for bi...
各位 gèwèi, everybody/all (guests, colleagues etc)/all of you
位置 wèizhi, position/place/seat/CL:個|个[gè]
座位 zuòwèi, seat/CL:個|个[gè]
职位 zhíwèi, [職位], post/office/position
位子 wèizi, place/seat
地位 dìwèi, position/status/place/CL:個|个[gè]
定位 dìngwèi, to orientate/to position/to categorize (as)/to characterize (as)/positioning/pos...
单位 dānwèi, [單位], unit (of measure)/unit (group of people as a whole)/work unit (place of employme...
位于 wèiyú, [位於], to be located at/to be situated at/to lie
学位 xuéwèi, [學位], academic degree/place in school
那位 部位 bùwèi, position/place
岗位 gǎngwèi, [崗位], a post/a job
各就各位 gèjiùgèwèi, (of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/(athletics) On your mark...
方位 fāngwèi, direction/points of the compass/bearing/position/azimuth
到位 dàowèi, to get to the intended location/to be in place/to be in position/precise/well (d...
品位 pǐnwèi, rank/grade/quality/(aesthetic) taste
就位 诸位 zhūwèi, [諸位], (pron) everyone/Ladies and Gentlemen/Sirs
王位 wángwèi, title of king/kingship
席位 xíwèi, a seat (in a theater, stadium etc)/parliamentary or congressional seat
车位 chēwèi, [車位], parking spot/unloading point/garage place/stand for taxi
同位素 tóngwèisù, isotope
空位 kōngwèi, empty place/room (for sb)
停车位 床位 chuángwèi, bed (in hospital, hotel, train etc)/berth/bunk
全方位 quánfāngwèi, all around/omnidirectional/complete/holistic/comprehensive
定位器 机位 归位 guīwèi, [歸位], to put sth back where it belongs/to return to the original position/to return to...
错位 cuòwèi, [錯位], to misplace/displacement (e.g. of broken bones)/out of alignment/faulty contact/...
摊位 tānwèi, [攤位], vendor's booth
让位 ràngwèi, [讓位], to abdicate/to yield
换位 水位 shuǐwèi, water level
价位 jiàwèi, [價位], price level
下位 原位 yuánwèi, original position/(in) the same place/normal position/the place where one curren...
复位 fùwèi, [復位], to restore sb or sth to its original position/to regain the throne/to reset (a d...
退位 tuìwèi, to abdicate
高位 gāowèi, high position/eminent status/top job/raised position/upper (limbs)/a high (i.e. ...
铺位 pùwèi, [鋪位], bunk/berth
位居 wèijū, to be located at
座位表 站位 继位 jìwèi, [繼位], to succeed to the throne
三位一体 SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
穴位 xuéwèi, acupuncture point
爵位 juéwèi, order of feudal nobility, namely: Duke 公[gōng], Marquis 侯[hóu], Count 伯[bó], Vis...
数位 shùwèi, [數位], digital
移位 yíwèi, to shift/shift/translocation/displacement/(medicine) dislocation
等位 děngwèi, (physics) equipotential
胎位 上位 shàngwèi, seat of honor/person in a high-ranking position/to be promoted to a more senior ...
坐位 位移 wèiyí, displacement (vector)
皇位 huángwèi, the title of Emperor
双学位 shuāngxuéwèi, [雙學位], dual degree (academic)
脱位 位列 wèiliè, to rank
首位 shǒuwèi, first place
舱位 cāngwèi, [艙位], shipping space/cabin berth/cabin seat
篡位 cuànwèi, to seize the throne
越位 yuèwèi, offside (sports)
展位 zhǎnwèi, relative position of exhibition booth/allocated floor space for display stall/al...
定位仪 船位 chuánwèi, ship's position
定位球 低位 低价位 即位 jíwèi, to succeed to the throne/accession
哨位 工位 泊位 bówèi, berth
权位 quánwèi, [權位], power and position (politics)
一步到位 yībùdàowèi, to settle a matter in one go
吨位 dūnwèi, [噸位], tonnage
易位 进位 炮位 区位 qūwèi, [區位], location/geographical position/position on a grid or spreadsheet, where 區|区 deno...
位数 名位 míngwèi, fame and position/official rank
段位 duànwèi, rank/class/(Japanese martial arts and board games) dan
客位 在位 zàiwèi, on the throne/reigning (monarch)
排位 个位 gèwèi, [個位], the units place (or column) in the decimal system
方位图 方位角 fāngwèijiǎo, azimuth
灵位 língwèi, [靈位], memorial tablet
位次 wèicì, place (in numbered sequence)/degree on employment scale
音位 yīnwèi, phoneme
牌位 páiwèi, memorial tablet
官位 guānwèi, official post
相位差 xiàngwèichā, phase difference
神位 shénwèi, spirit tablet/ancestral tablet
本位 běnwèi, standard/one's own department or unit
电位 diànwèi, [電位], electric potential/voltage
二进位 帝位 dìwèi, imperial throne